Farm dwelling definition

Farm dwelling means a single-family dwelling located on and used in direct connection with a farm, or where the agricultural activity provides income to the occupant(s) of the dwelling. A farm dwelling includes employee housing for that farm.
Farm dwelling means a single-family dwelling located on and used in connection with a farm or where agricultural activity provides income to the family occupying the dwelling.
Farm dwelling is defined by Chapter 205, Hawai‘i Revised Statutes, and the State Land Use District Regulations as “a single-family dwelling located on and used in connection with a farm where agricultural activity provides income to the family occupying the dwelling”; and

Examples of Farm dwelling in a sentence

  • Currently there are four properties under construction in Wingrave, a Farm dwelling at the bottom of Castle Street and three detached homes on land off Castle Street.

  • Existing Farm dwelling and related Farm structures that have been constructed prior to November 7th 1995 may be separated from the farm plot.

  • FCL – Farm dwelling units on parcel sizes 8.0 hectares, or greater, located within the Agricultural Land Reserve, shall be located with the underside of a wooden floor system or the top of the pad of any habitable area (or in the case of a manufactured home the top of pad or the ground surface on which it is located) no lower than 1.0 metre above the natural ground elevation taken at any point on the perimeter of the building.

  • However, the true scope of this issue and characteristics of this group of offenders is still unclear due to small sample sizes.

  • As soldiers for the Lord, we have been equipped with the weapons that are “mighty through God to the pulling down of strong- holds” (2 Corinthians 10:4).

More Definitions of Farm dwelling

Farm dwelling means a single family year-round residential dwelling that is located on a farm or on a lot that has been subdivided from an existing farm, and is owned and occupied by a principal owner of the farm, a person whose primary occupation is to work upon the farm or a parent, son or daughter of a principal owner of the farm;
Farm dwelling means a Single Detached Dwelling which is located or intended to be located on a lot used for agricultural purposes.
Farm dwelling means a single-family dwelling located on and used in connection with a farm or where
Farm dwelling means any of the following structures that is located on a “farm”:
Farm dwelling means any dwelling directly related to the management of any bona fide farm operation as herein provided.
Farm dwelling means a single detached dwelling located in a farm cluster which is incidental and exclusively used in conjunction with a farm and is situated on the same lot therewith. (Z.-1-051390)
Farm dwelling means any dwelling located on a farm as defined by this ordinance and occupied as the home, residence or sleeping place of the owner-operator, manager or tenant farmer of that farm.