Covered Accident definition

Covered Accident means an Accident that occurs while coverage is in force and results in a loss for which benefits are payable.
Covered Accident means an accident that occurs while coverage is in force for a Covered Person and results directly and independently of all other causes in a loss or Injury covered by the Policy for which benefits are payable.
Covered Accident means an Accident that occurs to You while coverage is in force and results in a loss or Injury covered by the Policy for which benefits are payable.

Examples of Covered Accident in a sentence

  • In the event of the Insured’s death resulting from a Covered Accident, the Company shall pay the Policyholder or legal representative of the Insured, the lump sum benefit in accordance to the Plan as set forth in the Schedule of Benefits.

More Definitions of Covered Accident

Covered Accident means an Accident that occurs while coverage is in force for a Covered Person and results in a
Covered Accident means an accident or event that:
Covered Accident means an Accident that occurs while coverage is in force for an Plan Participant and results in a loss or Injury covered by the Policy for which benefits are payable.
Covered Accident means an accident that occurs while coverage is in force for a Covered Person and results directly and independently of all other causes in a loss or Injury covered by the Policy for which benefits are payable. You must provide notification of a claim within 90 days of an Accident or Loss. If notice cannot be given within that time, it must be given as soon as reasonably possible. This notice should identify you, the Participating Organization, and the Policy Number. “Covered Expenses” means expenses actually incurred by or on behalf of a Covered Person for treatment, services and supplies covered by the Policy. Coverage under the Policyholder’s Policy must remain continuously in force from the date of the Covered Accident or Sickness until the date treatment, services or supplies are received for them to be a Covered Expense. A Covered Expense is deemed to be incurred on the date such treatment, service or
Covered Accident means an Accident that occurs while coverage is in
Covered Accident means an Accident that occurs while coverage is in force for an Insured and results directly and independently of all other causes in a loss or Injury covered by the Policy for which benefits are payable. An “Injury” is defined as accidental bodily harm sustained by an Insured that results directly and independently from all other causes from a Covered Accident. The injury must be caused solely through accidental means. All injuries sustained by one person in any one Covered Accident, including all related conditions and recurrent symptoms of these injuries, are considered a single Injury. “Medically Necessary” means a Treatment, service or supply that is: 1) required to treat an injury; 2) prescribed or ordered by a Doctor or furnished by a Hospital; 3) performed in the least costly setting required by the Insured’s condition; and 4) consistent with the medical and surgical practices prevailing in the area for the treatment of the condition at the time rendered. Purchasing or renting 1) air conditioners; 2) air purifiers; 3) motorized transportation equipment; 4) escalators or elevators in private homes; 5) eyeglass frames or lenses; 6) hearing aids; 7) swimming pools or supplies for them; and 8) general exercise equipment are not Medically Necessary. A service or supply may not be Medically Necessary if a less intensive or more appropriate diagnostic or treatment alternative could have been used. We may consider the cost of the alternative to be the Covered Expense. “Sickness” means illness, disease or condition that causes a loss for which an Insured incurs medical expenses while covered under this Policy. All related conditions and recurrent symptoms of the same or similar condition will be considered on Sickness. “Usual and Customary Charge” means the average amount charged by most providers for Treatment, service or supplies in the geographic area where the Treatment, service or supply is provided. “School Activities” means any activity that is sponsored and under the direct, immediate supervision of the School that: (a) the School requires the Insured Person to attend; or (b) is under the sole control and supervision of School authorities. It does not include an activity related to athletics or cheerleading that is under joint sponsorship or supervision arrangement with any non-School group.Excess Provision
Covered Accident means an Accident that occurs while coverage is in force for a Covered Person and results in a loss or Injury covered by this Policy for which benefits are payable.