Supplemental Report definition

Supplemental Report means a Supplemental Report delivered by the Issuer to Treasury pursuant to the Definitive Agreement.
Supplemental Report means have the meaning assigned thereto in Section 3.12(d).
Supplemental Report means a report, whether by the same or another reporter, pertaining to the same incident currently under investigation, which involves the same subjects and same alleged maltreatments, but improves upon what is already known, such as providing a better address, corrected spelling of names, or other collateral contacts. These reports do not always require additional investigative activity, however upon review may warrant action.

Examples of Supplemental Report in a sentence

  • If necessary, a Supplemental Report may be used to submit revised or additional information after the completed report is submitted, by submitting the revised or additional information on an updated “Privacy Incident Report” form.

More Definitions of Supplemental Report

Supplemental Report means have the meaning assigned thereto in Section 4.02(a).
Supplemental Report means the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the Fiscal Year ending December 31, 2004, containing audited financial statements required to be filed with the Commission pursuant to the Exchange Act for the Fiscal Year ending on December 31, 2004."
Supplemental Report means the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the Fiscal Year ending December 31, 2004, containing audited financial statements required to be filed with the Commission pursuant to the Exchange Act for the Fiscal Year ending on December 31, 2004.”
Supplemental Report means a Supplemental Report delivered by the Issuer to Treasury pursuant to the Definitive Agreement. (rr) “Tier 1 Dividend Threshold” means, as of any particular date, the result of the following formula:
Supplemental Report means a Supplemental Report delivered by (A) PlainsCapital, if the ending date of the period covered by the Supplemental Report is on or before the Merger Closing Date, and (B) the Issuer, if the ending date of the period covered by the Supplemental Report is after the Merger Closing Date, in each case to Treasury pursuant to the Definitive Agreement.
Supplemental Report means the annual statement filed, in addition to any audit report provided for herein, by all municipalities, except municipalities of less than 800 population which do not own or operate public utilities and do not have bonded debt.
Supplemental Report means the Review of Civil Litigation Costs, Supplemental Report