High School Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Instructors Sample Clauses

High School Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Instructors. (JROTC) The salary for High School JROTC instructors shall be the amount set forth in Section B of the Teacher Salary Schedule in accordance with the salary provisions for other teachers multiplied by 221 times the daily rate of pay or the amount set as the minimum pay for High School JROTC instructors by the Federal government in accordance with the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Act plus 3.545% of said amount, whichever amount is greater. High School JROTC instructors without a degree shall be placed on the BA track of the Teacher Salary Schedule.
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High School Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Instructors. (JROTC) The salary for High School JROTC instructors shall be the amount set forth in Section B of the Teacher Salary Schedule in accordance with the salary provisions for other teachers multiplied by 221 times the daily rate of pay or the amount set as the minimum pay for High School JROTC instructors by the Federal government in accordance with the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Act plus 3.545% of said amount, whichever amount is greater. High School JROTC instructors without a degree shall be placed on the BA track of the Teacher Salary Schedule. Initial Place- ment Step BA Degree BA+ 10 Gr. Hours BA+ 20 Gr. Hours BA+ 30 Gr. Hours MA+ Degree MA+ 10 Gr. Hours MA+ 20 Gr. Hours MA+ 30 Gr. Hours Ed. Sp. or MA+ 40 Gr. Hours Ed. Sp.+ 10 or MA+ 50 Gr. Hours Ed. Sp.+ 20 or MA+ 60 Gr. Hours Earned Doctorate 0 2 37,998 38,517 39,036 39,555 40,367 40,886 41,405 41,924 42,443 42,962 43,480 43,999 1 3 38,911 39,430 39,949 40,468 41,573 42,092 42,611 43,130 43,649 44,168 44,686 45,205 2 4 39,824 40,343 40,862 41,381 42,779 43,298 43,817 44,336 44,855 45,374 45,892 46,411 3 5 40,737 41,256 41,775 42,294 43,985 44,504 45,023 45,542 46,061 46,580 47,098 47,617 4 6 41,650 42,169 42,688 43,207 45,191 45,710 46,229 46,748 47,267 47,786 48,304 48,823 5 7 42,563 43,082 43,601 44,120 46,397 46,916 47,435 47,954 48,473 48,992 49,510 50,029 6 8 43,476 43,995 44,514 45,033 47,603 48,122 48,641 49,160 49,679 50,198 50,716 51,235 7 9 44,390 44,908 45,427 45,946 48,809 49,328 49,847 50,366 50,885 51,404 51,922 52,441 8 10 45,821 46,340 46,859 50,015 50,534 51,053 51,572 52,091 52,610 53,128 53,647 9 11 47,253 47,772 51,221 51,740 52,259 52,778 53,297 53,816 54,334 54,853 10 12 48,685 52,427 52,946 53,465 53,984 54,503 55,022 55,540 56,059 11 13 53,633 54,152 54,671 55,190 55,709 56,228 56,746 57,265 12 14 55,877 56,396 56,915 57,434 57,952 58,471 13+ 15 58,121 58,640 59,158 59,677 Section B: Teachers Salary Schedule Paragraph 1: 2009-2011 ‌

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