enforcing definition

enforcing. (or any derivation) the Transaction Security shall include the appointment of an administrator of a Debtor by the Security Agent;
enforcing. (or any derivation) the Transaction Security includes:
enforcing. (or any derivation) the Transaction Security shall include (except in relation to a Debtor or Security Provider incorporated in Spain or Transaction Security granted over the shares of that Debtor or Security Provider) the appointment of an administrator or, under Irish law, a receiver or receiver and manager, of a Debtor or Security Provider by the Security Agent;

More Definitions of enforcing

enforcing. ENFORCING agency" means the designated officer or
enforcing or “enforcement” means all actions by the State to obtain compliance with size and weight requirements by all vehicles operating on the FA Interstate, primary, urban, and secondary systems.
enforcing a restriction or a regulation means any manner in which Respondent requires compliance with any of its regulations, including, but not limited to, investigations or hearings of purported violations of the regulation, dissemination of the terms or Board interpretations of the regulation in any manner to Board licensees, and assignments of penalties for any violation of the regulation.
enforcing a Regulation means any manner—formal or informal—in which Defendant requires compliance with any Regulation, including, but not limited to, investigations or hearings of purported violations of the Regulation, and any Disciplinary Actions for any violation of the Regulation.
enforcing. (or any derivation) the Shared Transaction Security or the Super Senior Additional Security includes:
enforcing. (or any derivation) the Transaction Security shall include the appointment of an administrator of a Debtor by the Security Agent, except with respect to the Control Share Pledges, in which case “enforcing” (or any derivation) the Transaction Security shall include only the methods of enforcement permitted under Clause ‎11.8 (Limitations on enforcement of Control Share Pledges);
enforcing. (or any derivation) the Security includes the appointment of an administrator, examiner, receiver or process adviser (or any analogous officer in any jurisdiction) of an Irish Obligor by the Security Agent;