Common use of Local Clause in Contracts

Local. Where a grievance is alleged, the following procedure shall apply: Step One: Within seven (7) working days after the alleged grievance has arisen, the grievance shall be presented in writing to the employee’s Department Head. If a reply or a satisfactory settlement is not received within seven (7) working days from the date upon which the grievance was presented to the employee’s Department Head, the grievance may proceed to Step Two. Step Two: Within seven (7) working days from the expiration date referred to in Step One, the grievance may be presented in writing to the City Administrator or designate. Within seven (7) working days of the receipt of the grievance, the City Administrator shall convene a meeting of the persons having knowledge of the matter that is the subject of the grievance. If a reply or satisfactory settlement of the grievance is not received within seven (7) working days of the date of the meeting, the grievance may be referred to arbitration as provided for in Article within ten working days from the date on which a reply or satisfactory settlement of the grievance should be received. The Parties acknowledge the benefit of prompt and effective resolution of grievances and agree that grievance mediation is one method to accomplish this. It is therefore agreed that the Grievance Mediation Process may be used at any step of the Grievance Procedure Step If advantage of the provisions of this section is not taken within the time limit specified herein, a grievance in dispute shall be deemed to have been abandoned and shall not be reopened except by mutual consent of the parties. The Employer or the Union shall have the right to file a general policy grievance. It shall be filed with the President of the Union or Director of the Department respectively. The policy grievance will follow the timelines and procedures under Article of this agreement. The party filing a grievance shall state the act or omission complained of, indicate why the act or omission is viewed as being improper and state the redress or remedy requested. At any hearing an employee affected may act with a representative of the Canadian Union of Public Employees, a Solicitor, or a Grievance Committee representative of the Union. No grievance shall be defeated by any formal or technical objection and an Arbitration Board shall have the power to allow all necessary amendments to the Grievance and the power to waive formal procedural irregularities in the processing of a grievance, in order to determine the real matter in

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Samples: Collective Agreement

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Local. Where The Hospital agrees to recognize a grievance negotiating committee comprised of hospital employee representatives of the Union for the purpose of negotiating a renewal agreement (as set out in the Local Provisions Appendix). The Hospital agrees to pay members of the negotiating committee for straight time wages lost from their regularly scheduled hours spent in direct negotiations for a renewal agreement, up to but not including arbitration. Nothing in this provision is allegedintended to preclude the Union negotiating committee from having the assistance of any representatives of the Canadian Union of Public Employees when negotiating with the Hospital. When direct negotiations begin or end within ten (10) hours of a team member's shift, the following procedure Hospital endeavour to provide a one clay's leave of absence without pay, to provide a sufficient rest break if the employee so requests. Such request shall apply: Step One: Within not be denied. Such leave shall be considered leave of absence for union business, but shall not be deducted from the Union entitlement under Article 12.02." "In bargaining between the Union of Public Employees and the participating hospitals, an employee serving on the Union's Central Negotiating Committee shall be paid for time lost from his straight time hours at his regular rate of pay without loss of leave credits for attending negotiating meetings with the Hospitals' Central Committee in negotiations up to the of arbitration. Upon reference to arbitration, the Negotiating Committee members shall receive unpaid off for the purpose of attending arbitration hearings. It is understood and that the number of Union Central Negotiating members entitled to payment under this provision shall be seven and in no case will more than one employee from a hospital be entitled to such payment. The Union shall advise the Hospitals' Central Negotiating before negotiations commence, of those employees to be paid under this provision. The Hospitals' Central Negotiating Committee shall advise the seven (7) working days after Hospitals accordingly." "The Hospital agrees to recognize Union stewards to be elected or appointed from amongst employees in the bargaining unit who have completed their for the purpose of with Union provided under this Collective Agreement. A Chief Xxxxxxx or designate may, in the absence of any xxxxxxx, assist in the presentation of any grievance, or with any function. The Union keep the Hospital notified in writing of the names of Union stewards appointed or selected under this Article as well as the effective date of their respective appointments. It is agreed that Union stewards have their regular duties and responsibilities to perform for the Hospital and shall not leave their regular duties without first permission from their immediate supervisor. in the performance of his duties, a Union xxxxxxx is required to enter an area within the Hospital in which he is not originally employed, he shall report his presence to the supervisor in the area immediately upon entering it. Such permission shall not be unreasonably withheld. When resuming his regular duties and responsibilities, such xxxxxxx shall again report to his immediate supervisor. A Union xxxxxxx shall suffer no loss of earnings for time spent in performing the above duties during his regular scheduled hours. Nothing in Article shall preclude full-time stewards from representing part-time employees and versa. The number of stewards and the areas which they represent, are to be determined locally." "The Hospital will recognize a Grievance Committee composed of the Chief Xxxxxxx not more than (as set out in Local Provisions Appendix) employees selected by the Union who have completed their probationary period. A general representative of the Union may be present at any meeting of the Committee. The purpose of the Committee is to deal with complaints or grievances as set out this Collective Agreement. The Union shall keep the Hospital notified in writing of the names of the members of the Grievance Committee appointed or selected under this Article as well as the effective date of their respective appointments. A member shall suffer no loss of earnings for time spent during their regular scheduled hours attending grievance meetings with the Hospital up to, but not arbitration. The number of employees on the Grievance Committee shall be determined locally. AND "For purposes of Agreement, a grievance is as a difference between the parties to the interpretation, application, administration or alleged grievance has arisen, violation of the Agreement including any question as to whether a matter is arbitrable. At the time formal is imposed or at any stage of the grievance procedure an employee shall have the right upon request to the presence of xxxxxxx. In the case of suspension or discharge the Hospital shall notify the employee of this right in advance. It is the mutual desire of the parties hereto that complaints of employees shall be presented adjusted as quickly possible, it is that an employee has no grievance until he has first given his immediate supervisor the opportunity of adjusting his complaint. Such be discussed his immediate supervisor nine (9) calendar days the circumstances rise to it have occurred or ought reasonably to have come to the attention of the employee and failing settlement within nine (9) calendar days, it then be taken up as a grievance within nine (9) days advice of his supervisor's decision in the following and sequence: The employee may submit a written grievance signed by the employee to his immediate supervisor. The grievance shall identify the nature of the grievance and the remedy sought and should identify the provisions of the Agreement which are alleged to be Violated. The immediate supervisor will deliver his decision in writing to within nine (9) calendar days following the employee’s Department Head. If a reply or a satisfactory settlement is not received within seven (7) working days from the date upon day on which the grievance was presented to the employee’s Department Headhim. Failing settlement, the grievance may proceed to Step Two. Step Twothen: Within seven nine (79) working calendar days from following the expiration date referred decision under Step No. the employee may submit the written grievance to in Step One, the grievance may be presented his Department Head who deliver his decision in writing to the City Administrator or designate. Within seven within nine (79) working days of the receipt of the grievance, the City Administrator shall convene a meeting of the persons having knowledge of the matter that is the subject of the grievance. If a reply or satisfactory settlement of the grievance is not received within seven (7) working days of the date of the meeting, the grievance may be referred to arbitration as provided for in Article within ten working days clays from the date on which the written grievance was presented to him.The parties may, if they so desire, meet to discuss the grievance at a reply time and place suitable to both parties. This step be omitted where the employee's immediate supervisor and Department Head are the same person. Failing settlement, then: Within nine (9) days following the decision in Step No. the grievance may be submitted writing to the Hospital Administrator or satisfactory settlement his designee. A meeting will then be held between the Hospital Administrator or his designee and the Grievance Committee within nine (9) calendar days of the submission of the grievance should be receivedat Step No. The Parties acknowledge the benefit of prompt and effective resolution of grievances and agree that grievance mediation is one method to accomplish this. It is therefore agreed that the Grievance Mediation Process may be used at any step of the Grievance Procedure Step If advantage of the provisions of this section is not taken within the time limit specified herein, a grievance in dispute shall be deemed to have been abandoned and shall not be reopened except unless extended by mutual consent agreement of the parties. The Employer or the Union shall have the right to file a general policy grievance. It shall be filed with the President of the Union or Director of the Department respectively. The policy grievance will follow the timelines is understood and procedures under Article of this agreement. The party filing a grievance shall state the act or omission complained of, indicate why the act or omission is viewed as being improper and state the redress or remedy requested. At any hearing an employee affected may act with that a representative of the Canadian Union of Public Employees, a Solicitor, Employees and the may be present at the meeting. It is further understood that the Hospital or a Grievance Committee representative his designee may have such counsel and assistance he may desire at such meeting. The decision of the UnionHospital shall be delivered in writing within nine (9) calendar days following the date of such meeting. No A complaint or grievance arising directly between the Hospital and the Union the application or violation of the Agreement shall be originated at Step No. within fourteen (14) calendar days following the circumstances giving rise to the or grievance. It is expressly understood, however, that the provisions of this Article may not be used with respect to a grievance directly affecting an employee which such employee could himself institute and the regular grievance procedure not be thereby bypassed. Where a number of employees have identical grievances and each employee would be entitled to grieve separately they present a group grievance in writing identifying each employee who is grieving to the Department or his designee fourteen (14) calendar clays after the circumstances giving to the grievance have or ought reasonably to have come to the attention of the The grievance shall then be defeated by any formal or technical objection and an Arbitration Board shall have the power to allow all necessary amendments to the Grievance treated as being initiated at Step No. and the power applicable provisions of this Article shall then apply with respect to waive formal procedural irregularities in the processing of such grievance. The release or discharge of an employee during the probationary period shall not be the subject of a grievance, in order to determine grievance or arbitration. A claim by an employee who has completed his probationary that he has been unjustly discharged or suspended shall be treated as a grievance if a written statement of such grievance is lodged by the real matter inemployee with the Hospital at Step No. within seven (7) calendar days after the date the or suspension effected. Such special grievance may be settled under the Grievance or Arbitration Procedure by:

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Local. Where a grievance is alleged, The parties agree that for the following procedure shall apply: Step One: Within seven (7) working days after the alleged grievance has arisen, the grievance shall be presented in writing to the employee’s Department Head. If a reply or a satisfactory settlement is not received within seven (7) working days period from the date upon which of ratification by the grievance was presented parties of this Letter of Understanding until May there shall be no layoffs of employees who are members of the bargaining unit represented by Local This Letter of Understanding expires May Signed and dated the day of I FOP Union _--__ ___ _I,,-- For the City of Gloucester LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING ' THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF GLOUCESTER (the "Corporation" or the "City") and LOCAL (the "union") (also collectively referred to as "the parties") The parties generally support the principle of promotion from within and commit to the employee’s Department Headfollowing process: for all bargaining unit positions shall contain the minimum qualifications as contained in the approved job description. For internal involving bargaining unit positions, job shall contain the following language: posting is open to employees of the Corporation. First consideration and priority shall be given to members of the bargaining unit". Only after giving first consideration and priority to applicants will consideration be given to other City of Gloucester employees who may have applied. Only upon giving first consideration to City of Gloucester employees will the Corporation external to the Corporation. Selections to the positions posted in paragraph two (2) above shall be according to Article of the collective agreement. For the City of Signed this day at the City of Gloucester. LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF GLOUCESTER ( the "Corporation" or the "City") and LOCAL (the (also collectively referred to as The parties to this agreement recognize that from time to time casual employees are required to work in areas covered by the current bargaining unit description of Local In recognition of these situations, the grievance parties agree to structuring a process whereby casual employees may proceed to Step Two. Step Two: Within seven (7) working days from perform bargaining unit work within the expiration date referred to in Step One, the grievance may be presented in writing to the City Administrator or designate. Within seven (7) working days terms of Article of the receipt Collective Agreement. For purposes of the grievancethis Letter of Agreement, the City Administrator casual employees are defined as casual, temporary, contract and any other employees who work for periods of up to twelve (12) months performing bargaining unit work and shall convene a meeting of the persons having knowledge of the matter that is the subject of the grievance. If a reply or satisfactory settlement of the grievance is not received within seven (7) working days of the date of the meeting, the grievance may be referred to arbitration herein as provided for in Article within ten working days from the date on which a reply or satisfactory settlement "casual". The parties to this collective agreement agree that: Casual employee shall not be considered part of the grievance should be receivedbargaining unit except as set out in this Letter of Understanding. The Parties acknowledge the benefit of prompt and effective resolution of grievances and agree that grievance mediation is one method Entitlement to accomplish this. It is therefore agreed that the Grievance Mediation Process may be used at any step of the Grievance Procedure Step If advantage some of the provisions of this section the collective agreement in specified circumstances is addressed in paragraph below. Where the Corporation proposes to use casual employees on a supernumerary bases (i.e., as an extra pair of hands perform bargaining unit work), the Corporation agrees to post the job requirement where the requirement is expected to be for six consecutive months or more. Where a casual employee is employed to perform the job requirements, the casual employee shall be paid at no less than the temporary wage scale established solely by the Corporation. Where a bargaining unit employee is the successful applicant, the position temporarily vacated by the bargaining unit employee shall be posted where the Corporation determines that the bargaining unit vacancy must be filled on a temporary basis. The Corporation is not taken required to post any other resulting vacancies. Where a casual employee is employed for the purpose of relieving in a full-time permanent employee's position Leave, Xxxx Leave, extended vacation, etc.) such casual employee shall be paid within the time limit same pay grade as the employee they are replacing. Such casual employee shall pay union dues upon commencing employment in the position and be entitled to only those articles of the collective agreement in accordance with the terms of the attached Appendix " A " . Casual employees employed for reasons other than those specified herein, a grievance in dispute shall be deemed to have been abandoned and paragraph (3) above shall not be reopened except by mutual consent considered part of the partiesbargaining unit. The Employer or Subject to Article of the Union shall have Collective Agreement, at no time will the right Corporation use a casual employee to file perform the duties of an assignment to a general policy grievancebargaining unit position other than under the terms of the three (3) Letters of Understanding numbered & Signed this day of at the City of Gloucester. It For For the City of Gloucester APPENDIX "A" (3 of 4) Casual employees addressed in paragraph (3) above shall be filed with covered by the President following articles of the Union or Director of the Department respectively. The policy grievance will follow the timelines and procedures under Article of this agreement. The party filing a grievance shall state the act or omission complained of, indicate why the act or omission is viewed as being improper and state the redress or remedy requested. At any hearing an employee affected may act with a representative of the Canadian Union of Public Employees, a Solicitor, or a Grievance Committee representative of the Union. No grievance shall be defeated by any formal or technical objection and an Arbitration Board shall have the power to allow all necessary amendments to the Grievance and the power to waive formal procedural irregularities in the processing of a grievance, in order to determine the real matter inCollective Agreement:

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Local. Where a grievance is alleged, The parties agree that for the following procedure shall apply: Step One: Within seven (7) working days after the alleged grievance has arisen, the grievance shall be presented in writing to the employee’s Department Head. If a reply or a satisfactory settlement is not received within seven (7) working days period from the date upon which of ratification by the grievance was presented parties of this Letter of Understanding until May there shall be no layoffs of employees who are members of the bargaining unit represented by Local This Letter of Understanding expires May Signed and dated the day of I FOP Union _--__ ___ _I,,-- For the City of Gloucester LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING ' THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF GLOUCESTER (the "Corporation" or the "City") and LOCAL (the "union") (also collectively referred to as "the parties") The parties generally support the principle of promotion from within and commit to the employee’s Department Headfollowing process: for all bargaining unit positions shall contain the minimum qualifications as contained in the approved job description. For internal involving bargaining unit positions, job shall contain the following language: posting is open to employees of the Corporation. First consideration and priority shall be given to members of the bargaining unit". Only after giving first consideration and priority to applicants will consideration be given to other City of Gloucester employees who may have applied. Only upon giving first consideration to City of Gloucester employees will the Corporation external to the Corporation. Selections to the positions posted in paragraph two (2) above shall be according to Article of the collective agreement. For the City of Signed this day at the City of Gloucester. LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF GLOUCESTER ( the "Corporation" or the "City") and LOCAL (the (also collectively referred to as The parties to this agreement recognize that from time to time casual employees are required to work in areas covered by the current bargaining unit description of Local In recognition of these situations, the grievance parties agree to structuring a process whereby casual employees may proceed to Step Two. Step Two: Within seven (7) working days from perform bargaining unit work within the expiration date referred to in Step One, the grievance may be presented in writing to the City Administrator or designate. Within seven (7) working days terms of Article of the receipt Collective Agreement. For purposes of the grievancethis Letter of Agreement, the City Administrator casual employees are defined as casual, temporary, contract and any other employees who work for periods of up to twelve (12) months performing bargaining unit work and shall convene a meeting of the persons having knowledge of the matter that is the subject of the grievance. If a reply or satisfactory settlement of the grievance is not received within seven (7) working days of the date of the meeting, the grievance may be referred to arbitration herein as provided for in Article within ten working days from the date on which a reply or satisfactory settlement "casual". The parties to this collective agreement agree that: Casual employee shall not be considered part of the grievance should be receivedbargaining unit except as set out in this Letter of Understanding. The Parties acknowledge the benefit of prompt and effective resolution of grievances and agree that grievance mediation is one method Entitlement to accomplish this. It is therefore agreed that the Grievance Mediation Process may be used at any step of the Grievance Procedure Step If advantage some of the provisions of this section the collective agreement in specified circumstances is addressed in paragraph below. Where the Corporation proposes to use casual employees on a supernumerary bases (i.e., as an extra pair of hands perform bargaining unit work), the Corporation agrees to post the job requirement where the requirement is expected to be for six consecutive months or more. Where a casual employee is employed to perform the job requirements, the casual employee shall be paid at no less than the temporary wage scale established solely by the Corporation. Where a bargaining unit employee is the successful applicant, the position temporarily vacated by the bargaining unit employee shall be posted where the Corporation determines that the bargaining unit vacancy must be filled on a temporary basis. The Corporation is not taken required to post any other resulting vacancies. Where a casual employee is employed for the purpose of relieving in a full-time permanent employee's position Leave, Sick Leave, extended vacation, etc.) such casual employee shall be paid within the time limit same pay grade as the employee they are replacing. Such casual employee shall pay union dues upon commencing employment in the position and be entitled to only those articles of the collective agreement in accordance with the terms of the attached Appendix " A " . Casual employees employed for reasons other than those specified herein, a grievance in dispute shall be deemed to have been abandoned and paragraph (3) above shall not be reopened except by mutual consent considered part of the partiesbargaining unit. The Employer or Subject to Article of the Union shall have Collective Agreement, at no time will the right Corporation use a casual employee to file perform the duties of an assignment to a general policy grievancebargaining unit position other than under the terms of the three (3) Letters of Understanding numbered & Signed this day of at the City of Gloucester. It For For the City of Gloucester APPENDIX "A" (3 of 4) Casual employees addressed in paragraph (3) above shall be filed with covered by the President following articles of the Union or Director of the Department respectively. The policy grievance will follow the timelines and procedures under Article of this agreement. The party filing a grievance shall state the act or omission complained of, indicate why the act or omission is viewed as being improper and state the redress or remedy requested. At any hearing an employee affected may act with a representative of the Canadian Union of Public Employees, a Solicitor, or a Grievance Committee representative of the Union. No grievance shall be defeated by any formal or technical objection and an Arbitration Board shall have the power to allow all necessary amendments to the Grievance and the power to waive formal procedural irregularities in the processing of a grievance, in order to determine the real matter inCollective Agreement:

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Local. Where a grievance It is allegedagreed that within three (3) months of ratification, the following procedure shall applyJoint Health Safety Committee will review practices and guidelines with respect to and make written recommendations to the Chief Librarian who will then review the matter and respond to the committee in the usual manner that is followed for committee recommendations. AGREED TO BY: Step OneFOR THE LIBRARY UNION XXXXX LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING Appendix F between THE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD and C U P E LOCAL RE: Within seven (7) working days after PAY EQUITY MAINTENANCE It is agreed that the alleged grievance has arisen, parties will meetjointly to ensure the grievance maintenance of Pay Equity in accordance with the Pay Equity Act. The first meeting shall be presented within months of ratification. It is agreed that all time spent to ensure the maintenance of Pay Equity will be paid in writing to accordance with AGREED TO BY: FOR THE XXXXX FOR THE UNION XXXXX LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING Appendix G between THE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD and LOCAL RE: PART TIME EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT AGE This letter confirms the employee’s Department Head. If a reply or a satisfactory settlement is not received within seven (7) working days from the date upon which the grievance was presented to the employee’s Department Head, the grievance may proceed to Step Two. Step Two: Within seven (7) working days from the expiration date referred to in Step One, the grievance may be presented in writing to the City Administrator or designate. Within seven (7) working days understanding of the receipt of the grievance, the City Administrator shall convene a meeting of the persons having knowledge of the matter parties that is the subject of the grievance. If a reply or satisfactory settlement of the grievance is not received within seven three (73) working days months of the date of the meeting, the grievance may be referred to arbitration as provided for in Article within ten working days from the date on which a reply or satisfactory settlement ratification of the grievance should be receivedcollective agreement, they will meet for the purpose of discussing the issue of employees on a part time basis beyond the age of and related issues such as grandfathering, etc. The Parties acknowledge AGREED TO BY: XXXXX FOR THE UNION FOR THE LIBRARY LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING Appendix H between THE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD and LOCAL RE: SCHEDULING OF PART TIME HOURS This letter confirms the benefit of prompt and effective resolution of grievances and agree that grievance mediation is one method to accomplish this. It is therefore agreed that the Grievance Mediation Process may be used at any step understanding of the Grievance Procedure Step If advantage parties that within three (3) months of the provisions of this section is not taken within the time limit specified herein, a grievance in dispute shall be deemed to have been abandoned and shall not be reopened except by mutual consent ratification of the partiescollective agreement, they will meet for the purpose of discussing possible ways and means of scheduling part time employees to achieving the of hours per two (2) week period. The Employer or XXXXX /& FOR THE UNION AGREED TO BY: XXXXX FOR THE LIBRARY LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING Appendix I between THE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD and C U P E LOCAL RE: DEFERRED SALARY LEAVE XXXXX” This letter will the Union shall have the right to file a general policy grievance. It shall be filed with the President agreement of the Union or Director parties that within months of the Department respectively. The policy grievance will follow the timelines and procedures under Article of this agreement. The party filing a grievance shall state the act or omission complained of, indicate why the act or omission is viewed as being improper and state the redress or remedy requested. At any hearing an employee affected may act with a representative ratification date of the Canadian Union collective agreement; they will meet for the purpose of Public Employees, a Solicitor, or a Grievance Committee representative of discussing the Union. No grievance shall be defeated by any formal or technical objection and an Arbitration Board shall have the power to allow all necessary amendments to the Grievance and the power to waive formal procedural irregularities in the processing possible future trial implementation of a grievance, in order to determine the real matter inDeferred Salary Leave Plan for Library employees. FOR UNION AGREED TO BY: \ I FOR THE LIBRARY XXXXXXXXX LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING between THE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD and C U P E LOCAL Appendix J

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Samples: Collective Agreement

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Local. Where The Employer" and Union" agree to the followingwith respectto closuresof City and relatedfacilitiesand/or operationsbetweenBoxing Day and noon of New Year's Eve for the term of the collective agreement (known as Christmas closure period): Council may, in its sole discretion, decide on a grievance closure during any or all of the Christmas closure periods. In the event of such declaration,all operationsexcept those deemed essential by the employer will be halted. Employees may use owing In the form of vacation time or accumulatedtime in lieu of overtime, compensatory to continue pay during this period. Except as noted in above, all employees not requiredto provideessential services be considered to be temporarily laid off for the period of closure, and shall not receive pay for the period of closure. It is allegedagreed that employees who would otherwise be entitled to sick disability payments during any such period except as per Article will not be entitled in the event of a declaration of closure, but that employees who would otherwisebe entilledto L or related benefitswill remainentitledduring any periods of closure. Grievances or other actions taken by the following procedure shall apply: Step One: Within seven (7) working days after the alleged grievance has arisen, the grievance union with respect to Christmas closure periods shall be presented limited to those dealing with the application of this agreement. This agreement Is made without precedent or particularly with respect to either Party's rights at the of the agreement. Signed this of For the Corporation For the Union Xxxxxxxx Local Director, Human BETWEEN: LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING THE CORPORATIONOF THE OF LONDON called the AND CANADIANUNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES LOCAL (hereinafter called the Whereas the Unionand the Corporation to mutuallyaddressthe issue of testing during Job competitions in writing order to reduce or eliminate any future on the employee’s Department Headissue, and to provide for policies and procedures for such all in accordance with the Agreement, they mutually agree as The Unionrecognizesthe Corporation's rightto test employees in the context of a job competition, In accordance with this Letter of Understanding. If the Corporation to conduct a reply or a satisfactory settlement is not received within seven (7) working days from test, shall indicate on the date upon which the grievance was presented to the employee’s Department Head, the grievance may proceed to Step Two. Step Two: Within seven (7) working days from the expiration date referred to in Step One, the grievance job posting that applicants may be presented in writing to requiredto take a test. Applicants who have the City Administrator or designate. Within seven (7) working days of the receipt of the grievance, the City Administrator shall convene a meeting of the persons having knowledge of the matter that is the subject of the grievance. If a reply or satisfactory settlement of the grievance is not received within seven (7) working days necessaryqualificationswill be reasonable advance written notice of the date of the meetingtest, which notice shall be given at least working days in advance of the grievance test in all cases with the exception of typing tests. Where a written test is conductedthe Corporationshall make to any employee who Is to take the test, written material from to study for the test. The written test shall be based on this material which may Include books, drawings, tables, documents, manuals, plans, policies, statutes, standards, or any other written material provided in a text or electronic format. If the City providesmaterial by electronicformat it shall also have the material readily available in text format or hard copy. Any applicant may request the material in text format or hard copy. Employees shall be referred to arbitration as where this material can obtained on the provided for in Article within ten working days from paragraph three (3). material shall be provided without charge to the date on which a reply or satisfactory settlement employee. The notice of the grievance should be received. The Parties acknowledge test shall also describe the benefit of prompt and effective resolution of grievances and agree that grievance mediation is one method to accomplish this. It is therefore agreed that the Grievance Mediation Process may be used at any step general subject matter of the Grievance Procedure Step If advantage of the provisions of this section is not taken within the time limit specified hereintest. Inany case, a grievance in dispute shall be deemed to have been abandoned and shall not be reopened except by mutual consent of the parties. The Employer or the Union shall have the right to file a general policy grievance. It shall be filed with the President of the Union or Director of the Department respectively. The policy grievance will follow the timelines and procedures under Article of this agreement. The party filing a grievance shall state the act or omission complained ofall tests, indicate why the act or omission is viewed as being improper and state the redress or remedy requested. At any hearing an employee affected may act with a representative of the Canadian Union of Public Employees, a Solicitor, or a Grievance Committee representative of the Union. No grievance shall be defeated by any formal or technical objection and an Arbitration Board shall have the power to allow all necessary amendments to the Grievance and the power to waive formal procedural irregularities in administrationof the processing of a grievancetesting process, in order to determine the real matter inIncludingmarking, be:

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Samples: Coi Tive Agreement

Local. Where (herein called the “Union”) This will confirm the understanding of the parties reached during negotiations with respect to the duration of the Collective Agreement which expires December with respect to the following matter. The Union and the Employer agree to form a grievance is allegedCall-in Committee consisting of up two (2) bargaining unit employees, who have completed their probationary period, and of up to two (2) managerial employees. The purpose of this Committee shall be to meet at a mutually agreed upon time and date to discuss and review the Employer’s Call-In Procedure. DATED AT TORONTO DAY OF FOR THE UNION FOR THE EMPLOYER Appendix The Agreement made this day of BETWEEN: AGREEMENT NEW VISIONS TORONTO (the EmpIoyer”) -AND MULTI-SECTOR PENSION PLAN by its Trustees (the “Trustees”) In consideration of the Employer becoming a participating employer in the Multi-Sector Pension Plan (the “Plan”) by making contributions to the Plan in accordance with the collective agreement between the Employer and Local ON of the Service Employees Union (the “Union”), and in consideration of the Trustees making benefits available to the employees of the Employer on whose behalf contributions are being made, the following procedure parties agree as follows: The Employer shall apply: Step One: Within seven make contributions to the Plan in accordance with the terms of the Collective Agreement dated the day of between the Union and the Employer (7the “Collective Agreement”) working days after failing which the alleged grievance has arisen, Trustees or Union may take action to collect such amounts owing pursuant to the grievance shall be presented in writing to and arbitration procedures under the employee’s Department HeadCollective Agreement. If a reply or a satisfactory settlement is not received within seven (7) working days from For greater certainty, neither the date upon which the grievance was presented to the employee’s Department Head, the grievance may proceed to Step Two. Step Two: Within seven (7) working days from the expiration date referred to in Step One, the grievance may be presented in writing to the City Administrator or designate. Within seven (7) working days of the receipt of the grievance, the City Administrator shall convene a meeting of the persons having knowledge of the matter that is the subject of the grievance. If a reply or satisfactory settlement of the grievance is not received within seven (7) working days of the date of the meeting, the grievance may be referred to arbitration as provided for in Article within ten working days from the date on which a reply or satisfactory settlement of the grievance should be received. The Parties acknowledge the benefit of prompt and effective resolution of grievances and agree that grievance mediation is one method to accomplish this. It is therefore agreed that the Grievance Mediation Process may be used at any step of the Grievance Procedure Step If advantage of the provisions of this section is not taken within the time limit specified herein, a grievance in dispute shall be deemed to have been abandoned and shall not be reopened except by mutual consent of the parties. The Employer or Trustees nor the Union shall have the right to file a general policy grievance. It shall be filed collect interest, liquidated damages or costs in accordance with the President of the Union or Director of the Department respectively. The policy grievance will follow the timelines and procedures under Article provisions of this agreementParticipation Agreement and the Agreement and Declaration of Trust dated January as amended (“Declaration of Trust”) which established the Plan. The party filing In becoming a grievance participating employer under the Declaration of Trust, the Employer shall state attorn to the act Declaration of Trust to a limited extent and such attornment shall specifically exclude paragraphs and Ior any successor provisions or omission complained of, indicate why the act or omission is viewed as being improper and state the redress or remedy requested. At any hearing an employee affected may act with a representative of the Canadian Union of Public Employees, a Solicitor, or a Grievance Committee representative of the Union. No grievance shall be defeated by any formal or technical objection and an Arbitration Board shall have the power to allow all necessary amendments to the Grievance Declaration of Trust which imposes any liability for costs or damages or which provide any of the audit and compliance rights described in paragraph This Participation Agreement shall not include the incorporation of such provisions. The Employer acknowledges the right and obligation of the Trustees to administer the Fund and provide benefits in accordance with the Declaration of Trust as amended in it’s application to the Employer as described in paragraph above of this Participation Agreement. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph of this Participation Agreement, the financial obligations of the Employer shall in no event exceed the obligation to make contributions as set out in the Collective Agreement. The Employer has no obligation to provide the benefits established by the Plan beyond the obligation to make contributions pursuant to the Collective Agreement. In the event that at any time the Plan does not have sufficient assets to permit continued payments under the Plan, nothing contained in the Collective Agreement, Plan or this Participation Agreement or the Declaration of Trust shall be construed as obligating the Employer to make contributions other than contributions for which the Employer is obligated by the Collective Agreement. is understood that there shall be no liability upon the Employer, Union or the Trustees to provide the benefits established by this Pension Plan if the Plan does not have sufficient assets to make such benefit payments and that the Trustees have the authority to amend benefits, if necessary or advisable. Except as provided in paragraph ,if there is any conflict between the Declaration of Trust and the power to waive formal procedural irregularities in Rules and Regulations on the processing one hand and the Collective Agreement on the other hand, the provisions of the Collective Agreement shall prevail. If the terms of the Collective Agreement provide for a grievance, in order to determine the real matter inprobationary period :

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Samples: Service Employees

Local. Where a grievance It is allegedhereby agreed between the parties to meet and discuss the possible application for rebates and the application of such rebates between the Employer and the Employees. FOR THE UNION FOR CORPORATION Signed the day of LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING CITY OF CORNWALL AND LOCAL It is hereby agreed between the parties that upon receipt of from in respect to the purchase of Type I (Past Service) or Optional Service Pensions, the following procedure shall apply: Step One: Within seven (7) working days after the alleged grievance has arisen, the grievance shall be presented in writing parties will meet to the employee’s Department Head. If a reply or a satisfactory settlement is not received within seven (7) working days from the date upon which the grievance was presented to the employee’s Department Head, the grievance may proceed to Step Two. Step Two: Within seven (7) working days from the expiration date referred to in Step One, the grievance may be presented in writing to the City Administrator or designate. Within seven (7) working days of the receipt of the grievance, the City Administrator shall convene a meeting of the persons having knowledge of the matter that is the subject of the grievance. If a reply or satisfactory settlement of the grievance is not received within seven (7) working days of the date of the meeting, the grievance may be referred to arbitration as provided for in Article within ten working days from the date on which a reply or satisfactory settlement of the grievance should be received. The Parties acknowledge the benefit of prompt review and effective resolution of grievances and agree that grievance mediation is one method to accomplish thisdiscuss such costing. It is therefore agreed that this does not bind either party to purchase such pension. FOR THE UNION FOR THE CORPORATION LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN CITY OF CORNWALL AND The parties agree that upon the signing of this Collective Agreement, the parties will meet for the purposes of entering into discussions surrounding the institution of a spare board. It is agreed that the Grievance Mediation Process may parties will enter into a study, which shall be used at any step completed within twelve (12) months of the Grievance Procedure Step If advantage signing of this Collective Agreement for this explicit purpose. It is understood that the parties may discuss, amend, alter, or change any Article in the Collective Agreement in an attempt to reach a mutually agreeable Transit Spare Board, including an implementation schedule. Upon acceptance, and ratification, by the parties such Spare Board may form part of the provisions of this section is not taken within the time limit specified herein, a grievance in dispute shall be deemed to have been abandoned and shall not be reopened except Collective Agreement as decided upon by mutual consent of the parties. Signed the of FOR THE UNION FOR THE CORPORATION OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF CORNWALL AND The Employer or parties that upon the of this C Agreement, Clothing Committee meet and discuss the issues of a all purpose coat. The recommendation of the clothing committee shall be forwarded to both Union shall have the right to file a general policy grievanceand Management for their acceptance. It shall is further agreed that upon acceptance of this new coat, it will be filed with purchased as soon as possible and provided to all operators. It is also agreed that upon acceptance of this coat all references to the President parka, the bomber jacket, and the windbreaker will be deleted from the Collective Agreement. Signed the day of FOR THE UNION FOR THE CORPORATION LEPER OF UNDERSTANDING CITY OF CORNWALL AND It is agreed and understood between the parties that notwithstanding the Letter of Understanding regarding Temporary Employees and any language of the Union or Director of Collective Agreement, the Department respectively. The policy grievance will follow parties agree that for the timelines and procedures under Article life of this agreement. The party filing Collective Agreement the complement of Temporary Employees will increase from three (3) to four It is also agreed and understood that Temporary Employees will be permitted to perform work on a grievance shall state single shift basis for floaters, lieu days, and book Signed the act or omission complained day of, indicate why the act or omission is viewed as being improper and state the redress or remedy requested. At any hearing an employee affected may act with a representative of the Canadian Union of Public Employees, a Solicitor, or a Grievance Committee representative of the Union. No grievance shall be defeated by any formal or technical objection and an Arbitration Board shall have the power to allow all necessary amendments to the Grievance and the power to waive formal procedural irregularities in the processing of a grievance, in order to determine the real matter in

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Samples: Agreement

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