Phytoplankton definition

Phytoplankton means free-floating photosynthesizing microscopic organisms that inhabit almost all bodies of water, and include cyanobacteria, diatoms, green algae, and dinoflagellates.
Phytoplankton means the photosynthesizing organisms in plankton, mainly unicellular algae and cyanobacteria.

Examples of Phytoplankton in a sentence

  • Primary Productivity, Phytoplankton (Chlorophyll a, Phaeophytin, Population, Species), Zooplankton (Biomass, Population, Species) and Benthos (Biomass, Population, Species).

  • Phytoplankton like Spirogyra sp., Zygnema sp., Navicula sp., Nostoc sp., Hydrodistyom sp., etc and zooplankton like Cyclops sp., Paramecium sp., Euglena sp., Diaptomus sp., larvae of culex sp.

  • Phytoplankton community reorganization driven by eutrophication and warming in Lake Biwa.

  • Phytoplankton communities have not been regularly identified and monitored through CSLAP, in part due to the cost and difficulty in analyzing samples, and in part due to the difficulty in using a one-time sample to assess long-term variability in lake conditions.

  • The RAC fully supports the recommendation that the “Degradation of Phytoplankton and Zooplankton Populations” BUI for the St. Lawrence River at Massena AOC be redesignated from “Unknown, Needs Assessment” to “Not Impaired”.

  • Primary producers in Moreton Bay: Phytoplankton, benthic microalgae andfilamentous cyanobacteria 259-278Emily Saeck, Alistair Grinham, Jack Coates-Marnane, Tony McAlister, Michele Burford The seagrasses of Moreton Bay Quandamooka: Diversity, ecology and resilience… 279-298Paul Maxwell, Rod M.

  • Trophic State of Clear and Colored, Soft, and Hardwater Lakes with Special Consideration of Nutrients, Anoxia, Phytoplankton, and Fish.

  • Manual for Real-Time Quality Control of Phytoplankton Data Version 1.0: A Guide to Quality Control and Quality Assurance of Phytoplankton Data Observations.

  • Phytoplankton growth, microzooplankton grazing, and carbon cycling in marine systems.

  • Phytoplankton is the major food of juvenile and young adult menhaden.

Related to Phytoplankton

  • Campfire means a small outdoor fire intended for recreation or cooking not including a fire intended for disposal of waste wood or refuse.

  • SANAS means the South African National Accreditation System;