2015A Taxable Bonds definition

2015A Taxable Bonds means the $14,615,000 City of Scottsdale Municipal Property Corporation Excise Tax Revenue Bonds, Taxable Series 2015A.

Related to 2015A Taxable Bonds

  • Taxable Bonds means Bonds of a Series which are not Tax Exempt Bonds.

  • Series 2019 Bonds means, collectively, the Series 2019A Bonds and the Series 2019B Bonds.

  • Series 2020 Bonds means the West Virginia Hospital Finance Authority Refunding Revenue Bonds (Thomas Health System, Inc.), Series 2020 A to be issued as a combination of tax-exempt and taxable non-rated fixed rate bonds by the Issuer, subject to its authority and discretion, in the aggregate principal amount of $60,100,000, to (i) refund and retire the Series 2008 Bonds at a discount to the current par amount outstanding, (ii) fund a debt service reserve fund for the Series 2020 Bonds, (iii) fund the Operating Reserve Fund, if necessary, as described in Article IV.C.1 of the Plan and (iv) finance costs of issuance of the Series 2020 Bonds.

  • Series 2017 Bonds means, collectively, the Series 2017A Bonds and the Series 2017B Bonds.

  • Outstanding Bonds means any Bonds not redeemed or otherwise discharged.

  • Series 2015 Bonds means, collectively, the Series 2015B Bonds, Series 2015C Bonds and Series 2015D Bonds.

  • Prior Bonds means the assessment bonds that are refunded in part or in whole by refunding assessment bonds.

  • Current Interest Bonds means Bonds of a Series the interest on which is payable at least annually.

  • Term Bonds means Bonds that mature on one date and that are subject to mandatory redemption from Amortization Installments or are subject to extraordinary mandatory or mandatory redemption upon receipt of unscheduled Pledged Revenues.

  • Refunded Bonds means the portion of the $2,348,000 of the Series B Bonds now outstanding that are stated to mature on December 1 in each of the years 2021 and 2022 that is to be refunded by the Bonds, as determined by the Fiscal Officer and specified in the Certificate of Award at the time of the sale of the Bonds in accordance with Section 2, and may include all of those Original Bonds.

  • Series A Bonds means the Series A Senior Secured Nuclear Asset-Recovery Bonds issued by the Issuer on June 22, 2016.

  • Senior Bonds means all Bonds issued as Senior Bonds in compliance with the provisions of the Indenture.

  • Refunding Bonds means Bonds issued pursuant to provisions of this Master Indenture, the proceeds of which are used to refund one or more Series of Outstanding Bonds.

  • Principal and Interest Account The principal and interest account created by the Servicer pursuant to Section 8.08(a) hereof. The Principal and Interest Account shall be an Eligible Account.

  • Additional Bonds means the debt instruments issued under a Tap Issue, including any Temporary Bonds.

  • Subsequent Bonds means any Bonds issued after the First Issue Date on one or more occasions.

  • Initial Bonds means the Bonds issued on the First Issue Date.

  • Bond and Interest Fund means the Bond and Interest Fund of the Issuer for its general obligation bonds.

  • Bank Bonds means any Bonds purchased with moneys received under the Letter of Credit in connection with a Liquidity Drawing and held by the Tender Agent, or its agent, in each case, for the account of the Issuing Bank.

  • 2026 Notes means the 7.75% Senior Notes due 2026, originally issued by Ensco plc (now Valaris), a public limited company organized under the laws of England and Wales.

  • Transition bonds means bonds, notes, certificates of

  • Existing Bonds means the following obligations of Seller:

  • 2014 Notes means (i) the 4.850% Senior Secured Notes due 2024 issued by the Issuer on March 18, 2014 and (ii) the 4.45% Senior Secured Notes due 2025 and the 5.45% Senior Secured Notes due 2034 issued by the Issuer on August 21, 2014.

  • Refunded Notes means that portion of the Series 298 Notes and Series 300 Notes paid from the proceeds of the Bonds and other available funds of the Issuer.

  • 2019 Notes has the meaning set forth in the definition of “2018 Exchange Offers”.

  • Series A Notes is defined in Section 1.