Boron definition

Boron shall have the meaning set forth in the Preamble.
Boron means a non-metallic element, fifth in the atomic table. In nature, boron always occurs in combination with oxygen and other elements, notably sodium and/or calcium.

Examples of Boron in a sentence

  • All notices, requests, demands and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if faxed (with transmission acknowledgment received), delivered personally or mailed by certified or registered mail (return receipt requested) as follows: To the Company: Boron, XxXxxx & Associates, Inc.

  • Refer ASX release titled ‘ioneer Delivers Definitive Feasibility Study that Confirms Rhyolite Ridge as a World-Class Lithium and Boron Project’ announced 30 April 2020.

  • I, Jimin Zhang, hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q of Lithium & Boron Technology, Inc.

  • Attention: Chief Financial Officer 00-00 Xxxxx 000 Xxxxx Xxxx Xxxx, Xxx Xxxxxx 00000 Dear Sirs: Pursuant to the terms of my stock option agreement dated ____________ (the "Agreement") under the Boron, XxXxxx & Associates, Inc 1996 Stock Option and Grant Plan, I, [Insert Name] ___________________, hereby [Circle One] partially/fully exercise such option by including herein payment in the amount of $_______ representing the purchase price for [Fill in number of Option Shares] __________ option shares.

  • Attention: Chief Financial Officer 00-00 Xxxxx 000 Xxxxx Xxxx Xxxx, Xxx Xxxxxx 00000 Dear Sirs: Pursuant to the terms of my stock option agreement dated ____________ (the "Agreement") under the Boron, XxXxxx & Associates, Inc.

  • Boron Recycle System The Boron Recycle System collects, stores, treats, recycles and disposes of reactor coolant letdown during normal operations.

  • All notices, requests, demands and other communications ------- hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if faxed (with transmission acknowledgment received), delivered personally or mailed by certified or registered mail (return receipt requested) as follows: To the Company: Boron, XxXxxx & Associates, Inc.

  • Appendix A STOCK OPTION EXERCISE NOTICE Boron, XxXxxx & Associates, Inc.

  • The Project has a similar geological setting as Rio Tinto Borates’ Boron operations and Nirma Limited’s Searles Lake (Trona) operations, situated approximately 75 mi.

  • ABR Advancing Value Engineering Program for Fort Cady Integrated Boron Facility, Press Release, October 13, 2021.

Related to Boron

  • Biodegradable means degradable through a process by which fungi or bacteria secrete enzymes to convert a complex molecular structure to simple gasses and organic compounds.

  • Sorbent means a material that is used to soak up free liquids by either adsorption or absorption, or both. “Sorb” means to either adsorb or absorb, or both.

  • SDS means Safety Data Sheet.

  • Cyanoacrylate adhesive means any adhesive with a cyanoacrylate content of at least 95% by weight.

  • Epinephrine auto-injector means a device for immediate self-administration or administration by another trained person of a measured dose of epinephrine to a person at risk of anaphylaxis.

  • Nematode means invertebrate animals of the phylum nemathelminthes, and class nematoda, i.e., unsegmented round worms with elongated, fusiform, or saclike bodies covered with cuticle, and inhabiting soil, water, plants, or plant parts, may also be called nemas or eelworms.

  • Catalyst means a substance whose presence enhances the reaction between chemical compounds.

  • USP means the United States Pharmacopeia.

  • ACGME means the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education.

  • Polyolefin adhesive means an aerosol adhesive designed to bond polyolefins to substrates.

  • Rad means the special unit of absorbed dose. One rad is equal to an absorbed dose of 100 erg per gram or 0.01 joule per kilogram (0.01 gray).

  • Pathogen means an organism that is capable of producing an infection or disease in a susceptible host.

  • AE means any untoward medical occurrence in a Human Subject administered Test Article. An AE does not necessarily have a causal relationship with the Test Article, that is, it can be any unfavorable and unintended sign (including an abnormal laboratory finding), symptom, or disease temporally associated with the use of the Test Article, whether or not it is related to it. See FDA Good Clinical Practice Guideline (International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) E6: “Good Clinical Practice: Consolidated Guidance, 62 Federal Register 25, 691 (1997)).

  • STEM means science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

  • PPB is the lump sum present value of the pension benefits (whether or not vested) that would be payable under the Pension Plans in the form of a straight life annuity beginning at the earliest date permitted under the Pension Plans, computed on the basis that the Executive’s actual age at termination of employment is his attained age as of his last birthday that would occur during the Remaining Unexpired Employment Period, that his service for benefit accrual purposes under the Pension Plans is equal to the aggregate of his actual service plus the Remaining Unexpired Employment Period, that his average compensation figure used in determining his accrued benefit is equal to the highest annual rate of salary achieved by the Executive during the period of three (3) years ending immediately prior to the date of termination, that the Executive’s life expectancy at the earliest date on which payments under the Pension Plans could begin is the Assumed Life Expectancy and that the interest rate assumption used is equal to the 30-Year Treasury Rate. The Pension Severance Payment shall be made within five (5) business days after the Executive’s termination of employment and shall be in lieu of any claim to any actual increase in his accrued benefit in the Pension Plans in respect of the Remaining Unexpired Employment Period;

  • Fluid means material or substance which flows or moves whether in a semisolid, liquid, sludge, gas, or any other form or state.

  • Biosolids means any material or material derived from sewage solids that have been biologically treated.

  • GLJ means GLJ Petroleum Consultants Ltd.;

  • DS Electric generation service that is provided at retail pursuant to the Applicable Legal Authorities under the Company’s retail electric tariffs and under any other agreements or arrangements between the Company and Customers, to any Customer that is not being served by an EGS. Default Allocation Assessment – shall have the meaning ascribed to it under the PJM Agreements. Delivery Period – The delivery period specified in an Appendix C Transaction Confirmation. Delivery Point – Means the applicable zone of the Company as designated by PJM. DS Customer(s) – Retail customers who are provided Default Service pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, the Applicable Legal Authorities and the Company’s retail tariffs.

  • Solids means the nonvolatile portion of the coating that after drying makes up the dry film.

  • PEG means public, educational and governmental.

  • DNA means deoxyribonucleic acid.