LEGAL AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK. A. Indigenous Peoples Rights Act of 1997 (RA 8371)
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LEGAL AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK. 5.1. The Parties affirm that Uganda has institutions and mechanisms, customs and usages as provided for and recognised under national laws, capable of addressing the crimes and human rights violations committed during the conflict. The Parties also recognise that modifications may be required within the national legal system to ensure a more effective and integrated justice and accountability response.
LEGAL AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK. The co-operation relationship between Luxembourg and Namibia is governed by the following legal agreements: • the Basic Co-operation Agreement between the Republic of Namibia and the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, signed on 13 January 2004, which stipulates the general principles of the relations between the two parties, defines the forms of co-operation and determines the implementation methods as well as the competent bodies; • the Project Protocols regarding the implementation of the individual projects; and • the present ICP as a steering and monitoring instrument for the medium-term co-operation. The ICP deals with the programmes and bilateral co-operation projects designed and implemented by the Luxembourg and Namibian Governments. It also constitutes a guiding reference for multilateral projects and for the non-governmental organisations (NGOs). It is elaborated, implemented and evaluated jointly by the Luxembourg and Namibian Governments through the governmental and administrative bodies responsible for development co-operation: • for Namibia, the Office of the President through the National Planning Commission Secretariat; and • for Luxembourg, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration through the Directorate for Development Co-operation. These bodies are responsible for the coordination and the monitoring of the ICP. For its implementation, these organisations rely on their respective administrative and technical services, and on the expertise of international and non-governmental organizations working for the development of Namibia.
LEGAL AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK. The rapid progress that the Sava countries have made in developing and executing a process of cooperation demonstrates their commitment to success. Following is a summary of the genesis and framework of this process.
LEGAL AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK. Legislative and policy changes


  • PERSONAL AND ACADEMIC FREEDOM A. The personal life of a teacher is not within the appropriate concern or attention of the Board except as it may directly affect the efficient performance of assigned functions during the workday.

  • Institutional and Controls The controls and requirements listed in the Department approved Site Management Plan ("SMP") including any and all Department approved amendments to the SMP are incorporated into and made part of this Environmental Easement. These controls and requirements apply to the use of the Controlled Property, run with the land, are binding on the Grantor and the Grantor's successors and assigns, and are enforceable in law or equity against any owner of the Controlled Property, any lessees and any person using the Controlled Property.

  • xxx/OpenGovernment/LobbingAtOrangeCounty aspx A lobbying blackout period shall commence upon issuance of the solicitation until the Board selects the Contractor. For procurements that do not require Board approval, the blackout period commences upon solicitation issuance and concludes upon contract award. The County may void any contract where the County Mayor, one or more County Commissioners, or a County staff person has been lobbied in violation of the black-out period restrictions of Ordinance No. 2002-15. • Orange County Protest Procedures xxxx:// px Failure to file a protest with the Manager, Procurement Division by 5:00 PM on the fifth full business day after posting, shall constitute a waiver of bid protest proceedings.

  • Institution and Investigator acknowledge that SPONSOR has no obligation to indemnify or be responsible for any loss, claim, cost (including reasonable attorney fees) or demand if and to the extent such losses, claims or demands arise from any injuries or damages resulting from Institution’s, Investigator’s or the Study Personnel’s negligence, breach of this Agreement, failure to adhere to the Protocol, failure to obtain signed informed consent forms, failure to follow Applicable Law, misuse of the Study Drug, unauthorized warranties, or willful misconduct. This indemnification obligation is without prejudice to the precedence of insurance coverage from compulsory clinical trial insurance. 12.3. Zdravotnické zařízení a zkoušející berou na vědomí, že ZADAVATEL nevyplatí žádné odškodnění ani není odpovědný za žádné ztráty, náklady, spory (včetně přiměřených nákladů na právní pomoc) či nároky v souvislosti s újmou či škodou, ke kterým došlo v důsledku nedbalosti na straně zdravotnického zařízení, zkoušejícího a/nebo členů týmu provádějícího klinické hodnocení a/nebo v důsledku toho, že zdravotnické zařízení, zkoušející a/nebo některý člen týmu provádějícího klinické hodnocení porušili ustanovení této smlouvy, porušili ustanovení protokolu, nenechali subjekt hodnocení podepsat informovaný souhlas, porušili ustanovení platných zákonů, chybným způsobem použili studijní léčivo ZADAVATELe, způsobili škodu úmyslným zaviněním a/nebo poskytli neoprávněné záruky. Touto povinností odškodnění není dotčeno přednostní pojistné krytí z povinného pojištění klinického hodnocení.

  • Institutional Arrangements 1. The AIA Council, as established by the AEM under the AIA Agreement, shall be responsible for the implementation of this Agreement.

  • Union Representative or Xxxxxxx Access A Union representative or xxxxxxx shall, upon written authority of the employee, be entitled to read and review an employee’s personnel file in order to facilitate the investigation of a grievance. Upon request, the Union representative or xxxxxxx shall be given copies of all such pertinent documents.

  • Vendor Certification of Criminal History Texas Education Code Chapter 22 8 Texas Education Code Chapter 22 requires entities that contract with school districts to provide services to obtain criminal history record information regarding covered employees. Contractors must certify to the district that they have complied. Covered employees with disqualifying criminal histories are prohibited from serving at a school district pursuant to this law. DEFINITIONS Covered employees: Employees of a contractor or subcontractor who have or will have continuing duties related to the service to be performed at the District and have or will have direct contact with students. The District will be the final arbiter of what constitutes direct contact with students. Disqualifying criminal history: Any conviction or other criminal history information designated by the District, or one of the following offenses, if at the time of the offense, the victim was under 18 or enrolled in a public school: (a) a felony offense under Title 5, Texas Penal Code; (b) an offense for which a defendant is required to register as a sex offender under Chapter 62, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure; or (c) an equivalent offense under federal law or the laws of another state. Vendor certifies: NONE (Section A): None of the employees of Vendor and any subcontractors are covered employees, as defined above. If this box is checked, I further certify that Contractor has taken precautions or imposed conditions to ensure that the employees of Vendor and any subcontractor will not become covered employees. Contractor will maintain these precautions or conditions throughout the time the contracted services are provided under this procurement. OR SOME (Section B): Some or all of the employees of Vendor and any subcontractor are covered employees. If this box is checked, I further certify that: (1) Vendor has obtained all required criminal history record information regarding its covered employees. None of the covered employees has a disqualifying criminal history; (2) If Vendor receives information that a covered employee subsequently has a reported criminal history, Vendor will immediately remove the covered employee from contract duties and notify the purchasing entity in writing within 3 business days; (3) Upon request, Vendor will provide the purchasing entity with the name and any other requested information of covered employees so that the purchasing entity may obtain criminal history record information on the covered employees; (4) If the purchasing entity objects to the assignment of a covered employee on the basis of the covered employee's criminal history record information, Xxxxxx agrees to discontinue using that covered employee to provide services at the purchasing entity. Which option does Vendor certify? None Certification Regarding "Choice of Law" Terms with TIPS Members Vendor agrees that if any "Choice of Law" provision is included in any sales agreement/contract between Vendor and a TIPS Member, that clause must provide that the "Choice of Law" applicable to the sales agreement/contract between Vendor and TIPS Member shall be the state where the TIPS Member operates unless the TIPS Member expressly agrees otherwise. Any TIPS Sale Supplemental Agreement containing a "Choice of Law" clause that conflicts with these terms is rendered void and unenforceable. If Vendor disagrees, after this solicitation legally closes and TIPS begins evaluating Vendor's file, TIPS will provide Vendor with a draft Word Document version of the Vendor Agreement and will be instructed to include all requested negotiations as redline edits for TIPS consideration. Does Vendor agree? Yes

  • Responsibility of school staff to  design and implement engaging and flexible learning experiences for individuals and groups  inform parents and carers regularly about how their children are progressing  design and implement intellectually challenging learning experiences which develop language, literacy and numeracy  create and maintain safe and supportive learning environments  support personal development and participation in society  xxxxxx positive and productive relationships with families and the community  inform students, parents and carers about what the teachers aim to teach the students  teach effectively and set the highest standards in work and behaviour  clearly articulate the school’s expectations regarding the Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students and the school’s Dress Code policy  ensure that parents and carers are aware that the school does not have personal accident insurance cover for students  advise parents and carers of extra-curricular activities operating at the school in which their child may become involved (for example Program of Chaplaincy Services, sports programs)  set, xxxx and monitor homework regularly in keeping with the school’s homework policy  contact parents and carers as soon as is possible if the school is concerned about the child’s school work, behaviour, attendance or punctuality  deal with complaints in an open, fair and transparent manner in accordance with departmental procedure, Complaints Management – State Schools  treat students and parents with respect . I accept the rules and regulations of the Xxxxxx Road State School as stated in the school policies that have been provided to me as follows: □ Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students □ ICT Network Agreement □ Consent Form □ Parents Notice for Religious Instruction in School Hours Information provided in Parent Handbook: □ Complaints Management – Section 8.1 □ Student Dress Code – Section 10.0 □ Homework – Section 7.0 □ Voluntary Financial Contributions – Section 3.8 □ Absences – Section 12.1 □ School Excursions – Section 5.4 □ Accident Insurance Cover for Students – Section 3.9 □ Appropriate Use of Mobile Phones and other Electronic Equipment by Students – Section 8.5 I acknowledge:  That I have read and understood the responsibilities of the student, parents or carers and the school staff outlined above; and  That information about the school’s current rules, policies, programs and services, as outlined above has been provided and explained to me. Student Name: Student Signature: …….……………………… Parent/Carer Name: Parent/Carer Signature: ..……………………. Xxxxxxx Xxxx (Principal) / Xxxxxx Scammells & Xxxxx Xxxxxx (Deputy Principals): …….…………………………………

  • INFORMATION ABOUT US AND HOW TO CONTACT US 2.1. Who we are. We are PayrNet Limited, an EMI as described above.

  • Mobile Banking Services Mobile Banking is a personal financial information management service that allows you to access account information and conduct transactions using compatible and supported mobile phones and/or other compatible and supported wireless devices (including phones, "Wireless Devices"). We reserve the right to modify the scope of the Mobile Banking services at any time. We reserve the right to refuse to make any transaction you request through Mobile Banking. You agree and understand that Mobile Banking may not be accessible or may have limited utility over some mobile telephone networks, such as while roaming.

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