Silver Track II application definition

Silver Track II application means the submittal made to the Department by the regulated entity which desires to participate in the Silver Track II tier of the Silver and Gold Track Program for Environmental Performance.

Examples of Silver Track II application in a sentence

  • Selective Comments on Application and Other Explanatory Material Page | 17 Scope of this ISA Securities Offering Documents (Ref: Para 3(b)) A1: We find this to be in direct contradiction to p.3(b).

  • The Annex also shows the comprehensive list of posts where it considered Standard or Enhanced Disclosures should be sought.

  • Dilute limitIn a system of noninteracting vacancies, i.e., the dilute limit, the configurational entropy can be obtained from the ideal mixing entropySideal(y) = —kBNmix[y ln(y) + (1 — y) ln(1 — y)].

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  • Mobile Application means a specialized software program downloaded onto a wireless communication device.