Pemex definition

Pemex means Petróleos Mexicanos, a Borrower’s decentralized entity (with separate legal personality), established by a Borrower’s decree, dated June 7, 1938, and regulated by, inter alia, the Borrower’s Petróleos Mexicanos Law (Ley de Petróleos Mexicanos) published in the Borrower’s Official Gazette (Diario Oficial de la Federación) on November 28, 2008.
Pemex means Petróleos Mexicanos;
Pemex means PEMEX Refinacion, a subsidiary of Petroleos Mexicanos, a decentralized public entity of the Federal Government of Mexico.

Examples of Pemex in a sentence

  • Mexican officials and commentators criticized the Committee-reported provisions related to PEMEX and extradition as an intrusion in the domestic affairs of Mexico.

  • In sum, Section 731, as reported, stated the sense of Congress that the United States should as soon as practicable commence negotiations to reach a migration accord with Mexico that addresses the key issues of concern in both countries, opens the Mexican petroleum monopoly (PEMEX) to reform and investment by U.S. oil companies, and addresses extradition and law enforcement issues.

  • The Office of the Mexican Presidency issued a statement on May 11, 2003, acknowledging that the negotiation of a migration agreement was a priority for the Fox Administration, but pointing out that “negotiating such an agreement in exchange for opening up Petróleos Mexicanos (the state oil industry - PEMEX) to foreign investment would be wholly unacceptable.”7 Reactions to Deaths of Migrants in Texas in May 2003.

  • Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Fighting Bid Rigging in Public Procurement: A Review of the Procurement Rules and Practices of PEMEX in Mexico, 2016, p.

  • This would make any credit being claimed by taxpayers with respect to PEMEX loans, highly questionable.

More Definitions of Pemex

Pemex means Petroleos Mexicanos, the Borrower’s Hydrocarbons Company;
Pemex means PEMEX Exploración y Producción.
Pemex means Pemex Exploracíon y Produccíon.
Pemex means Pemex-Exploracion y Produccion, a decentralized public organization of the federal government of the United States of Mexico and a subsidiary of Petroleos Mexicanos.
Pemex means Petroleos Mexicanos S.A., and its Affiliates.
Pemex means Petroleos Mexicanos, the parent of PMI.
Pemex is defined in Section 6.1.17.