Regenerate definition

Regenerate means to replant or manage natural regeneration.
Regenerate means the ability to maintain a level of health and well-being that enables an ecosystem to respond to naturally occurring harm or damage by undergoing a process of repair and recovery over time, without human intervention.
Regenerate means to drive off or cause the release of adsorbed or absorbed VOC from the collection media of a pollution control device.

Examples of Regenerate in a sentence

  • Given the likely need to partner with territorial authorities, the Government also proposes that the legislation provide for a new type of statutory entity tobe created that can represent and be accountable to both arms of government (similar to Regenerate Christchurch, which was established under the Greater Christchurch Regeneration Act 2016).

  • Where a new public entity is desired to lead a development project, the Government can establish:(a) a statutory Crown entity as an urban development authority that can be granted development powers; and(b) a new type of statutory entity that can be accountable to both central and local government, similar to the model adopted for Regenerate Christchurch.

  • Regenerate or reactivate the spent carbon in a unit for which you have been issued a final permit under 40 CFR part 270 that implements the requirements of 40 CFR part 264, subpart X.

  • Regenerate or reactivate the spent carbon in a unit equipped with an operating organic air emission controls in accordance with an emissions standard for VOC under another subpart in 40 CFR part 63 or this part.

  • Regenerate or reactivate the spent carbon in a thermal treatment unit equipped with and operating air emission controls in accordance with this section.

  • Regenerate or reactivate the spent carbon in a thermal treatment unit for which you have been issued a final permit under 40 CFR part 270 that implements the requirements of 40 CFR part 264, subpart X.

  • Regenerate or reactivate the spent carbon in a thermal treatment unit equipped with and operating organic air emission controls in accordance with an emissions standard for VOC under another subpart in 40 CFR part 60 or this part.

  • Regenerate the token before expiry.By default, it renews the ticket every 24 hours and regenerates a new ticket after 7 days.

  • Regenerate damaged natural ecosystems and restore soil organic carbon.

  • Ogunade, S.G. Laychock, K.L. Kirkwood and S.T. Andreadis, “Gene Modified Insulin-Secreting Tissue Engineered Skin for Treatment of Diabetes”, Regenerate World Congress on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, April 25, 2006.

More Definitions of Regenerate

Regenerate means to revive, to grow again. Instead of simply buying time by slowing the pace of destruction, a regenerative approach aims to restore and enhance the integrity of local and regional ecosystems with the human actors conceived as integral and creative partners in this process. The goal of regenerative transition strategies is to create conditions for more life, more diversity, more resilience, and antifragility. Earth-centric regenerative practices are an antidote to the maladapted extractive, growth-driven, human-technology complex that threatens to be an evolutionary dead end.

Related to Regenerate

  • generate , with respect to electricity, means to produce electricity or provide ancillary services, other than ancillary services provided by a transmitter or distributor through the operation of a transmission or distribution system;

  • Develop means to engage in Development.

  • Activity Material means any Material, other than Reporting Material, created or developed by the Grantee as a result of the Activity and includes any Existing Material that is incorporated in or supplied with the Activity Material.

  • Bioassay means the determination of kinds, quantities or concentrations and, in some cases, the locations of radioactive material in the human body, whether by direct measurement, in vivo counting, or by analysis and evaluation of materials excreted or removed from the human body. For purposes of these rules, “radiobioassay” is an equivalent term.

  • Embryo/fetus means the developing human organism from conception until the time of birth.

  • Clone means a non-flowering plant cut from a mother plant that is capable of developing into a new plant and has shown no signs of flowering.

  • Total tetrahydrocannabinol means the sum of the percentage by weight of tetrahydrocannabinolic acid multiplied by eight hundred seventy-seven thousandths plus the percentage of weight of tetrahydrocannabinol.

  • Brachytherapy means a method of radiation therapy in which sealed sources are utilized to deliver a radiation dose at a distance of up to a few centimeters, by surface, intracavitary, or interstitial application.

  • Opiate means any substance having an addiction-forming or addiction-sustaining liability similar to morphine or being capable of conversion into a drug having addiction-forming or addiction-sustaining liability. It does not include, unless specifically designated as controlled under section 124.201, the dextrorotatory isomer of 3-methoxy-n-methylmorphinan and its salts (dextromethorphan). It does include its racemic and levorotatory forms.

  • thalassemia means a group of inherited disorders characterised by reduced or absent amounts of haemoglobin.

  • Prosthesis means an artificial substitute for a missing body part.

  • Medical marijuana concentrate means a specific subset of Medical Marijuana that was produced by extracting cannabinoids from Medical Marijuana. Categories of Medical Marijuana Concentrate include Water-Based Medical Marijuana Concentrate, Food-Based Medical Marijuana Concentrate and Solvent-Based Medical Marijuana Concentrate.

  • genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

  • Tetrahydrocannabinol means the natural or synthetic equivalents of the substances contained in the plant, or in the resinous extractives of, Cannabis sativa, or any synthetic substances, compounds, salts, or derivatives of the plant or chemicals and their isomers with similar chemical structure and pharmacological activity.

  • Chiropractor means an individual licensed under Chapter 4734. of the Revised Code to practice chiropractic.

  • STEM means science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

  • biodiversity means the variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems;

  • Massage therapy means performance for compensation of massage, myotherapy, massotherapy, bodywork, bodywork therapy, or therapeutic massage including hydrotherapy, superficial hot and cold applications, vibration and topical applications, or other therapy which involves manipulation of the muscle and connective tissue of the body, excluding osseous tissue, to treat the muscle tonus system for the purpose of enhancing health, providing muscle relaxation, increasing range of motion, reducing stress, relieving pain, or improving circulation.

  • Cannabinoid means any of the chemical compounds that are the active constituents of marijuana.

  • Nitrogen oxides means nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide, expressed as nitrogen dioxide (NO2);