Examples of Place of public accommodation in a sentence
Place of public accommodation shall mean any establishment having sanitary facilities located therein which gives or offers shelter or lodging to members of the general public, whether transient or long term and shall include but is not limited to hotels, motels, guest houses, hospitals, rest homes, nursing homes, inns, fraternity houses and dormitories.
Place of public accommodation does not include a facility operated by a religious organization or institution regardless of whether it is open or accessible to the public.
Cabot is a partner in the Winooski Headwater Community Partnership, together with the towns of Marshfield and Plainfield, Friends of the Winooski and the Cabot Creamery.
Change 4, August 21, 2006 13-4 (6) "Place of public accommodation" means any building or structure in which goods are supplied or services performed, or in which the trade of the general public is solicited.
Change 12, February 2, 2016 13-11 (6) "Place of public accommodation" means any building or structure in which goods are supplied or services performed, or in which the trade of the general public is solicited.