Local Withholding Taxes definition

Local Withholding Taxes means withholding (or similar) taxes imposed on income that may be attributable to Rackspace in connection with its provision of the Services that Customer is legally required to withhold and remit to the applicable governmental or taxing authority.
Local Withholding Taxes means withholding (or 「地方源泉徴収税」とは、「本サービス」の提供に similar) taxes imposed on income that may be 関連して アイレット に帰属する可能性のある所得 attributable to iret in connection with its provision of に対して課される源泉税 (またはそれに類する税) the Services that Customer is legally required to で、お客様が適用される政府または課税当局に源泉 withhold and remit to the applicable governmental or 徴収して送金することが法的に義務付けられている taxing authority. ものを意味します。

Examples of Local Withholding Taxes in a sentence

  • All payments to Zuri Technologies shall be made without any withholding or deduction for any taxes except for Local Withholding Taxes.

  • Zuri Technologies shall remit such cost to Customer in the form of a credit on Customer’s outstanding account balance following receipt of sufficient evidence of payment of any such Local Withholding Taxes.

  • Customer agrees to timely provide Zuri Technologies with accurate factual information and documentation of Customer’s payment of any such Local Withholding Taxes.

Related to Local Withholding Taxes

  • Applicable Withholding Taxes means the minimum aggregate amount of federal, state and local income and payroll taxes that the Company is required by applicable law to withhold in connection with any Incentive Award.

  • Withholding Taxes means any taxes, including, but not limited to, social security and Medicare taxes and federal, state and local income taxes, required to be withheld under any applicable law.

  • Withholding Tax means any tax, deduction, levy or similar payment obligation that is required to be deducted or withheld from a payment under Applicable Law. Annex 1 – Data Processing

  • FATCA Withholding Tax means any withholding or deduction required pursuant to FATCA.

  • Unpaid withholding tax means withholding tax due but not paid by the date the withholding tax is required to be paid under applicable law.

  • Swiss Withholding Tax Act means the Swiss Federal Act on the Withholding Tax of October 13, 1965 (Bundesgesetz über die Verrechnungssteuer), together with the related ordinances, regulations and guidelines, all as amended and applicable from time to time.

  • Swiss Withholding Tax means taxes imposed under the Swiss Withholding Tax Act.

  • Excluded Withholding Taxes means (i) withholding Taxes imposed by the United States except to the extent that such United States withholding Taxes are imposed or increased as a result of any change in applicable law (excluding from change in applicable law for this purpose a change in an applicable treaty or other change in law affecting the applicability of a treaty) after the date hereof, or in the case of a successor Liquidity Provider (including a transferee of an Advance) or Facility Office, after the date on which such successor Liquidity Provider obtains its interest or on which the Facility Office is changed, (ii) any withholding Taxes imposed by the United States which are imposed or increased as a result of the Liquidity Provider failing to deliver to the Borrower any certificate or document (which certificate or document in the good faith judgment of the Liquidity Provider it is legally entitled to provide) which is reasonably requested by the Borrower to establish that payments under this Agreement are exempt from (or entitled to a reduced rate of) withholding Tax and (iii) Taxes imposed under Sections 1471 through 1474 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

  • FATCA Withholding means any withholding or deduction required pursuant to an agreement described in section 1471(b) of the Code, or otherwise imposed pursuant to sections 1471 through 1474 of the Code, any regulations or agreements thereunder, any official interpretations thereof, or any law implementing an intergovernmental approach thereto.

  • Connection Income Taxes means Other Connection Taxes that are imposed on or measured by net income (however denominated) or that are franchise Taxes or branch profits Taxes.

  • Income Taxes means any Tax which is based upon, measured by, or calculated with respect to (i) net income or profits (including, but not limited to, any capital gains, gross receipts, value added or minimum Tax) or (ii) multiple bases (including, but not limited to, corporate franchise, doing business or occupation Taxes) if one or more of the bases upon which such Tax may be based, by which it may be measured, or with respect to which it may be calculated is described in clause (i) of this sentence.

  • Income-withholding order means an order or other legal

  • Local taxes means all taxes levied other than taxes levied for school operating purposes.

  • Taxes means all present or future taxes, levies, imposts, duties, deductions, withholdings (including backup withholding), assessments, fees or other charges imposed by any Governmental Authority, including any interest, additions to tax or penalties applicable thereto.

  • Tax or Taxes means any federal, foreign, state, county or local taxes, charges, fees, levies, duties or other assessments, including, but not limited to, all net income, gross income, sales and use, transfer, gains, profits, excise, franchise, real and personal property, gross receipts, capital stock, production, business and occupation, customs, disability, employment, payroll, license, estimated, severance or withholding taxes or charges imposed by any Governmental Authority, and includes any interest and penalties (civil or criminal) on or additions to any such taxes.

  • Foreign taxes means value-added taxes and custom duties assessed by a foreign government on a commodity. It does not include foreign sales taxes.

  • Other Taxes means all present or future stamp, court or documentary, intangible, recording, filing or similar Taxes that arise from any payment made under, from the execution, delivery, performance, enforcement or registration of, from the receipt or perfection of a security interest under, or otherwise with respect to, any Loan Document, except any such Taxes that are Other Connection Taxes imposed with respect to an assignment (other than an assignment made pursuant to Section 3.06).

  • Value Added Taxes means such sum as shall be levied upon the Contract Price by the Federal or any Provincial or Territorial Government and is computed as a percentage of the Contract Price and includes the Goods and Services Tax, the Quebec Sales Tax, the Harmonized Sales Tax, and any similar tax, the collection and payment of which have been imposed on the Contractor by tax legislation.