literally definition

literally means in an exact sense. “Figuratively” means in a comparative sense.
literally means “discussion of issues”; a NU forum with responsibility to issue fatwas at the central level. Bandongan: Also called weton teaching; a system in which a group of students (from five to five hundred) listen to a teacher who reads and translates Arabic texts word by word using the Javanese language, and then gives an explanation of the meaning.
literally means the mindset of reformation; an effort to make improvements for a better condition.

Examples of literally in a sentence

  • Tradisi: Literally means habit; usually preserved across generations.

More Definitions of literally

literally means women’s position in Islam; the theme of the NU National Muktamar in Lombok, in 1997. Xxxxxʿx xx-Xxʿxxxx (A.): Literally means a source of happiness; A kitab kuning title, written by Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx.
literally means related to titling/theme clustering; a commission of the Bahtsul Masail other than Waqiʿiyah (concerning social phenomena) and Qonuniyah (concerning legal rules). Modin: Islamic guide appointed in a village. Muamalah: Social interaction. Mubadalah: Hermeneutics of reciprocity. Xxxxxxx and mafsadah: Damage and harmful; opposite of manfaat and maslaha. Mujbir: Person who holds guardian’s “coercive” authority.
literally means tolerance; in practice means accepting differences in faith, ways of thinking, and culture. Tasawuf: Islamic mysticism, Sufism. Tashawwur (A.): Description.
literally means: the life of Xxxx. Another of their characteristics was and is their strong devotion to the Holy Sacrament. The aim was to improve the lives of the Polish Catholics by the exemplary lives of the priests. This movement has been very active in the fields of education, the taking care of the sick and unemployment relief works in Russian-Poland and had a great appeal on thousands of people. Instigated by the Polish bishops, this movement was condemned by Rome in 1904 and in 1906 its members were even excommunicated. The Mariavites elected Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx as their xxxxxx in reply to this. He was brought into contact with the IBC by the Russian general Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx (d. 1910), who was very committed to the sake of reunion between the Orthodox and Old Catholics. All of this finally resulted in Kowalski’s consecration in Utrecht in 1909. One consecrator was the English Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx. The following year Archbishop Xxx and the Xxxxxx of Haarlem, Xxx Xxxxx, who even learned Polish for the occasion, travelled to Poland, together with some other Dutch. They had an enthusiastic reception by sometimes large crowds and were enthusiastic themselves about everything they saw and heard. This was a prosperous period for the Mariavites. The following years many parishes were established and in the city of Plock a large convent was build. As long as the “little mother” Xxxxxxxxx lived, relations with the Union remained excellent, but after her death strange theological ideas manifested themselves in and through Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx. He regarded himself, after Xxxx, the first man, and after Xxxxxx, the second Xxxx, to be the third Xxxx and introduced mystical marriages between priests and nuns. Children from these marriages would be free from original sin and consequently did not need to be baptized. When rumours about these and suchlike ideas reached the IBC Archbishop Xxxxxxxx decided immediately to sever all relations with the Mariavites. In 1929 the Mariavites proceeded to ordain women to the priesthood and some time later also to the episcopate. Some scandals led in 1935 to Kowalski’s deposition by the General Chapter of the Mariavites. He was succeeded by Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, but a schism took place, because a small group remained loyal to Xxxxxxxx. This group exists up until today and is designated by the name of Mariavites of Felicianow. The largest group, with its centre in Plock, renounced all of Kowalski’s excesses and returned to the basis of Old Cath...
literally means: -------- :
literally whāngai’ means ‘to feed or to nourish’. Hence when discussing the raising of children, ‘whāngai’ refers to a child you feed/nourish as your own. A child who not only partakes of physical food, but to whom you impart emotional, economic and mental support.”61
literally means "within the premises of a station") This is a project to create a new retail space at Fushimi station of Nagoya City Subway. The city's traffic bureau and a retail space operator will collaborate to invigorate the station while keeping the safety of the city bus and subway operated by the traffic bureau. The aims of the project are: to make the station a loving place where city bus and subway users and local people gather around and be happy; to provide quality services, and; to increase the income from the station. The retail floor layout and the perspectives are provided in the appendix. Contact us for further information Xymax Corporation / Overseas Business Department / Phone +00-0-0000-0000 Appendix