Railway Network definition

Railway Network has the meaning given in the Unit Holders Deed.
Railway Network means Aurizon Network’s central Queensland coal railway network (and includes the Extension).
Railway Network means the entire railway infrastructure including railway lines, stations, terminals and any kind of firm devices necessary to ensure safe and continuous railway operation;

Examples of Railway Network in a sentence

  • G.: A New Central Station for a Unified City: Predicting Impact on Property Prices for Urban Railway Network Extension, 2007.

  • C The Extension Infrastructure will be regulated as part of Aurizon Network’s Railway Network under the Access Undertaking and the Access Legislation.

  • The Railway Network Director discharges the essential functions of charging with the prime duty of non-discrimination and independence from any Railway Undertaking.

  • Since the State Council of the PRC approved the implementation of the Medium to Long Term Plan for Railway Network Development (《中長期鐵路網規劃》) in 2004, railways in China have experienced exponential development.

  • I will make one available for the whole class, for each of the four weeks.

More Definitions of Railway Network

Railway Network means the Rail Infrastructure as defined in the Access Undertaking.
Railway Network means the railway infrastructure managed by a single railway infrastructure manager or other owner or possessor of the railway infrastructure;
Railway Network means the entire railway infrastructure of one railway infrastructure manager or other owner or possessor of railway infrastructure;
Railway Network means Aurizon Network’s central Queensland coal railway networkthe Rail Infrastructure as defined in the Access Undertaking. Recipient has the meaning given in clause 19.120.1.
Railway Network means the railways to which this Act applies;
Railway Network means the entire railway infrastructure managed by the Infrastructure Manager;
Railway Network means the entire railway infrastructure owned and/or managed by an infrastructure manager;