Provisional Open Space Sample Clauses

Provisional Open Space. In the original SPA Ordinance, as a condition of receiving the Phase I approvals, all remaining lands owned or controlled by several of the Developers were classified as Provisional Open Space and restricted from development until the balance of the property received master plan approval. This Amended Agreement establishes classes of open space which serve to ensure the adequate protection and long term viability of open space within The Canyons SPA Zone District.
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Related to Provisional Open Space

  • Landlord’s Work (a) For purposes of this lease, "Landlord's Work" means, collectively, the alterations and improvements to the demised premises to be constructed and/or installed by Landlord in accordance with the terms and conditions of this lease, as more particularly described in Exhibit ________ attached to and hereby made a part of this lease. Landlord shall use commercially reasonable efforts to "Substantially Complete" the Landlord's Work not later than ________, 20________ (the "Substantial Completion Target Date"). For purposes of this lease, Landlord's Work shall be deemed to be "Substantially Complete" as of the date on which the general contractor or the architect employed by Landlord with respect to the construction and/or installation of Landlord's Work shall certify in writing to Landlord that: (i) Landlord's Work has been substantially completed in all material respects substantially in accordance with the approved plans and specifications therefor, if any; and (ii) a temporary or permanent certificate of occupancy has been issued by the governmental authority having jurisdiction with respect to Landlord's Work or the governmental authority having jurisdiction with respect to Landlord's Work has otherwise evidenced its approval of Landlord's Work. Landlord shall have no liability whatsoever to Tenant in the event that Landlord shall fail for any reason whatsoever to Substantially Complete Landlord's Work on or before the Substantial Completion Target Date (including, without limitation, for any damages that Tenant may suffer as a result thereof or in connection therewith); provided, however, in such event, Landlord shall use commercially reasonable efforts to Substantially Complete Landlord's Work as soon as possible thereafter. Landlord shall use commercially reasonable efforts to complete any portions or aspects of Landlord's Work which shall be incomplete as of the date of Substantial Completion of Landlord's Work as soon as possible thereafter. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth elsewhere in this lease, Tenant hereby acknowledges and agrees that the construction and/or installation of Landlord's Work by Landlord shall not be deemed in any way to constitute a condition precedent to the occurrence of the Commencement Date (as such date is set forth in Paragraph 1.3 of this lease) or to the effectiveness of any of the agreements or obligations of Tenant set forth in this lease with respect to the demised premises (including, without limitation, the commencement of the obligation to pay Rent by Tenant as of the Commencement Date).

  • Landlord Work All of the work described to be performed by Landlord in this paragraph 1 is collectively referred to as the "Landlord Work". All Landlord Work shall be performed in accordance with all applicable laws and this Lease, in a good and workmanlike manner, as appropriate by engineers, surveyors, architects and consultants, who are bondable, licensed in the State and of good reputation. Landlord's general contractor shall be experienced in shopping center development and in coordinating construction schedules with major anchors and national retailers. In the event that Landlord defaults at any time in completion of any component of the Landlord Work and fails to correct such default such that an Event of Default occurs, Tenant shall have the right, but not the obligation, to perform at Landlord's sole cost and expense, all or any part of Landlord's Work. Tenant shall exercise this right by providing Landlord with written notice thereof, which notice shall reasonably detail those portions of the Landlord Work which Tenant elects to complete. Tenant may exercise the rights set forth in this paragraph 1(d) from time to time so long as Tenant provides Landlord notice specified herein (i) within a reasonable amount of time prior to the date upon which Landlord would otherwise commence that portion of the Landlord Work, or (ii) at such other time where it is feasible for Tenant to take over that portion of the Landlord Work from Landlord. In the event and to the extent that Tenant exercises its right hereunder, Landlord agrees to cooperate in good faith and provide Tenant with reasonable assistance so that Tenant can complete said portions of the Landlord Work. Landlord agrees to reimburse Tenant for any and all costs incurred by Tenant in connection with any portion of the Landlord Work which Tenant is in the process of completing within fifteen (15) days after receipt of written request from Tenant, which request shall be reasonably supported by invoices and/or written description of the Landlord Work performed. In the event that the Landlord does not timely reimburse Tenant as hereinabove contemplated, Tenant shall be entitled to deduct the costs of such Landlord Work from rentals and other payments due under the Lease, together with interest at the Default Rate from the date of expenditure by Tenant until paid or otherwise deducted in full.

  • Expansion Premises In addition to the Original Premises, commencing on the Expansion Premises Commencement Date (as defined below), Landlord leases to Tenant, and Tenant leases from Landlord, the Expansion Premises.

  • Expansion Space As used in this paragraph, the term “Expansion Space” means any space in the Building which, at any time during the Lease Term, is occupied by a Person other than Landlord under a written lease with Landlord, and the term “Tenant’s Expansion Space” means Expansion Space which Tenant has elected to lease as provided in this paragraph. Landlord agrees to notify Tenant promptly after Landlord learns that any Expansion Space is or will become available. Subject to the prior rights of other tenants to whom Landlord has granted substantially similar rights, Tenant has the option to lease any Expansion Space which Landlord notifies Tenant is or will become available. If Tenant gives Landlord notice of its exercise of this option within thirty (30) days after notification from Landlord of the availability of the Expansion Space and if no Event of Default exists when Tenant’s notice is given, this Lease will be deemed to be amended to include Tenant’s Expansion Space as part of the Premises for the remainder of the Lease Term upon all of the same terms contained in this Lease except that (i) the Rentable Area of the Premises will be amended to include Tenant’s Expansion Space; (ii) Tenant’s Share will be increased to include the rentable area of Tenant’s Expansion Space; (iii) the Term Commencement Date with respect to Tenant’s Expansion Space will be the earlier of sixty (60) days after the date on which Tenant’s Expansion Space becomes vacant and ready for occupancy (provided that date is at least sixty (60) days after Tenant exercises its option to lease the Expansion Space), or the date on which the Expansion Space is first occupied by Tenant; (iv) if Tenant’s Expansion Space contains a rentable area of 10,000 square feet or more, and if there are less than three (3) Lease Years remaining in the Lease Term, the Lease Term will be extended to include three (3) full years from the Term Commencement Date with respect to Tenant’s Expansion Space; and (v) subject to adjustment during each Fixed Rental Period as provided in Exhibit E, Basic Rent for each year of the remaining Lease Term (as it may be extended) will be the greater of (a) the Basic Rent last paid by the Person most recently occupying Tenant’s Expansion Space or (b) Market Rent determined as provided in the Rent Rider attached as Exhibit E. If Tenant exercises this option, Tenant’s Expansion Space will be leased to Tenant in its “as is” condition and Tenant will, at its expense and in compliance with the provisions of Section 7.06, design and construct all Improvements desired by Tenant for its use and occupancy. Landlord and Tenant agree to execute such amendments to this Lease and other instruments as either of them considers necessary or desirable to reflect Tenant’s exercise of this option.

  • Tenant’s Work After the Commencement Date, Tenant at its sole cost and expense intends to construct leasehold improvements in the Demised Premises (“Tenant’s Work”) as detailed in the plans and specifications to be prepared by Tenant’s architect (“TI Architect”). Tenant shall be allowed to select a general contractor to perform the Tenant’s Work, provided said general contractor shall be properly licensed, bonded and of a reputation reasonably acceptable to Landlord. An affiliate of Landlord, Minkoff Development Corporation (“MDC”), shall act as Landlord’s construction manager to review plans and oversee construction of the Tenant’s Work by the general contractor. MDC shall receive a fee equal to one percent (1%) of the cost of the Tenant’s Work, which fee shall not exceed $50,000. Tenant shall have the right to submit plans for the Tenant’s Work in stages for portions of the Demised Premises. Tenant shall cause the TI Architect to prepare and deliver to Landlord for Landlord’s or MDC’s review preliminary plans (architectural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing and structural, if necessary) and specifications for the proposed leasehold improvements (the “Preliminary Plans”). Landlord shall have five (5) business days after its receipt thereof (or such additional time as may reasonably be necessary) to review the Preliminary Plans, request any changes it deems reasonably appropriate, and indicate on the Preliminary Plans which portions of the leasehold improvements are to be removed by Tenant prior to the expiration or termination of the Lease. The TI Architect shall modify the Preliminary Plans to accommodate Landlord’s changes, and resubmit the revised plans (the “Revised Preliminary Plans”) to Landlord for approval. If Tenant or the TI Architect elect not to make said changes to the Preliminary Plans, then Landlord shall have the right to require Tenant to perform corresponding restoration work to effect said changes prior to the expiration or termination of the Lease. Upon receipt of Landlord’s approval of the Revised Preliminary Plans, the TI Architect shall prepare a complete set of construction drawings and specifications for the construction of the proposed leasehold improvements (the “Working Drawings”). The Working Drawings shall be in sufficient detail for (i) Tenant’s general contractor to obtain bids from all trades for and to perform the work described on the Working Drawings; (ii) Tenant’s general contractor to secure building permits from the requisite governmental authorities having jurisdiction over same; and (iii) Landlord or MDC to indicate the portion of Tenant’s Work, if any, which Tenant is to remove by expiration or termination of the Lease. The Working Drawings shall conform to and be consistent with the Revised Preliminary Plans and comply with all applicable Laws and Insurance Requirements, as those terms are defined in the Lease. The Working Drawings shall be submitted to MDC for review and approval, which approval (or a request for changes to be made) shall be given within ten (10) days after receipt thereof. Within five (5) business days after MDC’s approval of the Working Drawings, as modified by any revisions requested by MDC, Landlord and Tenant shall initial same to confirm their mutual approval thereof (the “Approved Working Drawings ”). The Approved Working Drawings will indicate which portions of the Tenant’s Work, if any, will have to be removed by Tenant prior to the expiration or termination of the Lease, and Tenant will timely comply with such requirement and repair any damage to the Land or the Building caused thereby at its own expense. Tenant will have no obligation to remove any other portion of the Tenant’s Work.

  • Lease Commencement Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, if Lessor, for any reason whatsoever, including Lessor's negligence except as provided for in Article 27(b), cannot deliver possession of the Premises, as provided for in Article 27(a), to Lessee at the commencement of the agreed Term as set forth in Article 2, this Lease shall not be void or voidable, nor shall Lessor be liable to Lessee for any loss or damage resulting therefrom, but in that event, the Term shall be for the full term as specified above to commence from and after the date Lessor shall have delivered possession of the Premises to Lessee or from the date Lessor would have delivered possession of the Premises to Lessee but for Lessee's failure to timely supply to Lessor such drawings and/or information required by Exhibit C or for any other reason attributable to Lessee (herein the "Commencement Date") and to expire midnight of the day immediately preceding Term anniversary of the Commencement Date, and if requested by Lessor, Lessor and Lessee shall, ratify and confirm said Commencement and Expiration Dates by completing and signing Exhibit G attached hereto and made a part hereof.

  • Tenant Delays A "Tenant Delay” shall be defined as any delay in the design, permitting or performance of the Base Building Work to the extent that such delay is actually caused by any act or, where there is a duty to act under this Lease, any failure to act by Tenant or Tenant's contractors, architects, engineers, or anyone else engaged by or on behalf of Tenant in connection with the construction of the Tenant Improvement Work as set forth in this Article III (including, without limitation, any delays resulting from the Approved Tenant Finishes under Section 3.l(C) above) and disclosed to Tenant as hereinafter provided. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in no event shall any delays in the completion of the Base Building Work caused by Tenant’s use of non-union labor constitute a Tenant Delay hereunder. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no event shall be deemed a Tenant Delay unless and until Landlord has given Tenant written notice (the "Tenant Delay Notice") advising Tenant: (x) that a Tenant Delay is occurring and setting forth Landlord's good faith estimate as to the likely length of such Tenant Delay; (y) of the basis on which Landlord has determined that a Tenant Delay is occurring; and (z) the actions which Landlord believes that Tenant must take to eliminate such Tenant Delay. No event shall be deemed to be a Tenant Delay unless and until Tenant has failed to rectify the situation causing the Tenant Delay within forty-eight (48) hours after Tenant's receipt of the Tenant Delay Notice (which for the purposes of determining receipt may be delivered by hand to Tenant's Construction Representative, with copies to follow to Tenant at the notice address set forth in Section 1.2 of this Lease within five (5) days thereafter); provided, however, that if Tenant shall fail to eliminate the delay within the aforesaid 48-hour period, then the 48-hour cure period shall be included in the period of time charged to Tenant pursuant to such Tenant Delay Notice (it being understood and agreed that if Tenant shall in fact eliminate the Tenant Delay within the 48-hour cure period, no Tenant Delay shall be deemed to have occurred for the purposes of this Article III). In addition, any delay to the extent caused by (i) Landlord Delay or (ii) subject to the limitations of subsection (D) below, Tenant's Force Majeure (as defined in said subsection (D)) shall not constitute Tenant Delay. Tenant covenants that no Tenant Delay shall delay commencement of the Term or the obligation to pay Annual Fixed Rent or Additional Rent. The Delivery Dates and/or the date of substantial completion of the Base Building Work, as applicable, shall be deemed to have occurred as of the date when such Delivery Dates and/or date of substantial completion of the Base Building Work, as applicable, would have occurred but for any Tenant Delays, as determined by Landlord in the exercise of its good faith business judgment (it being understood and agreed that the foregoing shall not be construed so as to relieve Landlord of its obligation to actually complete the Base Building Work, notwithstanding the fact that substantial completion may have been deemed to have occurred prior to actual completion as the result of Tenant Delays).

  • Tenant Improvements Subject to the terms and conditions hereof, Landlord agrees, at its cost and expense to complete a “turnkey” interior build-out (“Tenant Improvements”) of the Leased Premises in accordance with the conditions stated in the Work Letter attached hereto as Exhibit C and incorporated hereby pursuant to the Approved Final Plans to be finalized and approved in accordance with the Work Letter and upon approval attached thereto. Any changes or modifications to the Approved Final Plans thereafter must be done in writing and signed by both Tenant and Landlord in accordance with the Work Letter. So long as in accordance with Article 19 of this Lease, Tenant agrees that Landlord shall be entitled to select, in its reasonable discretion and acting in good faith, all architects, engineers, contractors and material suppliers necessary to furnish the labor and materials for the construction of the Tenant Improvements. Landlord shall be the sole contracting party with respect to the employment of contractors which perform the work necessary to construct the Tenant Improvements. Tenant shall not be entitled to access to the Leased Premises prior to the Date of Substantial Completion and Tenant shall not interfere with or impair in any material way the construction of the Tenant Improvements, and any such interference or impairment shall be included within a Tenant Delay as defined in the Work Letter and shall entitle Landlord to all remedies provided herein for breach of this Lease. Prior to the Possession Date, Tenant shall not enter into any contract for construction of any improvements within the Leased Premises with any person other than Landlord without Landlord's prior written consent. Tenant, at Tenant's expense, shall obtain and maintain any and all necessary permits and licenses to enable Tenant to conduct Tenant’s Permitted Use, and the failure of Tenant to obtain or maintain same shall not in any manner affect the Tenant’s obligations hereunder. Landlord shall be solely responsible, at its cost and expense, for obtaining all permits and approvals related to the Tenant Improvements.

  • Additional Premises Landlord shall use commercially reasonable efforts to expand the Premises to include an additional fifteen thousand four hundred ten (15,410) square feet of Rentable Area located on the first (1st) floor, as shown on Exhibit A attached hereto (the “Additional Premises”) on July 1, 2012 (the “Additional Premises Delivery Date”). In the event Landlord determines the Additional Premises will be ready for delivery to Tenant in the Required Condition on the Additional Premises Delivery Date, within ten (10) business days prior to the Additional Premises Delivery Date, Landlord and Tenant shall enter into a written amendment to the Lease, which amendment shall provide, unless otherwise agreed in writing, (a) that the commencement date of the Additional Premises shall be the Additional Premises Delivery Date (the “Additional Premises Commencement Date”), (b) that, as of the Additional Premises Commencement Date, the Premises under the Lease shall be increased to include the Additional Premises for a total of sixty-one thousand four hundred forty-four (61,444) square feet of Rentable Area (together, the Premises and the Additional Premises shall be referred to hereinafter as the “Total Premises”), (c) the new Basic Annual Rent applicable to the Total Premises, which shall commence on the Additional Premises Commencement Date and shall be as further described in Section 4.2 of this Amendment, (d) Tenant’s new Pro Rata Share of Operating Expenses as of the Additional Premises Commencement Date, which Pro Rata Share shall equal one hundred percent (100%) of the Building and thirty-three and 51/100 percent (33.51%) of the Project and (e) that, in addition to the parking which Tenant is entitled to under the terms of the Lease with respect to the original Premises, Tenant, for so long as Tenant leases the Additional Premises, shall have a non-exclusive license to use the parking facilities serving the Building in common on an unreserved basis with other tenants of the Building and the Project at a ratio of 3.3 parking spaces per 1,000 rentable square feet of Additional Premises, which amounts to fifty-one (51) additional parking spaces, which number shall include three (3) additional Reserved Spaces. In the event the Additional Premises is not ready for delivery to Tenant in the Required Condition on the Additional Premises Delivery Date, then (x) this Amendment and the Lease shall not be void or voidable, (y) Landlord shall not be liable to Tenant for any loss or damage resulting therefrom and (z) the new Basic Annual Rent applicable to the Premises shall be as further described in Section 4.3 of this Amendment.

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