lunatic definition

lunatic means any person who has been found to be a lunatic upon inquiry by the Supreme Court, or upon a commission or inquiry issuing out of the Supreme Court in the nature of a writ of de lunatico inquirendo;
lunatic means an idiot or person of unsound mind ;
lunatic means any person who has been found to be a lunatic under the law for the time being in force in Kenya;

Examples of lunatic in a sentence

  • Lunatic: A lunatic suffers from intermittent conditions of sanity and insanity.

  • AMSAII’s other critical activity was its publication of the Journal of Insanity in cooperation with the New York State Lunatic Asylum at Utica, whose medical superintendent, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, served as editor-in-chief for decades.

  • Portions of the brick walls, (Attachment No. 2) surrounding the former Provincial Lunatic Asylum, a facility that opened in 1850, survive.

More Definitions of lunatic

lunatic means any person who has been by reason of mental incapacity found by a court to be incapable of managing his own affairs;
lunatic means any person idiot lunatic or of unsound mind "Lunatic and incapable of managing himself or his affairs, and whether found lunatic by inquisition or not”.
lunatic means a person suffering from mental disorder within the meaning of the Mental Health Act 1974, and “defective” has the same meaning;32
lunatic means (but not as limiting the meaning given by" The Lunatics Act, 1882," for the general purposes of that Act) a person found lunatic by inquisition either before or after this Act comes into operation, and in-
lunatic means any person who shall have been found to be a lunatic upon a commission of inquiry in the nature of a writ de lunatico inquirendo. The expression " person of unsound mind" shall mean any person not an infant who not having been found to be a lunatic shall be incapable from infirmity of mind to manage his own affairs. The 180 1856.] .19 VlCTORLiE. Trustee Xxx 0000, [No. 20. Eepeal of part of Wm. 4, No. 8. Short title.
lunatic includes a lunatic whether so found or not and in relation to a lunatic not so found, " committee " includes a person on whom the powers of a committee are conferred under section one of the Lunacy Act, 1908; and " defective" means every person affected by the provisions of section one hundred and sixteen of the Lunacy Act, 1890, as extended by section sixty- four of the Mental Deficiency Act, 1913, and for whose benefit a receiver has been appointed;
lunatic means (but not as limiting the meaning given by "The Lunatics Act, 1882," for the general purposes of that Act) a person found luna.tic by inquisition eitherbefore or after this Act comes into operation, and in-