Submittal Register definition

Submittal Register means a list provided by Contractor of all items to be furnished for review and approval by A/E and Owner and as identified in the Contract Documents including anticipated sequence and submittal dates.
Submittal Register means a list provided by Contractor of all items to be furnished for review and approval by Design Professional and Owner and as identified in the Contract Documents including anticipated sequence and submittal dates.
Submittal Register has the meaning set out in Schedule 5 [Submittals Procedure]; “Submittal Schedule” has the meaning set out in Schedule 5 [Submittals Procedure];

Examples of Submittal Register in a sentence

  • The Contractor shall update the Work Progress Schedule and the Submittal Register monthly, as a minimum, to reflect progress to date and current plans for completing the Work, and submit a paper and electronic copy of the update to the A/E and ODR as directed but as a minimum with each request for payment.

  • Contractor shall update the Work Progress Schedule and the Submittal Register monthly, as a minimum, to reflect progress to date and current plans for completing the Work, while maintaining original schedule as Baseline Schedule and submit paper and electronic copies of the update to A/E and ODR as directed, but as a minimum with each request for payment.

  • Contractor shall update the Work Progress Schedule and the Submittal Register monthly, as a minimum, to reflect progress to date and current plans for completing the Work, while maintaining original schedule as Baseline Schedule and submit electronic copies of the update to Owner and Architect as directed, but as a minimum with each request for payment.

More Definitions of Submittal Register

Submittal Register has the meaning set out in Section 2.8 of this Schedule 5 [Submittals Procedure]; and
Submittal Register has the same meaning as defined in UGC, Section 1.40.

Related to Submittal Register

  • PPS Register means the Personal Property Securities Register established under the PPSA;

  • Branch Register means any branch Register of such category or categories of Members as the Company may from time to time determine.

  • National Registry means the National Registry of Practising Lawyers established under the National Mobility Agreement;

  • Land Register means the Land Register compiled under Division 2 of Part II of the Registered Land Law (2004 Revision);

  • Share Register means the register of Holders maintained on behalf of the Trust by the Auction Agent in its capacity as transfer agent and registrar for the APS.

  • Register has the meaning specified in Section 10.06(c).