Eligible Countries means: (a) in the case of the African Development Bank and the Nigeria trust Fund, the Member Countries of the African Development Bank.
Eligible Countries means the countries as per Appendix-A.
Eligible Countries means the countries and territories eligible as listed in Section 5.
Examples of Eligible Countries in a sentence
Icosavax will ensure that it or its manufacturing and/or commercial partner(s) sell the Covid Vaccine to Public Sector Purchasers for use in Eligible Countries for the Charitable Purpose at no more than [***] above the combined COGS for Covid Vaccine [***] (the “Price Commitment”).
More Definitions of Eligible Countries
Eligible Countries means the countries and territories eligible as listed in the SCC.
Eligible Countries means: (a) in the case of the African Development Bank (ADB) and the Nigeria Trust Fund, the Member Countries of the ADB; and (b) in the case of the African Development Fund (ADF), any country.
Eligible Countries means all countries of the World with whom Islamic Republic of Pakistan has commercial relations.
Eligible Countries means the countries and territories eligible stipulated by the Bank’s Rules and Procedures for Procurement of Goods and Works, and as listed in Section V, Eligible Countries.
Eligible Countries means all countries, excluding Clients reside in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and countries included in regional restriction countries on the FXTM website.
Eligible Countries means developing countries listed in Annex I;
Eligible Countries means all countries except those listed on the company's website and those where the use of this clause violates local laws and regulations.