Polaris Companies Reinsurance Agreements definition

Polaris Companies Reinsurance Agreements means, collectively, all policies, treaties, facultative certificates, binders, slips and other Contracts of reinsurance or retrocession and all binding quotations written by or on behalf of the Polaris Companies as reinsurer or retrocessionaire (including all supplements, endorsements and riders thereto and all ancillary agreements in connection therewith) that were issued by the Polaris Companies prior to the applicable Closing.

Related to Polaris Companies Reinsurance Agreements

  • Reinsurance Agreements means any agreement, contract, treaty, certificate or other arrangement by which any Insurance Subsidiary agrees to transfer or cede to another insurer all or part of the liability assumed or assets held by it under one or more insurance, annuity, reinsurance or retrocession policies, agreements, contracts, treaties, certificates or similar arrangements. Reinsurance Agreements shall include, but not be limited to, any agreement, contract, treaty, certificate or other arrangement that is treated as such by the applicable Department.

  • Reinsurance Agreement means any agreement, contract, treaty or other arrangement whereby one or more insurers, as reinsurers, assume liabilities under insurance policies or agreements issued by another insurance or reinsurance company or companies.

  • Reinsurance means the activity consisting in accepting risks ceded by an insurance undertaking or by another reinsurance undertaking or, in the case of the association of underwriters known as Lloyd's, the activity consisting in accepting risks, ceded by any member of Lloyd's, by an insurance or reinsurance undertaking other than the association of underwriters known as Lloyd's;

  • Corporate Services Agreement means the Corporate Services Agreement dated as of the date hereof between the Borrower and the Services Provider, as amended from time to time in accordance with the terms hereof and thereof.

  • Retrocession Agreement means any agreement, contract, treaty or other arrangement whereby one or more insurers or reinsurers, as retrocessionaires, assume liabilities of reinsurers under a Reinsurance Agreement or other retrocessionaires under another Retrocession Agreement.

  • Ceding Company has the meaning set forth in the preamble.

  • Insurance Companies means the companies with whom the Insurance Policies are held.

  • Enterprise Agreement means an agreement certified under the Workplace Relations Act 1996 (Cth) or approved under the Industrial Relations Act 1996 (NSW).

  • VIE Agreements means the Exclusive Service Agreement, the Exclusive Call Option Agreement, the Shareholder Voting Rights Proxy Agreement and the Equity Pledge Agreement entered into by and among some or all of the Parties hereto on the same day this agreement is entered, including any supplemental agreements or amendments to such agreements, and any other agreements, contracts or legal documents executed or issued by one or more Parties and/or Party C’s affiliated enterprises from time to time to ensure the performance of the aforesaid agreements, signed or accepted by Party A in writing.

  • Insurance Agreement means the insurance and indemnity agreement identified in the Adoption Annex.

  • SLDC means the State Load Dispatch Center as notified by the State Government.

  • Existing Management Agreement means that certain management agreement between the Seller and the Existing Manager for the operation and management of the Hotel.

  • Property Management Agreement means any Property Management Agreement between the Company and the Property Manager.

  • Tax Protection Agreement means that certain Tax Protection Agreement dated as of the date hereof, by and among the REIT, the OP and the parties identified as a signatory on Schedule A thereto.

  • Hotel Management Agreement means any management agreements between a Hotel Management Company and Lessee and/or Landlord, as applicable, as such management agreements are amended from time to time for the Hotel.

  • Network Operating Agreement means an executed agreement that contains the terms and conditions under which the Network Customer shall operate its facilities and the technical and operational matters associated with the implementation of Network Integration Transmission Service under Tariff, Part III. Network Operating Committee:

  • Asset Management Agreement means, as the context requires, any agreement entered into between a Series and an Asset Manager pursuant to which such Asset Manager is appointed as manager of the relevant Series Assets, as amended from time to time.

  • Data Sharing Agreement A formal agreement that documents what data is being shared and how the data can be used between the Parties. ‘‘Data Sharing Code of Practice” the code of practice issued by the Information Commissioner in respect to the sharing of personal data.

  • Services Contract means an agreement for the provision of Services entered into with a Provider by one or more of the Partners in accordance with the relevant Individual Scheme. Service Users means those individual for whom the Partners have a responsibility to commission the Services. SOSH means the Secretary of State for Health.

  • Charter Agreement means an agreement made in accordance with Section 53G-5-303 that authorizes the operation of a charter school.

  • Labor peace agreement means an agreement between an entity and a

  • Retention Agreements has the meaning set forth in Section 5.11(e).

  • Employment Agreements shall have the meaning provided in Section 5.05.