Mining Feasibility Study definition

Mining Feasibility Study means a detailed report, showing the feasibility of placing all or any part of the Property into commercial production, in such form and detail and using such assumptions as to metal prices as are customarily required, at the time of delivery of the Mining Feasibility Study, by institutional lenders of major stand alone non-recourse financing for mining projects, and shall include a reasonable assessment of the mineable ore reserves and their amenability to metallurgical treatment, a complete description of the work, equipment and supplies required to bring the evaluated deposit into commercial production and the estimated cost thereof, a description of the mining methods to be employed and a financial appraisal of the proposed operations supported by all reasonably necessary information and data including at least the following:

Examples of Mining Feasibility Study in a sentence

  • APB shall, by notice in writing delivered within 60 days of the earlier of (i) the Final Earn-In Date, and (ii) the date the Board of the Company determines to proceed with the preparation of a Mining Feasibility Study, advise AML and the Board whether it wishes to proceed with the funding obligations required to enable APB to exercise the Feasibility Option, as such funding obligations are set out in Clause 10.3 (the "Feasibility Election Date").

  • Delboni, April 2004, Grinding Circuit StudyIndependent Mining Consultants, Inc., June 2004, “Chapada Project, Brazil — Mining Feasibility Study — Rev.

  • Roseby Copper Project, Little Eva Deposit, Definitive Mining Feasibility Study: Geotechnical Evaluation for Open Pit Mining.

  • FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASETORONTO, ONTARIO – July 13, 2017 Tanzanian Royalty Exploration (“TRX” or the “Company”) (NYSE: TRX) (TSX: TNX) is providing an update to its shareholders, discussing the findings of its recently completed Mining Feasibility Study ("MFS" or the "Study") on its JV-owned Buckreef Gold Mine Project (the "Project").

  • The Company shall not undertake any Mining activities on the Properties or in the Project Area or otherwise on or in connection with the Pedra Branca Project (or part thereof), unless, prior thereto, APB or AML shall have delivered to the Board a formal proposal in respect of thereof together with such supporting information, including without limitation a Mining Feasibility Study supporting such proposal, as the Board shall require, and the Board shall have approved such proposal.

  • APB shall procure that its Board nominees act at all times in such a manner so as to enable completion of the relevant Mining Feasibility Study prior to the date that is 18 months from the Feasibility Election Date.

  • Subject to APB having exercised the Feasibility Option, APB shall, by notice in writing delivered within 60 days of the approval by the Board to proceed with formal development of all or any part of the Pedra Branca Project into the Mining Phase (such approval being based on the Mining Feasibility Study), advise AML and the Board whether it wishes to proceed with the obligations required to enable APB to exercise the Finance Option.

Related to Mining Feasibility Study

  • Feasibility Study means the evaluation and analysis of the potential of a project, which aims at supporting the process of decision-making by objectively and rationally uncovering its strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats, as well as identifying the resources required to carry it through and ultimately its prospects for success;

  • Interconnection Feasibility Study means either a Generation Interconnection Feasibility Study or Transmission Interconnection Feasibility Study.

  • Phase I Study means a study in humans which provides for the first introduction into humans of a product, conducted in healthy volunteers or patients to obtain information on product safety, tolerability, pharmacological activity or pharmacokinetics, as more fully defined in 21 C.F.R. § 312.21(a) (or the non-United States equivalent thereof).

  • Phase I Clinical Study means, as to a particular Licensed Product, an initial clinical study in humans with the purpose of assessing the Licensed Product’s safety, tolerability, toxicity, pharmacokinetics or other pharmacological properties.

  • Phase II Clinical Study means a human clinical study of a product initiated to determine the safety and efficacy in the target patient population, as described 21 C.F.R. 312.21(b).

  • Development Area means that area to which a development plan is applicable.

  • Development Site means any parcel or lot on which exists or which is intended for building development other than the following:

  • Phase II Study means a study in humans of the safety, dose ranging or efficacy of a product, as further defined in 21 C.F.R. § 312.21(b) (or the equivalent thereof outside the United States).

  • Study Completion means the database for the Study has been locked and all Essential Documents have been provided to the Sponsor, including a copy of the letter from the Reviewing HREC acknowledging receipt of the final report and/or closure letter from the Principal Investigator.

  • Development Report means a written account of Licensee’s progress under the Development Plan having at least the information specified on Appendix B to this Agreement, and shall be sent to the address specified on Appendix B.

  • Development Phase means the period before a vehicle type is type approved.

  • Phase 2 Clinical Trial means a human clinical trial of a product in any country that would satisfy the requirements of 21 C.F.R. 312.21(b) and is intended to explore a variety of doses, dose response, and duration of effect, and to generate initial evidence of clinical safety and activity in a target patient population, or a similar clinical study prescribed by the relevant Regulatory Authorities in a country other than the United States.

  • Phase I Clinical Trial means a human clinical trial that is intended to initially evaluate the safety and/or pharmacological effect of a Product in subjects or that would otherwise satisfy requirements of 21 C.F.R. 312.21(a), or its foreign equivalent.

  • Phase 4 Clinical Trial means a Clinical Trial of a Product conducted after Regulatory Approval of such Product has been obtained from an appropriate Regulatory Authority, which trial is (a) conducted voluntarily by a Party to enhance marketing or scientific knowledge of the Product, or (b) conducted due to a request or requirement of a Regulatory Authority.

  • Phase IIb Clinical Trial means a clinical trial of a Product on sufficient numbers of patients that is designed to provide a preliminary determination of safety and efficacy of such Product in the target patient population over a range of doses and dose regimens.

  • Phase III Clinical Study means a pivotal Clinical Study, the results of which could be used to establish safety and efficacy of a Licensed Product in the Field as a basis for Regulatory Approval or that would otherwise satisfy requirements of 21 CFR 312.21(c), or its foreign equivalent.

  • Study means the investigation to be conducted in accordance with the Protocol.

  • Development Work means the conduct of preclinical and clinical trials, the compilation of the regulatory dossier concerning Licensed Products and the conduct of other work necessary or useful for obtaining Regulatory Approval of Licensed Products.

  • Phase III Study means a human clinical trial that is prospectively designed to demonstrate statistically whether a product is safe and effective for use in humans in a manner sufficient to obtain regulatory approval to market such product in patients having the disease or condition being studied as described in 21 C.F.R. § 312.21(c) (FDCA), as amended from time to time, and the foreign equivalent thereof.

  • Phase II Clinical Trial means a study in humans of the safety, dose ranging and efficacy of a product, which is prospectively designed to generate sufficient data (if successful) to commence a Phase III Clinical Trial or to file for accelerated approval, or otherwise consistent with the requirements of U.S. 21 C.F.R. §312.21(b) or its foreign equivalents.

  • Development Plan has the meaning set forth in Section 3.2.

  • Phase III Clinical Trials means a Clinical Trial for the Product on sufficient numbers of patients to generate safety and efficacy data to support Regulatory Approval in the proposed therapeutic indication, conducted in accordance with current good clinical practices and in accordance with a protocol that has been reviewed by the FDA and reflects any comments or concerns raised by the same.

  • Phase 3 Clinical Trial means a pivotal clinical trial in humans performed to gain evidence with statistical significance of the efficacy of a product in a target population, and to obtain expanded evidence of safety for such product that is needed to evaluate the overall benefit-risk relationship of such product, to form the basis for approval of an NDA and to provide an adequate basis for physician labeling, as described in 21 C.F.R. § 312.21(c) or the corresponding regulation in jurisdictions other than the United States.

  • Phase 1 Clinical Trial means a Clinical Trial of a Product on sufficient numbers of normal volunteers and/or patients that is designed to establish that such Product is safe for its intended use and to support its continued testing in Phase 2 Clinical Trials. For purposes of this Agreement, ‘initiation’ of a Phase 1 Clinical Trial for a Product means the first dosing of such Product in a human subject in a Phase 1 Clinical Trial.