KMOV-TV definition

KMOV-TV means the CBS-affiliated broadcast television station located in the St. Louis DMA owned by Belo and being sold to Sander as part of the Transaction.

Examples of KMOV-TV in a sentence

  • KMOV-TV and KSDK-TV appeal to similar demographic groups, making them close substitutes for many viewers and advertisers.

  • If KSDK-TV and KMOV-TV were to coordinate their competitive behavior, the market structure would operate as if the two stations were commonly owned.

  • Sander is also the owner of proposed license assignees of six commercial broadcast television stations, including KMOV-TV in St. Louis, Missouri, to be acquired pursuant to agreements between Gannett and Belo and between Gannett and Sander Holdings that are part of the Transaction.

  • Other broadcast television stations in the St. Louis DMA could not readily increase their advertising capacity or change their programming sufficiently in response to a price increase by KSDK-TV and KMOV-TV.

  • Accordingly, a television station is unlikely to change its programming sufficiently or with sufficient rapidity to overcome a small but significant price increase imposed by KSDK-TV and KMOV-TV.

  • Belo owns 20 commercial broadcast television stations in 15 markets throughout the United States, including KMOV-TV, the CBS affiliate in St. Louis, Missouri.

  • After the Transaction, even though KSDK-TV and KMOV-TV will continue to have different owners and maintain separate sales forces, the various agreements between Gannett and Sander create an ongoing relationship between Gannett and Sander that did not exist between competitors Gannett and Belo.

  • During the grant period, the project was expanded to include the development and deployment of a new Smart Grid connected the module with integrated Smart Grid connectivity and communications.

  • Currently, Gannett’s KSDK-TV and Belo’s KMOV-TV vigorously compete for the business of local and national companies that seek to purchase local spot advertisements on broadcast television stations in St. Louis.

  • The Transaction would eliminate or greatly reduce the head-to-head competition between KSDK-TV and KMOV-TV in St. Louis and so eliminate or greatly reduce the benefits of that competition.

Related to KMOV-TV

  • snippet means the Guarantee and Collateral Agreement, as amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time, in the form of Exhibit E, among Holdings, the Borrower, each Subsidiary Loan Party and the Administrative Agent.","snippetLinks":[{"key":"guarantee-and-collateral-agreement","type":"clause","offset":[10,44]},{"key":"as-amended","type":"definition","offset":[46,56]},{"key":"otherwise- modified","type":"clause","offset":[74,92]},{"key":"from-time-to-time","type":"clause","offset":[93,110]},{"key":"form-of","type":"clause","offset":[119,126]},{"key":"exhibit-e","type":"clause","offset":[127,136]},{"key":"holdings","type":"clause","offset":[144,152]},{"key":"the-borrower","type":"clause","offset":[154,166]},{"key":"subsidiary-loan- party","type":"definition","offset":[173,194]},{"key":"the-administrative-agent","type":"clause","offset":[199,223]}],"hash":"61aabf5edc0e717dd017e870877aba2d","id":5},{"size":55,"samples":[{"uri":"/contracts/dcqI4XJ9kpY#collateral-agreement","label":"Credit Agreement (AGA Medical Holdings, Inc.)","score":21},

  • DTMB means the Michigan Department of Technology, Management and Budget. “Effective Date” has the meaning set forth in the preamble.

  • PSEA means the employers' association that is established for post-secondary institutions under the Public Sector Employers' Act and that is the employer bargaining agent for all institutions.

  • Retail marijuana store means an entity licensed to purchase Retail Marijuana from a Retail Marijuana Cultivation Facility and to purchase Retail Marijuana Product from a Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturing Facility and to sell Retail Marijuana and Retail Marijuana Product to consumers.

  • Dining club license means a license issued in accordance with Chapter 5, Retail

  • Roomer means a person occupying a dwelling unit that lacks a major bathroom or kitchen facility, in a structure where one or more major facilities are used in common by occupants of the dwelling unit and other dwelling units. Major facility in the case of a bathroom means toilet, or either a bath or shower, and in the case of a kitchen means refrigerator, stove or sink.

  • Grocery store means any retail establishment, the business of which consists of the sale of food, food products, or beverages for consumption off the premises.

  • Snack means supplemental food served between meals.

  • Universal Digital Loop Carrier (UDLC means the DLC system that has a CO terminal channel bank that is connected to the CO switches on the analog side.

  • Ozone season means the period of time beginning May 1 of a year and ending on September 30 of the same year, inclusive.

  • Co-generation means the sequential production of electricity

  • Distributed Generator means a person who owns or operates Distributed Generation;

  • EPG means electronic program guide maintained by a DPO on its Digital Distribution Platform which lists the television channels and programs, and scheduling and programming information therein and includes any enhanced electronic guide that allows Subscribers to navigate and select such available channels and programs.

  • TWC means The Willxxxx Xxxpanies, Inc., a Delaware corporation.

  • snippetLinks [{"key":"specifically","type":"clause","offset":[20,32]},{"key":"provided-herein","type":"clause","offset":[33,48]},{"key":"at-the-closing","type":"clause","offset":[50,64]},{"key":"the-parties-shall","type":"clause","offset":[65,82]},

  • Distributed Generation means generating plant equipment collectively used for generating electricity that is connected, or proposed to be connected, to the Network or a Customer's Installation, but does not include:

  • CUP means China UnionPay Company Limited, a joint stock limited liability company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China with head quarters in Shanghai, the People’s Republic of China;

  • business vertical means a distinguishable component of an enterprise that is engaged in the supply of individual goods or services or a group of related goods or services which is subject to risks and returns that are different from those of the other business verticals.

  • ALI means a feature by which the service address associated with the calling party’s listed telephone number identified by ANI as defined herein, is forwarded to the PSAP for display. Additional telephones with the same number as the calling party’s, including secondary locations and off-premise extensions will be identified with the service address of the calling party’s listed number.

  • Adult motion picture theater means a commercial establishment where, for any form of consideration, films, motion pictures, video cassettes, slides, or similar photographic reproductions are regularly shown which are characterized by the depiction or description of "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas."

  • Games means games of chance.

  • Mini Soccer means those participating at ages under 7s to under 10s.

  • Alcoholic beverage means a beverage that:

  • Malt beverage or "malt liquor" means any beverage such as

  • Retail tobacco store means a retail store utilized primarily for the sale of tobacco products and accessories and in which the sale of other products is merely incidental.

  • STP means the temperature of fifteen degrees Celsius (15°C) and at a pressure of one hundred and one decimal three two five kilopascals (101.325 kPa).