Eld Warranty definition

Eld Warranty means a representation, warranty, undertaking and other obligation of Eldorado set out in section 5 (in so far as they relate to Eldorado) and sections 7.1 and 7.5; Page 6 of 47 (Share Sale Agreement)

Related to Eld Warranty

  • Limited Warranty means the limited warranties and your coverage provided by IKO for your Shingles as expressly set out in this document, and are the only warranties being provided by IKO.

  • Manufacturer’s Warranty means the warranty supplied from time to time by the manufacturer of the Goods as at the date of the acceptance of the Statement of Work; “PPSA” means the Personal Property Securities Xxx 0000; “Price” means the amount specified within each Statement of Work (subject to any Variation) or as otherwise specified from the Company to the Customer representing the cost for the Works; “Related Work” means any additional building, carpentry, painting, plastering, plumbing or other work or other trades that the Customer requires, which are not to be carried out by the Company; “Services” means the services provided by the Company to the Customer as part of the Works, which may include without limitation the installation of Goods; “Services Delay Charge” means the services delay charge (if any) set out in the Statement of Work; “Services Interruption Event” means any interruption to a Works caused by; a Force Majeure Event, the Customer’s failure to carry out or perform any obligation required of it under this agreement which in the sole opinion of the Company does or may cause a delay in the Works and any other matter which in the reasonable opinion of the Company will cause an interruption or delay in the performance of the Works; “Statement of Work” means the details outlining the provision of the Works, which statement can be delivered verbally or in writing (including email) and may include (where applicable) an estimate or quotation (as specifically expressed as the case) of costs; “Variation” means a change in the Statement of Work including the specifications, scope, time of supply, price or scale of the Works and such variation shall form part of this agreement; “Workmanship” means a good and high quality and standard of delivery in connection with the Services performed; “Works” means the supply of Goods and the provision of Services to the Customer as per each Statement of Work;

  • Extended Warranty means an agreement for a specified duration to

  • Warranty means a warranty made solely by the manufacturer,

  • Seller’s Warranties means the warranties given by the Seller pursuant to Clause 9 and Schedule 9, and “Seller’s Warranty” means any one of them;

  • Product Warranty has the meaning set forth in Section 9.3.

  • Express warranty means an express warranty as set forth in sections 4-2-313 and 4-2.5-210, C.R.S. An express warranty shall cover every part of a new facilitative device.

  • Purchaser Warranties shall have the meaning ascribed to the term in Clause 8.1;

  • Warranty Xxxx of Sale means the warranty (as to title) xxxx of sale covering the Aircraft executed by Manufacturer or an affiliate of Manufacturer in favor of Company and specifically referring to each Engine, as well as the Airframe, constituting a part of the Aircraft.

  • Purchaser’s Warranties means the warranties and representations given by the Purchasers pursuant to Clause 5.2 and Schedule 2 and “Purchasers’ Warranty” means any one of them;

  • Defects Liability Period (Warranty Period) means the period stated in the Schedule A Special Stipulations, following the taking over, during which the Contractor is responsible for making good defects and damage in accordance with Clause 15.

  • Tax Warranty means a representation or warranty in Sections 3.17 or 3.19.

  • Improvement warranty means an applicant's unconditional warranty that the

  • Seller Warranties means the warranties given by the Seller in Schedule 3;

  • Origination Rep and Warranty Settlement means any settlement relating to claims arising from breaches of origination/selling representations and warranties that Xxxxxx Xxx enters into with a loan seller or servicer in lieu of requiring such loan seller or servicer to repurchase a specified pool of mortgage loans that includes one or more Reference Obligations, whereby Xxxxxx Mae has received the agreed-upon settlement proceeds from such loan seller or servicer. For the avoidance of doubt, any settlement that Xxxxxx Xxx may enter into with a servicer in connection with a breach by such servicer of its servicing obligations to Xxxxxx Mae with respect to Reference Obligations will not be included in any Origination Rep and Warranty Settlement. Moreover, a Reference Obligation subject to an Origination Rep and Warranty Settlement that is not a Credit Event Reference Obligation may be subsequently repurchased by the related loan seller or servicer due to certain breaches of representations and warranties, such as a breach of a representation or warranty relating to fraud or property title. Any amounts collected by Xxxxxx Xxx due to such subsequent repurchases will be allocated to the applicable Reference Tranches as Unscheduled Principal.

  • Tax Warranties means the warranties set out in part 3 of schedule 8 (Tax)

  • Warranties - means collectively any and all warranties (if any) given by the Bidder in terms of this agreement.

  • Representations and Warranties The energy service under this Agreement will meet the applicable LDU’s standards and may be supplied from a variety of sources. Tomorrow Energy makes no representations or warranties other than those expressly set forth in this Agreement, and Tomorrow Energy expressly disclaims all other warranties, express or implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

  • Fundamental Representations and Warranties means the representations and warranties contained in Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.6, 4.1 and 4.3.

  • Representation means any representation as to fact or law, including a representation as to the state of mind of—

  • Major Representation means a representation or warranty with respect to the Borrower or the Merger Sub only under any of Clause 18.2 (Status) to Clause 18.6 (Validity and admissibility in evidence) inclusive.

  • Warranty Rights means the Warranty Rights as described in Schedule I to the Participation Agreement.

  • Seller Use means fuel used for gas compression, LPG plants and LNG plants, other gas needed by Seller's facilities to furnish the requirements of Buyers, together with unaccounted for gas. This gas shall be considered included in Priority of Service Category 1. Other vital uses of Seller, such as flame stabilization requirements, will be met as long as such uses do not jeopardize service to its firm service Buyers.

  • Warranty Period /„Maintenance Period‟ shall mean the period during which the Contractor shall remain liable for repair or replacement of any defective part of the Works performed under the Contract.

  • maximum content of non-originating materials means the maximum content of non-originating materials which is permitted in order to consider a manufacture to be working or processing sufficient to confer originating status on the product. It may be expressed as a percentage of the ex-works price of the product or as a percentage of the net weight of these materials used falling under a specified group of chapters, chapter, heading or subheading;

  • Latent Defects means such defects caused by faulty designs, material or work-man- ship which cannot be detected during inspection, testing etc, based on the technology available for carrying out such tests.