Millirem definition

Millirem or “mrem” means the measure of the dose of any radiation to body tissue in terms of its estimated biological effect relative to a dose received from an exposure to one roentgen (R) of X-rays. One millirem equals 0.001 rem.
Millirem means 1/1000 of a rem.
Millirem. (mrem) means a unit of equivalent dose that is equal to one thousandth of a rem.

Examples of Millirem in a sentence

  • Section, “Current Practice of a Few Millirem Per Year,” of NUREG-1757, states that the “few millirem” per year criterion encompasses a 0–0.05 millisieverts (mSv) per year, or0-5 millirem (mrem) per year, total effective dose equivalent.

  • Next, I will give a brief account of the host-country chosen for this study.

  • If 2 or more radionuclides are present, then the sum of their annual dose equivalent to the total body or to any organ shall not be more than 4 millirem per year.Table 1 Average Annual Concentrations Assumed to Produce a Total Body or Organ Dose of 4 Millirem Per YearRadionuclideCritical organpCi per literTritiumTotal body20,000Strontium-90Bone marrow8(d) The maximum contaminant level for uranium is 30 micrograms per liter (ug/l).History: 1954 ACS 94, Eff.

  • Miscellaneous MLLW Mixed Low Level Waste MOL Minimum Operating Level MOX Mixed Oxide Fuel MR Mortgage Reduction Milestones mrem Millirem MSE/ER Molten Salt Extraction/Electrorefining NEPA National Environmental Policy Act Rocky Flats Closure Contract No. DE-AC34-00RF01904 NTS Nevada Test Site Ops.

  • H-73 Table H–65 Peak Annual Total Effective Dose Equivalent in Millirem Per Year for the Buttermilk CreekResident Farmer (year of peak exposure in parentheses) – Unmitigated Erosion ............................

  • Measuring Radiation - Rem and Millirem The term, rem, is a measure of any type of radiation in terms of the estimated biological effects.

  • H-73 Table H–66 Peak Annual Total Effective Dose Equivalent in Millirem Per Year for the CattaraugusCreek Receptor (year of peak exposure in parentheses) – Unmitigated Erosion..............................

  • As outlined in Section, “Current Practice of a Few Millirem Per Year,” of NUREG-1757, Volume 1, Revision 2, the practice of approving onsite disposals includes constraining doses to a few mrem per year, generally considered to be less than 0.05 mSv/yr (5 mrem/yr).

  • J-13Table J–5 Incident-free Unit Risk Factors for a Dose Rate of 1 Millirem per Hour at 1 Meterfrom the Shipping Container for Truck and Rail Shipments .............................................................

  • Advice has been solicited and given to other Sure Start programmes seeking to set up groups.

More Definitions of Millirem

Millirem or “mRem” means one thousandth of a Rem (Rem) which has the same meaning as provided in 10 CFR 20.1004.

Related to Millirem

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