Common use of Workplace adjustment Clause in Contracts

Workplace adjustment. An employer wishing to employ a person under the provisions of this schedule must take reasonable steps to make changes in the workplace to enhance the employee’s capacity to do the job. Changes may involve redesign of job duties, working time arrangements and work organisation in consultation with other workers in the area. Trial period In order for an adequate assessment of the employee’s capacity to be made, an employer may employ a person under the provisions of this schedule for a trial period not exceeding 12 weeks, except that in some cases additional work adjustment time (not exceeding 4 weeks) may be needed. During that trial period the assessment of capacity will be undertaken and the percentage of the relevant minimum wage for a continuing employment relationship will be determined. The minimum amount payable to the employee during the trial period must be no less than $81 per week. Work trials should include induction or training as appropriate to the job being trialled. Where the employer and employee wish to establish a continuing employment relationship following the completion of the trial period, a further contract of employment will be entered into based on the outcome of assessment under subclauses (7) and (8). Schedule 2 Classification structure and salary ranges – for AGS employees Part 1 Salary ranges for the Lawyer designation Classification Minimum salary from commencement date Maximum salary from commencement date Minimum salary from 12 months after commencement date Maximum salary from 12 months after commencement date Minimum salary from 24 months after commencement date Maximum salary from 24 months after commencement date APS Level 3 $49 620 $66 333 $50 613 $67 660 $51 120 $68 337 APS Level 4 $58 500 $75 000 $59 670 $76 500 $60 267 $77 265 APS Level 5 $61 800 $79 310 $63 036 $80 896 $63 666 $81 705 APS Level 6 $79 310 $123 600 $80 896 $126 072 $81 705 $127 333 Executive Level 1 $90 743 $139 202 $92 558 $141 986 $93 484 $143 406 Executive Level 2 $118 450 $195 700 $120 819 $199 614 $122 027 $201 610 Part 2 Salary ranges for the Paralegal designation Classification Minimum salary from commencement date Maximum salary from commencement date Minimum salary from 12 months after commencement date Maximum salary from 12 months after commencement date Minimum salary from 24 months after commencement date Maximum salary from 24 months after commencement date APS Level 4 $49 650 $70 555 $50 643 $71 966 $51 150 $72 686 APS Level 5 $64 314 $113 300 $65 601 $115 566 $66 257 $116 722 Part 3 Salary ranges for the Legal Practice Support designation Classification Minimum salary from commencement date Maximum salary from commencement date Minimum salary from 12 months after commencement date Maximum salary from 12 months after commencement date Minimum salary from 24 months after commencement date Maximum salary from 24 months after commencement date APS Level 13 $40 642 $50 037 $41 455 $51 038 $41 870 $51 548 APS Level 2 $44 833 $62 857 $45 730 $64 114 $46 188 $64 755 APS Level 3 $48 695 $66 656 $49 669 $67 990 $50 166 $68 669 APS Level 4 $50 798 $79 210 $51 814 $80 794 $52 333 $81 602 APS Level 5 $62 833 $100 158 $64 090 $102 161 $64 731 $103 183 APS Level 6 $73 308 $113 300 $74 774 $115 566 $75 522 $116 722 Executive Level 1 $90 603 $125 421 $92 415 $127 929 $93 339 $129 209 Executive Level 2 $114 800 $191 580 $117 096 $195 412 $118 267 $197 366 Part 4 Salary ranges for training classifications Classification Minimum salary from commencement date Maximum salary from commencement date Minimum salary from 12 months after commencement date Maximum salary from 12 months after commencement date Minimum salary from 24 months after commencement date Maximum salary from 24 months after commencement date Graduate APS $56 794 $67 043 $57 930 $68 384 $58 509 $69 068 AGS Entry Level Programs Broadband $44 833 $67 043 $45 730 $68 384 $46 188 $69 068 Rates for Trainee APS (Administrative) employees are as at Schedule 1, Part 4.

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Workplace adjustment. An employer wishing to employ a person under the provisions of this schedule must take reasonable steps to make changes in the workplace to enhance the employee’s capacity to do the job. Changes may involve redesign of job duties, working time arrangements and work organisation in consultation with other workers in the area. Trial period In order for an adequate assessment of the employee’s capacity to be made, an employer may employ a person under the provisions of this schedule for a trial period not exceeding 12 weeks, except that in some cases additional work adjustment time (not exceeding 4 weeks) may be needed. During that trial period the assessment of capacity will be undertaken and the percentage of the relevant minimum wage for a continuing employment relationship will be determined. The minimum amount payable to the employee during the trial period must be no less than $81 per weekthe rate payable under subclause (5). Work trials should include induction or training as appropriate to the job being trialled. Where the employer and employee wish to establish a continuing employment relationship following the completion of the trial period, a further contract of employment will be entered into based on the outcome of assessment under subclauses (7) and (8). Schedule 2 Classification structure and salary ranges – for AGS employees Part 1 Salary ranges for the Lawyer designation Classification Minimum salary from commencement date Maximum salary from commencement date Minimum salary from 12 months after commencement date Maximum salary from 12 months after commencement date Minimum salary from 24 months after commencement date Maximum salary from 24 months after commencement date APS Level 3 $49 620 60 125 $66 333 69 704 $50 613 61 327 $67 660 71 098 $51 120 62 554 $68 337 72 520 APS Level 4 $58 500 67 009 $75 000 78 810 $59 670 68 349 $76 500 80 387 $60 267 69 716 $77 265 81 994 APS Level 5 $61 800 74 743 $79 310 83 339 $63 036 76 237 $80 896 85 006 $63 666 77 762 $81 705 86 706 APS Level 6 $79 310 83 339 $123 600 129 880 $80 896 85 006 $126 072 132 477 $81 705 86 706 $135 127 333 Executive Level 1 $90 743 95 354 $139 202 146 274 $92 558 97 261 $141 986 149 200 $93 484 99 206 $143 406 152 184 Executive Level 2 $118 450 124 468 $195 700 205 642 $120 819 126 957 $199 614 209 755 $122 027 129 496 $201 610 213 950 Part 2 Salary ranges for the Paralegal designation Classification Minimum salary from commencement date Maximum salary from commencement date Minimum salary from 12 months after commencement date Maximum salary from 12 months after commencement date Minimum salary from 24 months after commencement date Maximum salary from 24 months after commencement date APS Level 4 $49 650 67 009 $70 555 74 140 $50 643 68 349 $71 966 75 623 $51 150 69 716 $72 686 77 135 APS Level 5 $64 314 74 743 $113 300 119 056 $65 601 76 237 $115 566 121 438 $66 257 77 762 $116 722 123 866 Part 3 Salary ranges for the Legal Practice Support designation Classification Minimum salary from commencement date Maximum salary from commencement date Minimum salary from 12 months after commencement date Maximum salary from 12 months after commencement date Minimum salary from 24 months after commencement date Maximum salary from 24 months after commencement date APS Level 13 $40 642 47 577 $50 037 52 579 $41 455 48 528 $51 038 53 631 $41 870 49 499 $51 548 54 703 APS Level 2 $44 833 53 844 $62 857 66 050 $45 730 54 921 $64 114 67 371 $46 188 56 019 $64 755 68 719 APS Level 3 $48 695 60 125 $66 656 70 042 $49 669 61 327 $67 990 71 443 $50 166 62 554 $68 669 72 872 APS Level 4 $50 798 67 009 $79 210 83 234 $51 814 68 349 $80 794 84 899 $52 333 69 716 $81 602 86 597 APS Level 5 $62 833 74 743 $100 158 105 247 $64 090 76 237 $102 161 107 352 $64 731 77 762 $103 183 109 499 APS Level 6 $73 308 77 032 $113 300 119 056 $74 774 78 573 $115 566 121 438 $75 522 80 145 $116 722 123 866 Executive Level 1 $90 603 95 267 $125 421 131 793 $92 415 97 172 $127 929 134 429 $93 339 99 116 $129 209 137 118 Executive Level 2 $114 800 120 632 $191 580 201 313 $117 096 123 045 $195 412 205 340 $118 267 125 506 $197 366 209 446 Part 4 Salary ranges for training classifications Classification Minimum salary from commencement date Maximum salary from commencement date Minimum salary from 12 months after commencement date Maximum salary from 12 months after commencement date Minimum salary from 24 months after commencement date Maximum salary from 24 months after commencement date Graduate APS $56 794 59 680 $67 043 70 450 $57 930 60 873 $68 384 71 859 $58 509 62 091 $69 068 73 296 AGS Entry Level Programs Broadband $44 833 47 112 $67 043 70 450 $45 730 48 054 $68 384 71 859 $46 188 49 016 $69 068 73 296 Rates for Trainee APS (Administrative) employees are as at Schedule 1, Part 43.

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Workplace adjustment. An employer wishing to employ a person under the provisions of this schedule must take reasonable steps to make changes in the workplace to enhance the employee’s capacity to do the job. Changes may involve redesign of job duties, working time arrangements and work organisation in consultation with other workers in the area. Trial period In order for an adequate assessment of the employee’s capacity to be made, an employer may employ a person under the provisions of this schedule for a trial period not exceeding 12 weeks, except that in some cases additional work adjustment time (not exceeding 4 weeks) may be needed. During that trial period the assessment of capacity will be undertaken and the percentage of the relevant minimum wage for a continuing employment relationship will be determined. The minimum amount payable to the employee during the trial period must be no less than $81 per week. Work trials should include induction or training as appropriate to the job being trialled. Where the employer and employee wish to establish a continuing employment relationship following the completion of the trial period, a further contract of employment will be entered into based on the outcome of assessment under subclauses (7) and (8). Schedule 2 Classification structure and salary ranges – for AGS employees Part employeesPart 1 Salary ranges for the Lawyer designation Classification Minimum salary from commencement date Maximum salary from commencement date Minimum salary from 12 months after commencement date Maximum salary from 12 months after commencement date Minimum salary from 24 months after commencement date Maximum salary from 24 months after commencement date APS Level 3 $49 620 $66 333 $50 613 $67 660 $51 120 $68 337 APS Level 4 $58 500 $75 000 $59 670 $76 500 $60 267 $77 265 APS Level 5 $61 800 $79 310 $63 036 $80 896 $63 666 $81 705 APS Level 6 $79 310 $123 600 $80 896 $126 072 $81 705 $127 333 Executive Level 1 $90 743 $139 202 $92 558 $141 986 $93 484 $143 406 Executive Level 2 $118 450 $195 700 $120 819 $199 614 $122 027 $201 610 Part 2 Salary ranges for the Paralegal designation Classification Minimum salary from commencement date Maximum salary from commencement date Minimum salary from 12 months after commencement date Maximum salary from 12 months after commencement date Minimum salary from 24 months after commencement date Maximum salary from 24 months after commencement date APS Level 4 $49 650 $70 555 $50 643 $71 966 $51 150 $72 686 APS Level 5 $64 314 $113 300 $65 601 $115 566 $66 257 $116 722 Part 3 Salary ranges for the Legal Practice Support designation Classification Minimum salary from commencement date Maximum salary from commencement date Minimum salary from 12 months after commencement date Maximum salary from 12 months after commencement date Minimum salary from 24 months after commencement date Maximum salary from 24 months after commencement date APS Level 13 $40 642 $50 037 $41 455 $51 038 $41 870 $51 548 APS Level 2 $44 833 $62 857 $45 730 $64 114 $46 188 $64 755 APS Level 3 $48 695 $66 656 $49 669 $67 990 $50 166 $68 669 APS Level 4 $50 798 $79 210 $51 814 $80 794 $52 333 $81 602 APS Level 5 $62 833 $100 158 $64 090 $102 161 $64 731 $103 183 APS Level 6 $73 308 $113 300 $74 774 $115 566 $75 522 $116 722 Executive Level 1 $90 603 $125 421 $92 415 $127 929 $93 339 $129 209 Executive Level 2 $114 800 $191 580 $117 096 $195 412 $118 267 $197 366 Part 4 Salary ranges for training classifications Classification Minimum salary from commencement date Maximum salary from commencement date Minimum salary from 12 months after commencement date Maximum salary from 12 months after commencement date Minimum salary from 24 months after commencement date Maximum salary from 24 months after commencement date Graduate APS $56 794 $67 043 $57 930 $68 384 $58 509 $69 068 AGS Entry Level Programs Broadband $44 833 $67 043 $45 730 $68 384 $46 188 $69 068 Rates for Trainee APS (Administrative) employees are as at Schedule 1, Part 4. Part 5 Supported Wage System Rates for Supported Wage Systems are as at Schedule 1, Part 4. Schedule 3 Remuneration and other conditions that apply solely to AGS employees Part 1 Allowances Business allowance The Secretary may approve a business allowance for an AGS employee who undertakes a special role or responsibilities, or performs particular and significant AGS business development activities. Business allowances may have fixed and performance related components. Business allowances are not considered part of salary and do not count for superannuation purposes. A transitional employee who was in receipt of a business allowance under the former AGS Agreement immediately prior to the commencement of this Agreement shall continue to be paid the business allowance from the commencement of this Agreement. The rate of business allowance will be the rate that applied immediately prior to the commencement of this Agreement. For more information about business allowance, employees should consult the AGS Employment Handbook. Bring your own device allowance A taxable allowance of $300 a year will be paid to an AGS employee who is approved by the Secretary to use their personal smartphone or tablet for official purposes. Payment will only be made for 1 personal device for each employee and will be paid fortnightly. Employees who are approved to access official information through Good technology on their personal devices are responsible for all aspects of the device, including its purchase, access, maintenance, security, connection to a telecommunications network and all data charges. The Secretary's responsibility is to enable access to official systems through Good technology and to pay the associated costs for the access. The Secretary may decide to extend the arrangement to other devices (e.g. laptop computers) during the life of this Agreement. For more information about bring your own device allowance, employees should consult the AGS Employment Handbook.

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Workplace adjustment. An employer wishing to employ a person under the provisions of this schedule must take reasonable steps to make changes in the workplace to enhance the employee’s capacity to do the job. Changes may involve redesign of job duties, working time arrangements and work organisation in consultation with other workers in the area. Trial period In order for an adequate assessment of the employee’s capacity to be made, an employer may employ a person under the provisions of this schedule for a trial period not exceeding 12 weeks, except that in some cases additional work adjustment time (not exceeding 4 weeks) may be needed. During that trial period the assessment of capacity will be undertaken and the percentage of the relevant minimum wage for a continuing employment relationship will be determined. The minimum amount payable to the employee during the trial period must be no less than $81 per weekthe rate payable under subclause (5). Work trials should include induction or training as appropriate to the job being trialled. Where the employer and employee wish to establish a continuing employment relationship following the completion of the trial period, a further contract of employment will be entered into based on the outcome of assessment under subclauses (7) and (8). Schedule 2 Classification structure and salary ranges – for AGS employees Part employeesPart 1 Salary ranges for the Lawyer designation Classification Minimum salary from commencement date Maximum salary from commencement date Minimum salary from 12 months after commencement date Maximum salary from 12 months after commencement date Minimum salary from 24 months after commencement date Maximum salary from 24 months after commencement date APS Level 3 $49 620 60 125 $66 333 69 704 $50 613 61 327 $67 660 71 098 $51 120 62 554 $68 337 72 520 APS Level 4 $58 500 67 009 $75 000 78 810 $59 670 68 349 $76 500 80 387 $60 267 69 716 $77 265 81 994 APS Level 5 $61 800 74 743 $79 310 83 339 $63 036 76 237 $80 896 85 006 $63 666 77 762 $81 705 86 706 APS Level 6 $79 310 83 339 $123 600 129 880 $80 896 85 006 $126 072 132 477 $81 705 86 706 $135 127 333 Executive Level 1 $90 743 95 354 $139 202 146 274 $92 558 97 261 $141 986 149 200 $93 484 99 206 $143 406 152 184 Executive Level 2 $118 450 124 468 $195 700 205 642 $120 819 126 957 $199 614 209 755 $122 027 129 496 $201 610 213 950 Part 2 Salary ranges for the Paralegal designation Classification Minimum salary from commencement date Maximum salary from commencement date Minimum salary from 12 months after commencement date Maximum salary from 12 months after commencement date Minimum salary from 24 months after commencement date Maximum salary from 24 months after commencement date APS Level 4 $49 650 67 009 $70 555 74 140 $50 643 68 349 $71 966 75 623 $51 150 69 716 $72 686 77 135 APS Level 5 $64 314 74 743 $113 300 119 056 $65 601 76 237 $115 566 121 438 $66 257 77 762 $116 722 123 866 Part 3 Salary ranges for the Legal Practice Support designation Classification Minimum salary from commencement date Maximum salary from commencement date Minimum salary from 12 months after commencement date Maximum salary from 12 months after commencement date Minimum salary from 24 months after commencement date Maximum salary from 24 months after commencement date APS Level 13 $40 642 47 577 $50 037 52 579 $41 455 48 528 $51 038 53 631 $41 870 49 499 $51 548 54 703 APS Level 2 $44 833 53 844 $62 857 66 050 $45 730 54 921 $64 114 67 371 $46 188 56 019 $64 755 68 719 APS Level 3 $48 695 60 125 $66 656 70 042 $49 669 61 327 $67 990 71 443 $50 166 62 554 $68 669 72 872 APS Level 4 $50 798 67 009 $79 210 83 234 $51 814 68 349 $80 794 84 899 $52 333 69 716 $81 602 86 597 APS Level 5 $62 833 74 743 $100 158 105 247 $64 090 76 237 $102 161 107 352 $64 731 77 762 $103 183 109 499 APS Level 6 $73 308 77 032 $113 300 119 056 $74 774 78 573 $115 566 121 438 $75 522 80 145 $116 722 123 866 Executive Level 1 $90 603 95 267 $125 421 131 793 $92 415 97 172 $127 929 134 429 $93 339 99 116 $129 209 137 118 Executive Level 2 $114 800 120 632 $191 580 201 313 $117 096 123 045 $195 412 205 340 $118 267 125 506 $197 366 209 446 Part 4 Salary ranges for training classifications Classification Minimum salary from commencement date Maximum salary from commencement date Minimum salary from 12 months after commencement date Maximum salary from 12 months after commencement date Minimum salary from 24 months after commencement date Maximum salary from 24 months after commencement date Graduate APS $56 794 59 680 $67 043 70 450 $57 930 60 873 $68 384 71 859 $58 509 62 091 $69 068 73 296 AGS Entry Level Programs Broadband $44 833 47 112 $67 043 70 450 $45 730 48 054 $68 384 71 859 $46 188 49 016 $69 068 73 296 Rates for Trainee APS (Administrative) employees are as at Schedule 1, Part 43.

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