AuRico Resolution; definition

AuRico Resolution; means the ordinary resolution of AuRico Shareholders approving the issuance of AuRico Shares pursuant to the Plan of Arrangement in accordance with the requirements of TSX;
AuRico Resolution; means the ordinary resolution approving the issuance of AuRico Shares pursuant to the Arrangement to be voted on by the AuRico Shareholders at the AuRico Meeting;

Examples of AuRico Resolution; in a sentence

  • The AuRico Board has unanimously approved the Arrangement and the entering into of this Agreement and has resolved to unanimously recommend that AuRico Shareholders approve the AuRico Resolution.

  • The only votes of the holders of any class or series of the AuRico Shares, AuRico Options or other securities of AuRico necessary to approve this Agreement and the Arrangement and the transactions contemplated hereof or thereby is the approval of the AuRico Resolution.

Related to AuRico Resolution;

  • unanimous resolution means, subject to subsection (3) -

  • Special Resolution means a resolution passed by a majority of not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast on that resolution.

  • Supplemental Resolution means any resolution or resolutions of the Trust amending, modifying or supplementing this Bond Resolution, authorizing the issuance of a Series of Refunding Bonds, or any other Supplemental Resolution adopted by the Trust pursuant to the provisions of this Bond Resolution.

  • Arrangement Resolution means the special resolution of the Company Shareholders approving this Plan of Arrangement to be considered at the Company Meeting.

  • Amalgamation Resolution means the special resolution of the Shareholders concerning the Amalgamation to be considered at the Meeting, substantially in the form set out in Appendix A to the Circular;

  • Certified Resolution means a copy of a resolution certified by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary of the Company to have been duly adopted by the Board of Directors and to be in full force and effect on the date of such certification.

  • Authorizing Resolution means a resolution adopted by the Board of Directors or by an Officer or committee of Officers pursuant to Board delegation authorizing a Series of Securities.

  • resolution plan means a plan proposed by resolution applicant for insolvency resolution of the corporate debtor as a going concern in accordance with Part II;

  • Resolution shall have the meaning specified in Section 8(E).

  • Ordinary Resolution means a resolution passed by a simple majority of the Members as, being entitled to do so, vote in person or, where proxies are allowed, by proxy at a general meeting, and includes a unanimous written resolution. In computing the majority when a poll is demanded regard shall be had to the number of votes to which each Member is entitled by the Articles.

  • Resolution of Directors means either:

  • Bond Resolution means the resolution to be adopted by the Governing Body prescribing the terms and details of the Bonds and making covenants with respect thereto.

  • Board Resolution means a copy of a resolution certified by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary of the Company to have been duly adopted by the Board of Directors and to be in full force and effect on the date of such certification, and delivered to the Trustee.

  • U.S. Special Resolution Regime means each of (i) the Federal Deposit Insurance Act and the regulations promulgated thereunder and (ii) Title II of the Xxxx-Xxxxx Xxxx Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and the regulations promulgated thereunder.

  • Special Resolution Regime means each of (i) the Federal Deposit Insurance Act and the regulations promulgated thereunder and (ii) Title II of the Xxxx-Xxxxx Xxxx Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and the regulations promulgated thereunder.

  • U.S. Special Resolution Regimes has the meaning specified in Section 11.21.

  • Guarantor’s Board Resolution means a copy of one or more resolutions, certified by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary of the Guarantor to have been duly adopted by the Guarantor's Board of Directors and to be in full force and effect on the date of such certification, delivered to the Trustee.

  • Extraordinary Resolution has the meaning set forth in Section 7.11(1);

  • Resolution of Shareholders means either:

  • Initial Resolution Period As defined in Section 2.03(b).

  • Resolution Time means 1:00 p.m. New York time on the Local Business Day following the date on which the notice of the dispute is given under Paragraph 5.

  • Written Resolution means a written (or electronic) solution for a decision making among the Bondholders, as set out in Clause 15.5 (Written Resolutions).