NovaGold definition

NovaGold means NovaGold Resources Inc., a company existing under the laws of Nova Scotia;
NovaGold means NovaGold Resources Inc.;
NovaGold means NovaGold Resources Inc., a corporation continued under the laws of Nova Scotia;

More Definitions of NovaGold

NovaGold means NovaGold Resources Inc., a company incorporated under the laws of the Province of Nova Scotia;
NovaGold means NovaGold Resources Inc., a corporation existing under the laws of the Province of Nova Scotia;
NovaGold means NovaGold Resources Inc. and its predecessors, parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, successors and assigns.
NovaGold means NovaGold Resources Inc., a company existing under the laws of the Province of Nova Scotia and, where the context requires, its subsidiaries and joint ventures;

Related to NovaGold

  • NPS means nominal pipe size.

  • THC means tetrahydrocannabinol.

  • LSD means lysergic acid diethylamide.

  • Catalyst means a substance whose presence enhances the reaction between chemical compounds.

  • Pioneer or the "Company" means Pioneer Natural Resources Company and its subsidiaries.

  • CTI means CTI Logistics Limited (ABN 69 008 778 925) and/or any Affiliate of CTI Logistics Limited as the case may be, which performs all or any of the Services.

  • SPI means the information categories listed at Tex. Bus. & Com. Code § 521.002(a)(2).

  • SCI has the meaning set forth with respect thereto in the preamble. ---

  • Bioassay means the determination of kinds, quantities or concentrations and, in some cases, the locations of radioactive material in the human body, whether by direct measurement, in vivo counting, or by analysis and evaluation of materials excreted or removed from the human body. For purposes of these rules, “radiobioassay” is an equivalent term.

  • Raptor means all birds of the orders Falconiformes and Strigiformes, commonly called falcons,

  • Arena means an enclosed building:

  • Elan means Elan Corp and its Affiliates.

  • SMI means the a supplier managed inventory service (consignment or imprest stock option) as described further in Call Off Schedule 9;

  • TMDL means the total maximum daily load limitation of a parameter, representing the estimated assimilative capacity for a water body before other designated uses are adversely affected. Mathematically, it is the sum of wasteload allocations for point sources, load allocations for non-point and natural background sources, and a margin of safety.

  • Halogen means one of the chemical elements chlorine, bromine or iodine.

  • GFA means gross floor area;

  • PTI means Preliminary Toxicity Investigation. Up to a 30-day period where the permittee investigates the cause(s) of a whole effluent toxicity exceedance and if the toxicity is known, includes a proposal for its elimination.

  • Sage means The Sage Group plc or an Affiliate thereof.

  • SAI means Statement of Additional Information.

  • PSI means pounds per square inch.

  • APC means the Ambulatory Payment Classification system under 42 CFR 419.31 used by Medicare for grouping clinically and resource-similar procedures and services.

  • CARB means the California Air Resources Board.

  • ECO ECO Resources, Inc., a Texas corporation. ---

  • TEC means the Technical Evaluation Committee, constituted for the purpose of evaluating the Proposals received.

  • Stratum means any part of land consisting of a space of any shape below, on or above the surface of the land, or partly below and partly above the surface of the land, the dimensions of which are delineated;