Uncontaminated Water definition

Uncontaminated Water means water to which no matter has been added as a consequence of its use, or to modify its use, by any person;
Uncontaminated Water means clean water unmixed with and free of any foreign matter whatsoever.
Uncontaminated Water means any water excluding stormwater but including cooling water, condensed water and water from municipal waterworks or a private water supply to which no contaminant has been added as a consequence of its use, or to modify its use by any person.

Examples of Uncontaminated Water in a sentence

  • Uncontaminated: Water used for cooling purposes only which has no direct contact with any raw material, intermediate, or final product and which does not contain a level of contaminants detectably higher than that of the intake water.

  • For the purpose of the administration of this By-law, a Person appointed by the City may, upon production of identification, enter any Premises on which the City supplies Sewage, Stormwater or Land Drainage Works services, to inspect, observe, investigate, install metering equipment, conduct tests, measure the flow of Sewage, Stormwater or Uncontaminated Water to any Sewer Works and to collect any sample as required.

  • The Registered Owner or operator of Industrial, commercial or institutional premises shall install and maintain in good repair in each Private Sewer Connection a suitable Monitoring Access Point to allow observation, sampling and flow measurement of the Wastewater, Uncontaminated Water or storm water therein where installation of a Monitoring Access Point is not possible, an alternative device or facility may be substituted with the prior written approval of the City.

  • No person shall discharge or allow or cause to be discharged into a Storm Sewer owned or otherwise under the control or jurisdiction of the District, any substance except Storm Water, Uncontaminated Water and water from the provision of municipal services such as street flushing and fire extinguishing activities.

  • Only Sewage of human origin, non-hazardous Liquid Industrial Waste, Leachate, grey water, Uncontaminated Water and Stormwater origin will be accepted as per requirements of the Operating Authority and this By-law.

More Definitions of Uncontaminated Water

Uncontaminated Water means potable water or any other water to which no matter has been added as a consequence of its use;
Uncontaminated Water means potable water as supplied by the municipality or any other water to which no matter has been added as a consequence of its use, or to modify its use.
Uncontaminated Water means water with a level of quality which is typical of potable water normally supplied by the City or whose quality does not exceed the values in "Table 2 - Limits for Storm Sewer Discharge";
Uncontaminated Water means Water not containing any Contaminants restricted or prohibited by the effluent standards in effect, or Water the Discharge of which will not cause any violation of receiving Water quality standards.
Uncontaminated Water means Potable Water as supplied by the County or any other water with a level of quality that is typical of Potable Water to which no matter has been added as a consequence of its use;
Uncontaminated Water means any water excluding stormwater but including cooling water, condensed water and water from municipal waterworks or a private water supply to which no contaminant has been added, and does not contain chlorine or chloramine.
Uncontaminated Water means water with a level of quality which is typical of potable water normally supplied by the Region;