Supported wage rates. Employees to whom this clause applies shall be paid the applicable percentage of the minimum rate of pay prescribed by this Agreement for the class of work which the person is performing according to the following schedule: * (Provided that the minimum amount payable shall be not less than $45 per week). Where a person’s assessed capacity is 10%, they shall receive a high degree of assistance and support.
Supported wage rates. (a) Employees to whom this clause applies shall be paid the applicable percentage of the minimum rate of pay prescribed by the Agreement for the class of work which the person is performing according to the following schedule:
(b) Assessed Capacity (clause 20.5) % of Prescribed Agreement Rate 10%* 10% 20% 20% 30% 30% 40% 40% 50% 50% 60% 60% 70% 70% 80% 80% 90% 90%
(c) (Provided that the minimum amount payable shall be not less than $53 per week).
(d) Where a person’s assessed capacity is 10%, they shall receive a high degree of assistance and support.
Supported wage rates. E.4.1 Employees to whom this schedule applies will be paid the applicable percentage of the relevant minimum wage according to the following schedule: 10 10 20 20 30 30 40 40 50 50 60 60 70 70 80 80 90 90
Supported wage rates. Employees to whom this schedule applies will be paid the applicable percentage of the relevant minimum wage according to the following schedule: % %
Supported wage rates. 32.3.1 Employees to whom this clause applies will be paid the applicable percentage of the minimum rate of pay prescribed by this Agreement for the class of work, which the person is performing according to the following schedule: 10% 10% 20% 20% 30% 30% 40% 40% 50% 50% 60% 60% 70% 70% 80% 80% 90% 90% * Provided that the minimum amount payable will not be less than $60 per week. * Where a person's assessed capacity is 10%, they will receive a high degree of assistance and support.
Supported wage rates. (a) Employees to whom this clause applies shall be paid the applicable percentage of the minimum rate of pay prescribed by this agreement for the class of work which the person is performing according to the following schedule:
(b) Where a person's assessed capacity is 10 per cent, they shall receive a high degree of assistance and support.
Supported wage rates. Employees to whom this clause applies shall be paid the applicable percentage of the minimum rate of pay prescribed by this award for the class of work which the person is performing according to the following schedule:
Supported wage rates. B.4.1 Employees to whom this clause applies shall be paid the applicable percentage of the relevant minimum wage according to the following schedule:
Supported wage rates. (a) Employees to whom this schedule applies will be paid the applicable percentage of the relevant minimum wage according to the following schedule:
(b) Provided that the minimum amount payable must be not less than $71 per week.
(c) Where an Employee’s assessed capacity is 10%, they must receive a high degree of assistance and support.
Supported wage rates. 21.3.1 Employees to whom this clause applies shall be paid the applicable percentage of the minimum rate of pay prescribed by this agreement for the class of work which the person is performing according to the following schedule: Assessed capacity (clause 21.4) Prescribed agreement rate
21.3.2 Provided that the minimum amount payable shall be not less than $62 per week.
21.3.3 Where a person's assessed capacity is ten per cent they shall receive a high degree of assistance and support.