phased retirement annuity definition

phased retirement annuity means the annuity payable under this section prior to full retirement;
phased retirement annuity means the annuity payable under this

Related to phased retirement annuity

  • Pre-Retirement Survivor Benefit means the benefit set forth in Article 6.

  • Supplemental Retirement Benefit means the benefit determined under Article V of this Plan.

  • Normal Retirement Benefit means an annual benefit equal to One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars and No/100 ($150,000.00) per year, payable in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Beginning on the thirteenth month that the Normal Retirement Benefit is paid, and continuing thereafter until paid in full, the Normal Retirement Benefit shall be increased annually by three percent (3%) from the previous year’s Normal Retirement Benefit amount to account for cost of living increases.

  • Deferred Retirement Date means, in the case of any Participant who continues in employment after his Normal Retirement Date, the first day of any month following his actual retirement.

  • retirement annuity contract means a contract or scheme approved under Chapter III of Part XIV of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988;

  • Designated Retirement Account means any retirement plan or account described or qualified under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or a subaccount thereof.

  • Earliest Retirement Age means the earliest date on which, under the Plan, the Participant could elect to receive retirement benefits.

  • Disability Retirement Date means the first day of the month following the last day of paid employment;

  • Normal Retirement Age means the Executive's 65th birthday.

  • Early Retirement Benefit means the retirement benefit payable to a member following early

  • Normal Retirement Date means the later of the Normal Retirement Age or Termination of Employment.

  • Qualifying Retirement means the Employee’s voluntary termination of employment after the Employee has (i) attained (X) age sixty-five (65), (Y) age fifty-five (55) with ten (10) Years of Service as a full-time employee of the Partnership or any of its Affiliates, or (Z) an age which, when added to such Years of Service of the Employee equals at least seventy-five (75), and (ii) previously delivered a written notice of retirement to the Partnership and on the date of retirement the Employee has satisfied the minimum applicable advance written notice requirement set forth below: Age at Voluntary Termination Number of Years of Advance Notice 58 or younger 59 60 or older 3 years 2 years 1 year By way of illustration, and without limiting the foregoing, if (i) the Employee is eligible to retire at age fifty-nine (59) after ten (10) Years of Service, (ii) the Employee gives two (2) years notice at age fifty-eight (58) that the Employee intends to retire at age sixty (60), and (iii) the Employee later terminates employment at age fifty-nine (59), then the Employee’s retirement at age fifty-nine (59) would not constitute a Qualifying Retirement. However, if (i) the Employee is eligible to retire at age fifty-nine (59) after ten (10) Years of Service, (ii) the Employee gives two (2) years notice at age fifty-eight (58) that the Employee intends to retire at age sixty (60), and (iii) the Employee terminates employment upon reaching age sixty (60), then the Employee’s retirement at age sixty (60) would constitute a Qualifying Retirement.

  • Approved Retirement means any voluntary termination of employment that occurs on or after the date on which the sum of your age and years of employment with Deluxe and/or its Affiliates equals at least seventy-five (75) and that is approved by the Compensation Committee of the Board.

  • Accrued Benefit means the amount standing in a Participant's Account(s) as of any date derived from both Employer contributions and Employee contributions, if any.

  • Individual retirement account means a trust, custodial arrangement, or annuity under Section 408(a) or (b), Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (26 U.S.C. Section 408 (1986)).

  • Disability retirement for plan 1 members, means the period

  • Normal Retirement means retirement from active employment with the Company or any Subsidiary on or after age 65.

  • Postponed Retirement Date means the first day of the month coincident with or next following a Participant’s date of actual retirement which occurs after his Normal Retirement Date.

  • Termination Benefit means the benefit set forth in Article 7.

  • Retirement Age means the earlier to occur of:

  • Qualified Retirement means a retirement from Service by the Executive in which, at the time of such retirement, the sum of the Executive’s age and aggregate 12-month completed periods of Service (whether or not such completed 12-month periods are consecutive), in each case without giving credit for any partial years, equals or exceeds 75.

  • Retirement Benefit means the benefit set forth in Article 5.

  • Retirement Date means the date as of which a Participant retires for reasons other than Total and Permanent Disability, whether such retirement occurs on a Participant's Normal Retirement Date or Late Retirement Date (see Section 6.1).

  • Supplemental Benefit means the monthly benefit payable to the Executive under this Agreement.

  • Retirement Eligible means that the Participant has either attained age 55 and completed ten (10) years of Service as an Employee or attained age 60 and completed five (5) years of Service as an Employee.

  • Plan Benefit means the benefit payable to a Participant as calculated in Article V.