Offer to Pay definition

Offer to Pay or "payment notification" means a claim that has been adjudicated and paid by a
Offer to Pay or "payment notification" means a claim that has been adjudicated and paid by a carrier or determined by a carrier to be payable by an enrollee to an out-of-network provider for services described in subsection A of § 38.2-3445.01.
Offer to Pay means the written offer to pay, sent by Lifeco to each Dissenting Shareholder pursuant to section 3.15 hereof, offering to make a cash payment in respect of each Exchangeable Share held by a Dissenting Shareholder at the Automatic Exchange Time, in an amount considered by the directors of Lifeco to be the fair value of a CLFC Common Share on the close of business on the day before the Transaction Resolution was adopted, accompanied by a statement showing how the fair value was determined.

Examples of Offer to Pay in a sentence

  • The amount specified in the Offer to Pay which has been accepted by a Dissenting Shareholder will be paid by the Corporation within 10 days after the acceptance by the Dissenting Shareholder of the Offer to Pay, but any such Offer to Pay lapses if the Corporation does not receive an acceptance thereof within 30 days after the Offer to Pay has been made.

  • Lifeco shall, not later than seven days after the later of the Transaction Date or the day CLFC received the Demand for Payment, send to each Dissenting Shareholder who has sent such a demand an Offer to Pay.

  • If Comamtech fails to make an Offer to Pay or if a Dissenting Shareholder fails to accept an Offer to Pay that has been made, Comamtech may, within 50 days after the Effective Date or within such further period as the Court may allow, apply to the Court to fix a fair value for the Comamtech Shares of Dissenting Shareholders.

  • If Comamtech fails to comply with the requirements to send an Offer to Pay, the costs of such application by a Dissenting Shareholder are to be borne by Comamtech unless the Court orders otherwise.

  • Upon the appointment of an Arbitrator, all Dissenting Shareholders who have not accepted an Offer to Pay will be joined as parties and bound by the decision of the Arbitrator, and Lifeco will be required to notify each affected Dissenting Shareholder of the date, place and consequences of the application and of its right to appear and be heard in person or by counsel.

More Definitions of Offer to Pay

Offer to Pay means a written offer to a Dissenting Shareholder to pay the fair value for the number and class of securities in respect of which that Dissenting Shareholder dissents;
Offer to Pay means a written offer to a Dissenting Shareholder who has submitted a Demand for Payment to pay the fair value for the number of EnCana Common Shares in respect of which that Dissenting Shareholder dissents, all in compliance with the Dissent Procedures;
Offer to Pay means the written offer of Amalco to each Dissenting Shareholder who has sent a Demand for Payment to pay for its Shares in an amount considered by Amalco to be the fair value of the Shares, all in compliance with the Dissent Procedures;
Offer to Pay means a written offer by Corel to pay a Dissenting Shareholder the fair value of the Dissenting Shareholder’s Common Shares.
Offer to Pay means (a) the written offer of Agrium to each Agrium Dissenting Shareholder that has sent a Demand for Payment to pay for its Agrium Shares in an amount considered by Agrium to be the fair value of the Agrium Shares, all in compliance with the Dissent Procedures, or (b) the written offer of PotashCorp to each PotashCorp Dissenting Shareholder that has sent a Demand for Payment to pay for its PotashCorp Shares in an amount considered by PotashCorp to be the fair value of the PotashCorp Shares, all in compliance with the Dissent Procedures, as applicable;
Offer to Pay means a written offer to a Dissenting Shareholder to pay the fair value for the number of Subordinate Voting Shares in respect of which that Shareholder exercises Dissent Rights.
Offer to Pay means the written offer of the Company to each Dissenting Shareholder that has sent a Demand for Payment to pay for its Company Common Shares in an amount considered by the Company to be the fair value of the Company Common Shares, all in compliance with the Dissent Procedures;