TRR CALCULATION means, as of the Determination Date, the quotient of (i) the sum of (A) the total amount of dividends per share of Common Stock declared and paid from January 1, 2001 through the Determination Date and (B) the net gain or loss per share on the Common Stock between the Base Price and the relevant Determination Price divided by (ii) the Base Price. For the purpose of determining the amount of dividends per share of Common Stock, all dividends on a share of Common Stock shall be assumed to be invested in additional shares of Common Stock ("Deemed Purchase Shares") at the per-share closing price one trading day prior to the dividend payment date. Such Deemed Purchase Shares shall be deemed to generate additional dividends, at the same time and at the same rate as dividends are paid on actual shares of Common Stock (and such deemed dividends shall be deemed invested in additional Deemed Purchase Shares). All such dividends, actual and deemed, paid through the Determination Date are included in the TRR Calculation.
TRR CALCULATION means, as of the Determination Date, the quotient of (i) the sum of (A) the total amount of dividends per share of


  • The calculation date means the first date on which the purchasers of ordinary shares of the Company shall not be granted the rights to receive the dividend payment (the first date that the SET posts XD sign).

  • Rate Calculation Date means the day which is two Rate Calculation Business Days before the due date of the relevant amount under these Conditions;

  • FX Calculation Date means each day on which FX is published by the Fixing Sponsor. "FX Call Event" means each of the following events:

  • Rate Calculation Business Day means a day (other than a Saturday or Sunday) on which commercial banks are open for general business (including dealings in foreign exchange) in Hong Kong and New York City;

  • Fixed Rate Calculation Date means, for any Subsequent Fixed Rate Period, the 30th day prior to the first day of such Subsequent Fixed Rate Period.

  • RMB Rate Calculation Date means the day which is two RMB Rate Calculation Business Days before the due date for payment of the relevant Renminbi amount under the Conditions.

  • Recalculation Date means the Valuation Date that gives rise to the dispute under Paragraph 5; provided, however, that if a subsequent Valuation Date occurs under Paragraph 3 prior to the resolution of the dispute, then the “Recalculation Date” means the most recent Valuation Date under Paragraph 3.

  • Calculation Rate For each Distribution Date, in the case of the Class A and Class B Interests, the product of (i) 10 and (ii) the weighted average rate of the outstanding Class A and Class B Interests, treating each Class A Interest as capped at zero or reduced by a fixed percentage of 100% of the interest accruing on such Class.

  • Calculation Amount means the amount specified as such on the face of any Note, or if no such amount is so specified, the Denomination Amount of such Note as shown on the face thereof;

  • Interest Calculation Date if applicable, shall have the meaning set forth in the Series Term Sheet.

  • Interest Calculation Period means the interest calculation period set out or referred to in item 5(d) of the Mortgage Form;

  • Floating Rate Calculation Date means, for any Quarterly Floating Rate Period, the 30th day prior to the first day of such Quarterly Floating Rate Period.

  • RMB Rate Calculation Business Day means a day (other than a Saturday or Sunday) on which commercial banks are open for general business (including dealings in foreign exchange) in Hong Kong and in New York City.

  • Index Calculation Agent means Bank Vontobel AG, Gotthardstrasse 43, 8002 Zurich, Switzerland. "Index Calculation Day" means every day from Monday to Friday.

  • Redemption Calculation Date means the sixth Payment Business Day prior to the date on which the Notes are redeemed as a result of any event specified in this § 5(3).(b) Notice of redemption shall be given by the Issuer to the Holders in accordance with § 14 and shall be delivered to the Fiscal Agent not less than 15 days before and shall at least specify:

  • Estimated Adjustment Amount has the meaning set forth in Section 2.8(a).

  • Calculation Day means any Index Business Day during the Calculation Period on which a Market Disruption Event has not occurred.

  • RMB Rate Calculation Agent means the agent appointed from time to time by the Issuer for the determination of the RMB Spot Rate or identified as such in the relevant Final Terms.

  • Reconciliation Amount has the meaning given to it in paragraph 9.9 of Schedule 9.1 (Financial and Other Consequences of Change);

  • Reset Determination Date means, in respect of the First Reset Period, the second Business Day prior to the First Reset Date, in respect of the first Subsequent Reset Period, the second Business Day prior to the Second Reset Date and, in respect of each Subsequent Reset Period thereafter, the second Business Day prior to the first day of each such Subsequent Reset Period;

  • True-Up Adjustment means any Semi-Annual True-Up Adjustment or Interim True-Up Adjustment, as the case may be.

  • Monthly Report Determination Date The meaning specified in Section 10.7(a).

  • Net Adjustment Amount means an amount, which may be positive or negative, equal to the Closing Net Working Capital as finally determined pursuant to this Section 2.9 minus the Preliminary Net Working Capital as set forth on the Preliminary Closing Statement;

  • Calculation Date means each day on which the Reference Price is published by the Index Sponsor or the Index Calculation Agent, as the case may be.

  • Material Project EBITDA Adjustments means, with respect to each Material Project: