Policy Anniversary Date definition

Policy Anniversary Date means the same day and month as the Commencement Date in each subsequent calendar year of this Policy;
Policy Anniversary Date means the day in each calendar year that corresponds to the Risk Commencing Date. If this date is not available in a certain year, the corresponding month- end date is the Policy Anniversary Date.
Policy Anniversary Date means the day of the calendar year on which the current Policy coverage commenced.

Examples of Policy Anniversary Date in a sentence

  • The Policy will renew on the Policy Anniversary Date, upon the Plan Sponsors' acceptance of the renewal terms, unless it has otherwise terminated or is subject to termination following the termination provisions of this Policy.

More Definitions of Policy Anniversary Date

Policy Anniversary Date means 12 months from the Effective Date of this Policy and the same date each subsequent year.
Policy Anniversary Date means the anniversary of the Policy’s Commencement Date;
Policy Anniversary Date means the date the Policy is renewed each year as specified in the Membership Certificate. This date is ordinarily the anniversary of the Policy Start Date, however, in some Work Schemes or Association Schemes, the Policy Anniversary Date will be the Policy Anniversary Date of the Work Scheme or Association Scheme.
Policy Anniversary Date means the date this Policy becomes effective and the beginning of each 12 month period this Policy is subsequently renewed.
Policy Anniversary Date means the same day and month as the Date of Issue shown on Page 3 for each succeeding year.
Policy Anniversary Date means the anniversary of thepolicy start date
Policy Anniversary Date means the date that is 12 months after the date this policy commenced, and every 12 month anniversary after that date.