Examples of PASA in a sentence
Every week, AEMO must review and publish the outputs of the medium term PASA in accordance with the timetable.
By 20 August 2020, AEMO must amend and publish the timetable to take into account the National Electricity Amendment (Improving transparency and extending duration of MT PASA) Rule 2020 No. 1.
The PASA information and results are then recorded in the Mexico-domiciled motor carrier’s safety performance record in MCMIS.
Upon approval, the PASA results are uploaded into the FMCSA’s Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS).
The quality assurance process involves a dual review by the FMCSA Division Office supervisor of the auditor assigned to conduct the PASA and by the FMCSA Service Center New Entrant Specialist designated for the specific FMCSA Division Office.