Offers to Deliver Feedstocks for Processing Sample Clauses

Offers to Deliver Feedstocks for Processing. REG Marketing may offer to deliver Feedstocks to Blackhawk Biofuels’s Facility at Danville, IL, during the term of this Agreement.
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Offers to Deliver Feedstocks for Processing. REG Marketing may offer to deliver Feedstocks to CIE’s Facility at Newton, Iowa, during the term of this Agreement.

Related to Offers to Deliver Feedstocks for Processing

  • Order Processing Any order by you for the purchase of shares of the respective Funds through us shall be accepted at the time when it is received by us (or any clearing house agency that we may designate from time to time), and at the offering and sale price next determined, unless rejected by us or the respective Funds. In addition to the right to reject any order, the Funds have reserved the right to withhold shares from sale temporarily or permanently. We will not accept any order from you that is placed on a conditional basis or subject to any delay or contingency prior to execution. The procedures relating to the handling of orders shall be subject to instructions that we shall forward from time to time to all members of the Selling Group. The shares purchased will be issued by the respective Funds only against receipt of the purchase price, in collected New York or Los Angeles Clearing House funds subject to deduction of all concessions on such sale (reallowance of any concessions to which you are entitled on purchases at net asset value will be paid through our direct purchase concession system). If payment for the shares purchased is not received within three days after the date of confirmation the sale may be cancelled forthwith, by us or by the respective Funds, without any responsibility or liability on our part or on the part of the Funds, and we and/or the respective Funds may hold you responsible for any loss, expense, liability or damage, including loss of profit suffered by us and/or the respective Funds, resulting from your delay or failure to make payment as aforesaid.

  • Forecasts and Purchase Orders On or before the twelfth (12th) day of each month, beginning on January 12, 2022, Indivior shall furnish to Curia a written twelve (12) month rolling forecast of the quantities of Product that Indivior intends to order from Curia during such period ("Rolling Forecast"). The first six (6) months of such Rolling Forecast shall constitute a firm and binding commitment to order quantities of Product specified therein ("Firm Period Forecast"), and the following six (6) months of the Rolling Forecast shall be non-binding, good faith estimates. Each month of the Rolling Forecast shall begin on the twelfth (12th) of the calendar month in which such Rolling Forecast is submitted and end on the eleventh (11th) day of the following calendar month. With exception to the Firm Period Forecast, Curia reserves the right to reject any Rolling Forecast that does not align with the physical Processing capabilities of the Facility(ies) and the parties shall work in good faith to adjust the Rolling Forecast based on available resources, Facility capacity and other relevant factors. Indivior shall have the right to request an increase of the Firm Period Forecast to include additional units of Product. Curia may, in its sole discretion, supply such additional quantities, subject to Curia's other supply commitments and manufacturing capacity. In the event Curia agrees to supply such additional quantities, Indivior shall submit a Purchase Order for such additional quantities, with the required lead times as specified below. In no event shall Curia's inability to fulfill Purchase Orders for quantities in excess of the Firm Period Forecast be deemed a breach of this Agreement, nor relieve Indivior of its obligations under this Agreement. Indivior shall submit with each Rolling Forecast, a non-cancelable Purchase Order for the Firm Period Forecast (or such portion of the Firm Period Forecast not covered by previously submitted Purchase Orders). Indivior may alternatively submit Purchase Orders for certain portions of the Firm Period Forecast subsequent to the submission of the Rolling Forecast, provided the Purchase Orders provide the required lead time for Processing as set forth below. Curia shall notify Indivior of acceptance of the Rolling Forecast and any Purchase Order within seven (7) business days of receipt. Curia shall be deemed to have accepted Purchase Orders which it does not acknowledge within seven (7) business days of receipt. Curia shall have the right to reject Rolling Forecasts and Purchase Orders that are inconsistent with this Agreement. Each Purchase Order shall specify the quantity of Product being ordered, and the desired delivery date. Upon mutual agreement in writing for additional quantities of Product beyond the Firm Period Forecast, including projected delivery date(s), Indivior shall issue the applicable Purchase Order to be accepted by Curia as described above. Once placed, all Purchase Orders for Product shall be non-cancelable. No different or additional terms or conditions set forth in any Purchase Order shall modify in any way the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and in the event of a conflict between terms in any Purchase Order and this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall control. All Purchase Orders submitted in accordance with the terms of this Agreement shall be effective and binding on the parties upon acceptance by Curia. Except as otherwise provided herein, neither party shall have the right or power to refuse, reduce, or otherwise modify their obligations under any Purchase Order; however, Purchase Orders may be amended (i) upon written mutual agreement regarding such modification that is signed by both parties; or (ii) as otherwise provided in this Section 4.3 or Section 4.4.

  • Delivery of Materials to Underwriters The Company will deliver to each of the several Underwriters, without charge and from time to time during the period when a prospectus is required to be delivered under the Act or the Exchange Act, such number of copies of each Statutory Prospectus, the Prospectus and all amendments and supplements to such documents as such Underwriters may reasonably request.

  • Services and Utilities As long as Tenant is not in default under any of the provisions of this Lease, Landlord shall maintain the Premises and the public and common areas of the Building, such as lobbies, stairs, corridors and restrooms, in reasonably good order and condition except for damage occasioned by the act or omission of Tenant, the repair of which damage shall be paid for by Tenant. Landlord shall furnish the Premises with electricity for lighting and the operation of low-power-usage office machines, heat and normal air conditioning, and elevator service during ordinary business hours. Landlord shall also provide light replacement service for Landlord-furnished lighting, toilet room supplies, window washing at reasonable intervals, and customary building janitorial service. Landlord shall not be liable to Tenant for any loss or damage caused by or resulting from any variation, interruption, or failure to such services due to any cause whatsoever. No temporary interruption or failure of such services incident to the making of repairs, alterations, or improvements, or due to accident or strike or conditions or events beyond Landlord's reasonable control shall be deemed an eviction of Tenant or relieve Tenant from any of Tenant's obligations hereunder. Before installing any equipment in the Premises that generates more than a minimum amount of heat, Tenant shall obtain the written permission of Landlord, and Landlord may refuse to grant such permission if the amount of heat generated would place an undue burden on the air conditioning system of the Building. If Tenant uses any high-power-usage equipment in the Premises, Tenant shall in advance, on the first day of each month during the least term, pay Landlord as Additional Rent the reasonable amount estimated by Landlord as the cost of furnishing electricity for the operation of such equipment. The monthly Rent stated in Subsection 1.g hereof does not include any amount to cover the cost of furnishing electricity for such purpose unless so stated herein. Tenant shall pay prior to delinquency all personal property taxes payable with respect to all property of Tenant located on the Premises or the Building and shall provide promptly, upon request of Landlord, written proof of such payment.

  • Servicers to Service Mortgage Loans For and on behalf of the Certificateholders, the NMC Servicer shall service and administer the NMC Mortgage Loans, the BAFSB Servicer shall service and administer the BAFSB Mortgage Loans and the BANA Servicer shall service and administer the BAFSB Mortgage Loans, all in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, Customary Servicing Procedures, applicable law and the terms of the Mortgage Notes and Mortgages. In connection with such servicing and administration, each Servicer shall have full power and authority, acting alone and/or through Subservicers as provided in Section 3.02, to do or cause to be done any and all things that it may deem necessary or desirable in connection with such servicing and administration including, but not limited to, the power and authority, subject to the terms hereof, (a) to execute and deliver, on behalf of the Certificateholders and the Trustee, customary consents or waivers and other instruments and documents, (b) to consent, with respect to the Mortgage Loans it services, to transfers of any Mortgaged Property and assumptions of the Mortgage Notes and related Mortgages (but only in the manner provided in this Agreement), (c) to collect any Insurance Proceeds and other Liquidation Proceeds relating to the Mortgage Loans it services, and (d) to effectuate foreclosure or other conversion of the ownership of the Mortgaged Property securing any Mortgage Loan it services. Each Servicer shall represent and protect the interests of the Trust in the same manner as it protects its own interests in mortgage loans in its own portfolio in any claim, proceeding or litigation regarding a Mortgage Loan and shall not make or permit any modification, waiver or amendment of any term of any Mortgage Loan, except as provided pursuant to Section 3.21. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, each Servicer, in its own name or in the name of any Subservicer or the Depositor and the Trustee, is hereby authorized and empowered by the Depositor and the Trustee, when such Servicer or any Subservicer, as the case may be, believes it appropriate in its reasonable judgment, to execute and deliver, on behalf of the Trustee, the Depositor, the Certificateholders or any of them, any and all instruments of satisfaction or cancellation, or of partial or full release or discharge, and all other comparable instruments, with respect to the Mortgage Loans it services, and with respect to the related Mortgaged Properties held for the benefit of the Certificateholders. Each Servicer shall prepare and deliver to the Depositor and/or the Trustee such documents requiring execution and delivery by either or both of them as are necessary or appropriate to enable such Servicer to service and administer the Mortgage Loans it services to the extent that such Servicer is not permitted to execute and deliver such documents pursuant to the preceding sentence. Upon receipt of such documents, the Depositor and/or the Trustee, upon the direction of the related Servicer, shall promptly execute such documents and deliver them to the related Servicer. In accordance with the standards of the preceding paragraph, each Servicer shall advance or cause to be advanced funds as necessary for the purpose of effecting the payment of taxes and assessments on the Mortgaged Properties relating to the Mortgage Loans it services, which Servicing Advances shall be reimbursable in the first instance from related collections from the Mortgagors pursuant to Section 3.09, and further as provided in Section 3.11. The costs incurred by the Servicers, if any, in effecting the timely payments of taxes and assessments on the Mortgaged Properties and related insurance premiums shall not, for the purpose of calculating monthly distributions to the Certificateholders, be added to the Stated Principal Balances of the related Mortgage Loans, notwithstanding that the terms of such Mortgage Loans so permit. The relationship of each Servicer (and of any successor to any Servicer as servicer under this Agreement) to the Trustee under this Agreement is intended by the parties to be that of an independent contractor and not that of a joint venturer, partner or agent.

  • Maintenance and Support Services Distributor shall provide Maintenance and Support Services to all of its Customers of Licensed Software as set forth in Sections 3.4(a) and 3.4(b) below. Distributor may require Customers to provide the own First-Line Support: however, in no event shall Siebel be responsible for First-Line or Second-Line Support. Subject to Distributor's payment of the Maintenance Fees set forth in EXHIBIT A Siebel shall provide Third-Line Support to Distributor in accordance with Siebel's then current Maintenance and Support Services Policy. Distributor shall be responsible for all support related to the Value Added Offering.

  • Deliverables Upon completion of each Test for each Reviewable Receivable, the Asset Representations Reviewer shall record a finding based on the issues discovered. Findings categories are listed as follows: • Evidence that the applicable Test was satisfied (“Satisfied Test”); • Evidence that the applicable Test was not satisfied (“Unsatisfied Test”); and • Test incomplete as a result of missing or insufficient documentation (“Unsatisfied Test – Missing Required Documents”).

  • GENERAL SERVICE DESCRIPTION Service Provider currently provides active medical, pharmacy(Rx) and dental administration for coverages provided through Empire and Anthem (medical), Medco(Rx), MetLife(dental) and SHPS (FSA) (Empire, Anthem, Medco, MetLife and SHPS collectively, the “Vendors”) for its U.S. Active, Salaried, Eligible Employees (“Covered Employees”). Service Provider shall keep the current contracts with the Vendors and the ITT CORPORATION SALARIED MEDICAL AND DENTAL PLAN (PLAN NUMBER 502 EIN 00-0000000) and the ITT Salaried Medical Plan and Salaried Dental Plan General Plan Terms (collectively, the “Plans”) and all coverage thereunder in full force through December 31, 2011 for Service Recipient’s Covered Employees. All claims of Service Recipient’s Covered Employees made under the Plans and incurred on or prior to December 31, 2011 the (“2011 Plan Year”) will be adjudicated in accordance with the current contract and Service Provider will continue to take such actions on behalf of Service Recipient’s Covered Employees as if such employees are employees of Service Provider. All medical, dental, pharmacy and FSA claims of Service Recipient’s Covered Employees made under the Plans (the “Claims”) will be paid by the Vendors on behalf of the Service Provider. Service Recipient will pay Service Provider for coverage based on 2011 budget premium rates previously set for the calendar year 2011 and described in the “Pricing” section below. Service Recipient will pay Service Provider monthly premium payments for this service, for any full or partial months, based on actual enrollment for the months covered post-spin using enrollments as of the first (1st) calendar day of the month, commencing on the day after the Distribution Date. Service Recipient will prepare and deliver to Service Provider a monthly self xxxx containing cost breakdown by business unit and plan tier as set forth on Attachment A, within five (5) Business Days after the beginning of each calendar month. The Service Recipient will be required to pay the Service Provider the monthly premium payments within ten (10) Business Days after the beginning of each calendar month. A detailed listing of Service Recipient’s employees covered, including the Plans and enrollment tier in which they are enrolled, will be made available to Service Provider upon its reasonable request. Service Provider will retain responsibility for executing funding of Claim payments and eligibility management with Vendors through December 31, 2013. Service Provider will conduct a Headcount True-Up (as defined below) of the monthly premiums and establish an Incurred But Not Reported (“IBNR”) claims reserve for Claims incurred prior to December 31, 2011 date, but paid after that date, and conduct a reconciliation of such reserve. See “Headcount True-Up” and “IBNR Reconciliation” sections under Additional Pricing for details.

  • Service Description The Transfer Agent updates the System daily to reflect each day's business activity. The Fund relies upon the timely update of information in order to respond to investor's inquiries. The Transfer Agent will provide Dreyfus with a System report indicating the time of day that files were updated and available for Dreyfus. The timeliness of availability of these screens with updated information will determine the Transfer Agent's level of performance.

  • Purchase of Products TTI shall sell to Distributor and Distributor shall purchase from TTI, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Products pursuant to the published Distributor Price List. It is the intention of the parties that Products shall be purchased by Distributor hereunder for the purpose of resale and that the Distributor shall sell the Products solely within the Territory unless otherwise agreed to and be responsible for the collection and reporting of any and all sales tax or use tax in its territory.

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