Examples of Taxes in a sentence
The Party understands that all tax returns required by the Internal Revenue Code and the State of Vermont, including but not limited to income, withholding, sales and use, and rooms and meals, must be filed by the Party, and information as to Agreement income will be provided by the State of Vermont to the Internal Revenue Service and the Vermont Department of Taxes.
Party understands that final payment under this Agreement may be withheld if the Commissioner of Taxes determines that the Party is not in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all taxes due to the State of Vermont.
It is Contractor’s responsibility to contact the Vermont Department of Taxes to determine if, by law, Contractor is required to have a Vermont Department of Taxes Business Account Number.
It is the Contractor’s responsibility to contact the Vermont Department of Taxes to determine if, by law, the Contractor is required to have a Vermont Department of Taxes Business Account Number.
Taxes, customs, and tariffs on commodities or contractual services purchased under the Contract will not be assessed against the Customer or Department unless authorized by Florida law.