De Minimis Inaccuracies definition

De Minimis Inaccuracies means any inaccuracies that individually or in the aggregate are de minimis relative to the total fully diluted equity capitalization of the Company or Parent, as the case may be.
De Minimis Inaccuracies means any inaccuracies in the representations and warranties of the Company in Section 3.02(a) or Section 3.02(b) that individually or in the aggregate are de minimis relative to the total fully diluted equity capitalization of the Company.
De Minimis Inaccuracies means any inaccuracies that individually or in the aggregate are de minimis relative to the total fully diluted equity capitalization of the Issuer.

More Definitions of De Minimis Inaccuracies

De Minimis Inaccuracies means any inaccuracies in the representations and warranties of the Company set forth in Section 3.02(a) or the first sentence of Section 3.02(b) that individually or in the aggregate are de minimis relative to the total fully diluted equity capitalization of the Company.
De Minimis Inaccuracies means any inaccuracies in the representations and warranties of Starwood in Section 3.1(c) or of Marriott in Section 3.2(c) that individually or in the aggregate are de minimis relative to the total fully diluted equity capitalization of Starwood or Marriott, as the case may be.
De Minimis Inaccuracies means any inaccuracies in the representations and warranties of Starwood in Section 3.1(c) or of Marriott inSection 3.2(c) that individually or in the aggregate are de minimis relative to the total fully diluted equity capitalization of Starwood or Marriott, as the case may be.
De Minimis Inaccuracies means any inaccuracies in the representations and warranties of the Company in Section 4.05 or of the Parent Entities in Section 5.05, in each case, that individually or in the aggregate are de minimis relative to the total pro forma fully diluted equity capitalization of the Parent (or, if the Parent Restructuring is consummated, HoldCo), giving effect to the Mergers.
De Minimis Inaccuracies means any inaccuracy or breach, with respect to the representations and warranties set forth in Section 3.4(a)-(d), that are not, individually or in the aggregate, reasonably expected to result in Losses to Parent or any of the Parent Indemnitees equal to or greater than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000).
De Minimis Inaccuracies means any inaccuracies in the representations and warranties of ILG in Section 3.1(c) or of MVW in Section 3.2(c) that individually or in the aggregate are de minimis relative to the total fully diluted equity capitalization of ILG or MVW, as the case may be;
De Minimis Inaccuracies means any inaccuracies that individually or in the aggregate are de minimis relative to the total fully diluted equity capitalization of Golden or Labrador, as the case may be.