Scan definition

Scan means the complete process of collecting x-ray transmission data for the production of a tomogram. Data can be collected simultaneously during a single scan for the production of one or more tomograms.
Scan means the complete process of collecting X-ray transmission data for the production of a
Scan. “scanned” and “scanning” means copying a document in a manner that captures and preserves in an electronic medium all essential features of the print and picture images on the document and the indexing, routing history, and comment data that becomes associated with the document during transaction processing by BNYM.

Examples of Scan in a sentence

  • EPSCU will mail the relevant criminal record results to the Applicant at the address he or she listed on the Live Scan form, then delete the criminal record results.

  • Contractor or each mover shall be responsible paying the fingerprint processing fee to Live Scan operator.

  • Upon installation, the Green Bit Live Scan Devices will enable automated fingerprint web capture with the TELOS ID DAC system.

  • Third Party Software provided by Provider Quantity & Type of License Describe Purpose, Functionality & Expected Operation of Software • Automated Provides slap fingerprint and automated fingerprint web capture fingerprint web capture, while removing Green Bit Live Scan integrated directly with the need to store PII on local workstations Software, latest Telos ID DAC Web- and eliminates the need for staff to enter version based system for an supporting biographic information unlimited amount of separately.

  • F Certification • Up to 27 frames per second for 4-slaps and up to 25 frames per second for rolled prints acquisition • 12 LEDs rolled fingerprint acquisition • Dimensions 5.8” x 5.9” x 5.8” These five (5) Green Bit DactyScan84c Live Scan Device units will be provided to the County and supported as part of Support and Maintenance Services under this Agreement at no cost to County for the duration of the Agreement.

More Definitions of Scan

Scan means to convert printed text or images to an electronic format compatible with MDEC.
Scan means the operation necessary to produce one image (e.g., front view) from one radiation source. One radiation source simultaneously producing multiple images also constitutes one scan. Two sources simultaneously producing two images constitute two scans. In some cases several scans may be required for a single screening of the subject.
Scan means the complete process of collecting x-ray transmission data for the production of a tomogram. Data may be collected simultaneously during a single scan for the production of one or more tomograms. "Scan time" means the period of time between the beginning and end of x-ray transmission data accumulationfor a single scan.
Scan means the complete process of collecting x-ray transmission data for the production of a tomogram. Data can be collected simultaneously during a single scan for the production of one or more tomograms. "Scan increment" means the amount of relative displacement of the patient with respect to the CT x-raysystem between successive scans measured along the direction of such displacement.
Scan means the complete process of collecting x-ray transmission data for the production of a tomogram. Data maybe collected simultaneously during a single scan for the productionof one or moretomograms.
Scan progressive", "field-rate": 60.00, "color-depth": 8, "color-format": "bt.709",
Scan means an inkless, electronic fingerprint which is transmitted directly to the 3 Department of Justice (DOJ) for the completion of a criminal record check, typically required of 4 employees who have direct contact with the individuals served.