Prehistoric definition

Prehistoric means peoples and cultures who are unknown through contemporaneous written documents in any language.
Prehistoric means peoples and cultures who are unknown
Prehistoric means before the middle of the 18th century.

Examples of Prehistoric in a sentence

  • Prehistoric materials can include flaked stone tools (e.g. projectile points, knives and choppers) or tool making debris of obsidian, chert, quartzite and other materials; culturally darkened soil (i.e. midden, which often contains heat affected rock, ash and charcoal, shellfish remains, and cultural materials); and stone milling equipment such as mortars, pestles and hand stones.

  • Human skeletal remains from the historic period, with or without coffins or caskets, including any associated grave goods Prehistoric Native American archaeological materials include: 1.

  • If encountering one of the following, protect the location from further disturbance:- Prehistoric dwelling sites;- Human remains;- Concentrated historic or prehistoric artifacts; or- Vertebrate, invertebrate, plant and trace fossils.

  • Archaeological sites and monuments vary greatly in form and date; examples include earthworks of different types and periods, (e.g. early historic ringforts and prehistoric burial mounds), megalithic tombs from the Prehistoric period, medieval buildings, urban archaeological deposits and underwater features.

  • Prehistoric archaeological site indicators include: obsidian and chert flakes and chipped stone tools; grinding and mashing implements (e.g., slabs and handstones, and mortars and pestles); bedrock outcrops and boulders with mortar cups; and locally darkened midden soils.

More Definitions of Prehistoric

Prehistoric means the time period before written record.
Prehistoric means dinosaurs, cavemen, ice ages, and mastodon bones like those in Kettler Hall, right? Yes, but not always. For example, when Bob McCullough, director of the Department of Anthropology’s Archaeological Survey (one of IPFW’s many Centers of Excellence), calls something “prehistoric,” he can be referring to finds from any era that predates the arrival of Europeans in
Prehistoric means peoples and cultures who are
Prehistoric means peoples and cultures who are unknown through contemporaneous written documents in any language” (27.53.030 RCW).
Prehistoric means the period prior to and including the year 1778.
Prehistoric means the period prior to and including the year 1778. "Preservation plan" means the form of mitigation that sets forth appropriate
Prehistoric means ‘before written history’.