State Executive Branch definition

State Executive Branch means every component part of the government of the Commonwealth of Virginia except any component part of the state Legislative or Judicial Branches, the Office of the Lieutenant Governor, the Office of the Attorney General, the State Corporation Commission, the Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission, the State Lottery Department, local governments and their component parts, and the offices of constitutional officers.

Examples of State Executive Branch in a sentence

  • Disclosure of Potential Conflict of Interest by State Executive Branch Officials, Employees, and Others required to file Statements of Financial Interest.

  • The Supreme Court can ban a party for up to six months once an official warning has gone unheeded.

  • Upon issuance, any certificate(s) for Restricted Shares shall be deposited in escrow with the Company to be held in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.

  • Vice-Ministry of Potable Water and Sanitation, VMPS 7The objective of VMPS is to implement sustainable sanitation (potable water, sanitary sewer, composting toilets, solid waste and storm drainage) to allow full access and expansion of services within the integrated management of water resources and solid 7 Source: Supreme Decree No. 29894, 07/02/09Organizational Structure of Multinational State Executive Branch Article 96 - (Powers of the Vice Ministry of Water and Sanitation).waste.

  • Note that effective July 1, 2004, State Executive Branch Agencies are exempt from sales and use tax on direct purchases of items, except electricity and telecommunications services subject to specific conditions.

  • That under Article 24 of the Organizational Law of the State Executive Branch, the state executive branch shall have, among other agencies, the General Secretariat of the Interior for the study, planning, and disposal of administrative matters.

  • Responsive to an increasingly aggressive threat environment, the Council will join a study of the cybersecurity needs of the State Executive Branch, counties, cities, and school districts.92 VI.

  • As the State Executive Branch Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator per Governor’s Administrative Directive12-06, disseminate information to the State Department ADA Coordinators, including but not limited to, staffing meetings of the State ADA Coordinators, maintaining a State ADA Coordinators roster and ADA Coordination website.

  • Class, group and team projects This type of research involves any work or project conducted for academic credit where more than one student is involved.

  • The offeror has not engaged in any unauthorized contact with State Executive Branch officials.If the proposer is a partnership or joint venture, all general partners or venturers of the joint venture must sign.

Related to State Executive Branch

  • State employee means state employee as defined in § 51.1-124.3, employee as defined in

  • Employment office means a free public employment office, or branch thereof, operated by this state or maintained as a part of a state-controlled system of public employment offices.

  • Appropriate office of the State employment service system means the local office of the federal-state national system or public employment offices with assigned responsibility for serving the area where the employment opening is to be filled, including the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.

  • State education agency means the department.

  • Private employer means any person, company, corporation, labor organization or association which employs ten or more persons.

  • AT&T NORTH CAROLINA means the AT&T owned ILEC doing business in North Carolina.

  • Retirement office means the Kentucky Retirement Systems office building in Frankfort;

  • employment zone means an area within Great Britain designated for the purposes of section 60 of the Welfare Reform and Pensions Act 1999 and an “employment zone programme” means a programme established for such an area or areas designed to assist claimants for a jobseeker’s allowance to obtain sustainable employment;

  • the Employment, Skills and Enterprise Scheme means a scheme under section 17A (schemes for assisting persons to obtain employment: “work for your benefit” schemes etc.) of the Jobseekers Act 1995 known by that name and provided pursuant to arrangements made by the Secretary of State that is designed to assist claimants for job-seekers allowance to obtain employment, including self- employment, and which may include for any individual work-related activity (including work experience or job search);

  • Ameren Illinois means Ameren Illinois Company d/b/a Ameren Illinois.

  • Main office means the place of business specified in the articles of association, certificate of authority or similar document, where the business of the institution is carried on and which is not a branch;

  • state enterprise means an enterprise that is governmentally-owned or controlled through ownership interests by a government;

  • local road means a sealed or unsealed road for which the council is the responsible road authority under the Road Management Act 2004

  • Executive Office means such office of the Company as the Directors may from time to time determine to be the principal office of the Company.

  • Delaware LLC Division means the statutory division of any Delaware LLC into two or more Delaware LLCs pursuant to Section 18-217 of the Delaware Limited Liability Company Act.

  • State entity means the department, division, office, bureau, agency, or other organization identified on the Contract Signature Page(s).

  • State elective position means any position held by any

  • Place of employment means an enclosed area under the control of a public or private employer that employees normally frequent during the course of employment, including, but not limited to, work areas, private offices, employee lounges, restrooms, conference rooms, meeting rooms, classrooms, employee cafeterias, hallways, and vehicles. A private residence is not a "place of employment" unless it is used as a child care, adult day care, or health care facility;

  • Registered Clubs Act means the Registered Clubs Act 1976 and any regulation made under the Registered Clubs Act 1976. Any reference to a provision of the Registered Clubs Act includes a reference to the same or similar provision in any legislation replacing, amending or modifying the Registered Clubs Act however that provision may be amended in that legislation.

  • School district of residence means the school district

  • State educational agency means any state educational licensing authority, agency, department, board or commission that provides an approval, certification, exemption or other authorization necessary for a postsecondary institution (whether its main campus, branch campus, additional location, satellite or other facility thereof) to provide postsecondary education in that state including any distance education.

  • Applicable Public Official or State Employee means any public official or state employee described in

  • Records Office means an office of the Company in Nevada, which may but need not be a place of its business, at which it shall keep all records identified in NRS 86.241, except that in lieu of keeping a list of members at the Records Office, the Company may keep a statement with the registered agent, setting forth the name and address of the custodian of such records.

  • AT&T OKLAHOMA means the AT&T owned ILEC doing business in Oklahoma.

  • Commonwealth Citizen means any person who has the status of a Commonwealth citizen under the British Nationality Act 1981, not covered by the ‘UK Nationality’ definition above. This includes British Dependent Territories citizens (other than Gibraltarians), British Overseas citizens, and from 1986 those persons in the category British National (Overseas).

  • AT&T ILLINOIS means the AT&T owned ILEC doing business in Illinois.