Positive Feasibility Report definition

Positive Feasibility Report means a Feasibility Study which contains an unqualified recommendation that the Property be put into Commercial Production.
Positive Feasibility Report means a detailed study or report showing that placing the Property or part thereof into Commercial Production is feasible and economic, and including at least:

Related to Positive Feasibility Report

  • Feasibility Report means a detailed written report of the results of a comprehensive study on the economic feasibility of placing the Property or a portion thereof into Commercial Production and shall include a reasonable assessment of the mineral ore reserves and their amenability to metallurgical treatment, a description of the work, equipment and supplies required to bring the Property or a portion thereof into Commercial Production and the estimated cost thereof, a description of the mining methods to be employed and a financial appraisal of the proposed operations supported by an explanation of the data used therein;

  • Development Report means a written account of Licensee’s progress under the Development Plan having at least the information specified on Appendix B to this Agreement, and shall be sent to the address specified on Appendix B.

  • Interconnection Feasibility Study means either a Generation Interconnection Feasibility Study or Transmission Interconnection Feasibility Study.

  • Feasibility Study means the evaluation and analysis of the potential of a project, which aims at supporting the process of decision-making by objectively and rationally uncovering its strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats, as well as identifying the resources required to carry it through and ultimately its prospects for success;

  • Phase I Report means, with respect to any Facility, a report that (i) conforms to the ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process, E 1527, (ii) was conducted no more than six months prior to the date such report is required to be delivered hereunder, by one or more environmental consulting firms reasonably satisfactory to Administrative Agent, (iii) includes an assessment of asbestos-containing materials at such Facility, (iv) is accompanied by (a) an estimate of the reasonable worst-case cost of investigating and remediating any Hazardous Materials Activity identified in the Phase I Report as giving rise to an actual or potential material violation of any Environmental Law or as presenting a material risk of giving rise to a material Environmental Claim, and (b) a current compliance audit setting forth an assessment of Holdings’, its Subsidiaries’ and such Facility’s current and past compliance with Environmental Laws and an estimate of the cost of rectifying any non-compliance with current Environmental Laws identified therein and the cost of compliance with reasonably anticipated future Environmental Laws identified therein.

  • Study Period means the period commencing at 9:00 a.m. on the date hereof, and continuing through 5:00 p.m. on the Closing Date.

  • Root Cause Analysis Report means a report addressing a problem or non-conformance, in order to get to the ‘root cause’ of the problem, which thereby assists in correcting or eliminating the cause, and prevent the problem from recurring.

  • Project Report means a summary statement of the likely environmental effects of a proposed development referred to in section 58;

  • Operating Statement Analysis Report format substantially in the form of and containing the information called for therein for the Mortgage Loans, or such other form for the presentation of such information as may be approved from time to time by the CREFC® for commercial mortgage securities transactions generally.

  • CMSA Operating Statement Analysis Report means a report substantially in the form of, and containing the information called for in, the downloadable form of the "Operating Statement Analysis Report" available as of the Closing Date on the CMSA Website or in such other form for the presentation of such information and containing such additional information as may from time to time be approved by the CMSA for commercial mortgage-backed securities transactions generally.

  • CREFC® Operating Statement Analysis Report The monthly report in the “Operating Statement Analysis Report” format substantially in the form of and containing the information called for therein for the Mortgage Loans, or such other form for the presentation of such information as may be approved from time to time by the CREFC® for commercial mortgage securities transactions generally.

  • Major Decision Reporting Package With respect to any Major Decision, (a) a written report prepared by the Special Servicer describing in reasonable detail (i) the background and circumstances requiring action of the Special Servicer, (ii) the proposed course of action recommended, and (iii) information regarding any direct or indirect conflict of interest in the subject action, and (b) all information in the Special Servicer’s possession that is reasonably requested by the party receiving such Major Decision Reporting Package in order for such party to exercise any consultation or consent rights available to such party under this Agreement.

  • GLJ Report means the independent engineering reserves evaluation of certain oil, NGL and natural gas interests of the Company prepared by GLJ dated February 11, 2022 and effective December 31, 2021.

  • Physical Conditions Report means, with respect to the Property, a report prepared by a company satisfactory to Lender regarding the physical condition of the Property, satisfactory in form and substance to Lender in its sole discretion, which report shall, among other things, (a) confirm that the Property and its use complies, in all material respects, with all applicable Legal Requirements (including, without limitation, zoning, subdivision and building laws) and (b) include a copy of a final certificate of occupancy with respect to all Improvements on the Property.

  • Project Management Report means each report prepared in accordance with Section 4.02 of this Agreement;

  • Extended Reporting Period means a designated period of time after a claims-made policy has expired during which a claim may be made and coverage triggered as if the claim has been made during the policy period.

  • Auditor’s Report means the auditor’s report on the Financial Report; “AEDT” means Australian Eastern Daylight Time.

  • Survey Report means a report of the results of a Survey, containing the information set out in clause 12.4 and Schedule 6.

  • Quarterly Statement means the quarterly statutory financial statement of any Insurance Subsidiary required to be filed with the insurance commissioner (or similar authority) of its jurisdiction of incorporation or, if no specific form is so required, in the form of financial statements permitted by such insurance commissioner (or such similar authority) to be used for filing quarterly statutory financial statements and shall contain the type of financial information permitted by such insurance commissioner (or such similar authority) to be disclosed therein, together with all exhibits or schedules filed therewith.

  • Summary Subcontract Report (SSR) Coordinator, as used in this clause, means the individual at the department or agency level who is registered in eSRS and is responsible for acknowledging or rejecting SSRs in eSRS for the department or agency.