Countywide definition

Countywide means all geographic locations in Orange County, California.
Countywide means, for any county or metropolitan service district with one or more cities required to implement a waste prevention and reuse program, the cities required to implement waste prevention and reuse programs and the areas between each such city’s city limits and its urban growth boundary.

Examples of Countywide in a sentence

  • Contact the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors office at 619-531-5434 with questions or to request a disability-related accommodation.Individuals requiring sign language interpreters should contact the Countywide ADA Title II Coordinator at (619) 531-4908.

  • Decisions that involve significant service developments, significant service reductions, or significant changes in the way that services are delivered, whether County-wide or in a particular locality.

  • Countywide Road Maintenance Fund - This fund is used to account for monies from specific revenue sources that are restricted for road maintenance.

  • The Committee will meet quarterly and consult on County-wide personnel practices including, but not limited to, performance evaluations, appraisals of promotability, grievance, arbitration, appeal processes, and resolution and payment of awards.

  • The County shall prepare County-wide reemployment lists for each class from which personnel with permanent status in the class were laid off.

  • An exception to Board of Supervisors Policy, Length of Term of Contracts, has been approved by the Office of Countywide Contracting Management.

  • County departments are authorized to fill only those positions listed in the Countywide Staffing Plan.

  • Personnel serving under limited-term appointments shall not be entitled to reemployment rights or to placement on either a departmental or County-wide reemployment list, whether or not they held permanent status as limited-term appointees in the class from which they were separated.

  • The Department of Human Resources shall coordinate with Departmental management to implement Board Policy on workforce reductions on a County-wide basis and enhance the County’s on-going efforts to find alternative placement for employees subject to layoff or demotion due to workforce reductions.

  • Relevant analysis from the County-wide General Plan and Community Plan Certified EIRs, and other project-specific studies and reports that have been generated to date, were used as the database for the Initial Study.

Related to Countywide

  • SITC means the Standard International Trade Classification, Revision 3 (SITC, Rev. 3), published by the United Nations in Statistical Papers, Series M, No. 34/Rev. 3 (1986);

  • County Manager means the County Manager appointed by the County Council pursuant to the Luzerne County Charter;

  • County highway means a public road that is constructed and

  • County department means the county or district department of human or social services.

  • County Engineer means the holder of the statutory office of County Engineer for Harris County or the employee designated by the County Engineer to perform a task required by these Regulations.

  • County means the county of Los Angeles or any public entities for which the board of supervisors is the governing body. (Ord. 2002-0040 § 1, 2002: Ord. 2002-0015 § 1 (part), 2002)

  • County clerk means the county clerk or the county official in charge of elections.

  • Youth center means any public or private facility that is primarily used to host recreational or social activities for minors, including, but not limited to, private youth membership organizations or clubs, social service teenage club facilities, video arcades, or similar amusement park facilities.

  • County Assessor means the Greenville County Assessor, or the person holding any successor office of the County.

  • Cook means an employee who grills food on a salamander, stove, hot plate or barbecue type cooker and shall include preparing, frying or cooking fish or chicken or cooking pizzas.

  • Academy means the academy named at the beginning of this Disciplinary Policy and Procedure and includes all sites upon which the academy undertaking is, from time to time, being carried out.

  • townsite in relation to the townsite to be established near the harbour means a townsite (whether or not constituted and defined under section 10 of the Land Act) primarily to facilitate the Company’s operations in and near the harbour and for employees of the Company and in relation to the mining areas means such a townsite or townsites or any other townsite or townsites which is or are established by the Company for the purposes of its operations and employees on or near the mining areas in lieu of a townsite constituted and defined under section 10 of the Land Act;

  • Municipal Service Area means the geographical area within the legal boundaries of the Municipality where the Company has been granted rights hereunder in connection with, among other matters, Natural Gas Distribution Service, as altered from time to time;

  • Recycling center means an establishment, place of business, facility or building which is maintained, operated, or used for the storing, keeping, buying, or selling of newspaper or used food or beverage containers or plastic containers for the purpose of converting such items into a usable product.

  • Brownfield means any former or current commercial or

  • Floodplain Management means the operation of an overall program of corrective and preventive measures for reducing flood damage, including but not limited to emergency preparedness plans, flood control works and floodplain management regulations.

  • apartment building means a residential use building, or the residential use portion of a mixed-use building, other than a townhouse or stacked townhouse containing four or more dwelling units each of which shall have access to above grade common halls, stairs, elevators, and yards;

  • Urban area means Maricopa and Pima counties, excluding Tribal Lands.

  • County board means a county board of developmental disabilities.

  • Residential real estate means any real property located in this state, upon which is constructed or intended to be constructed a dwelling;

  • Shorelines means all of the water areas of the state, including reservoirs, and their associated shorelands, together with the lands underlying them; except (i) shorelines of statewide significance; (ii) shorelines on segments of streams upstream of a point where the mean annual flow is twenty cubic feet per second or less and the wetlands associated with such upstream segments; and (iii) shorelines on lakes less than twenty acres in size and wetlands associated with such small lakes.

  • Reception center means a business that:

  • County Superintendent means the Executive County Superintendent of Schools designated by the Department of Education for this school district.

  • Office of the Interconnection Control Center means the equipment, facilities and personnel used by the Office of the Interconnection to coordinate and direct the operation of the PJM Region and to administer the PJM Interchange Energy Market, including facilities and equipment used to communicate and coordinate with the Market Participants in connection with transactions in the PJM Interchange Energy Market or the operation of the PJM Region. On-Site Generators:

  • Forest means an area of land defined by the minimum values for area size, tree crown cover or an equivalent stocking level, and potential tree height at maturity at the place of growth of the trees as specified for each Member State in Annex II. It includes areas with trees, including groups of growing, young, natural trees, or plantations that have yet to reach the minimum values for tree crown cover or an equivalent stocking level or minimum tree height as specified in Annex II, including any area that normally forms part of the forest area but on which there are temporarily no trees as a result of human intervention, such as harvesting, or as a result of natural causes, but which area can be expected to revert to forest;

  • Campground means that term as defined in section 12501 of the public health code, Act No. 368 of the Public Acts of 1978, being section 333.12501 of the Michigan Compiled Laws, except that campground does not include land or sites operated by this state or the federal government, and does not include a membership campground.