Twistars definition

Twistars means Twistars USA, Inc. d/b/a Geddert’s Twistars Gymnastics Club USA, Geddert’s Twistars USA Gymnastics Club, Inc., Twistars USA, Inc., John Geddert, and Kathryn Geddert.‌

Examples of Twistars in a sentence

  • The MSU Defendants received financial benefits from its relationship with Defendants Nassar, and USAG, along with Twistars and Geddert, including increased patients to the MSU Sports Medicine Clinic, increased billing, revenue, and profit for the MSU Sports Medicine Clinic, and national and international recognition, fame, and prestige.

  • Getto (P57300)Zausmer August & Caldwell, P.C. Attorneys for Defendant Twistars USA, Inc.

  • Defendant USAG received financial benefits from his relationship with Twistars, Geddert, Defendant MSU, and Defendant Nassar, including but not limited to increased membership in its organization, increased or additional membership fees, and national and international recognition, fame, and prestige.

  • The Twistars Defendants neither admit nor deny the balance allegations contained therein for lack of sufficient information upon which to form a belief and leave USAG to its proofs; therefore, such allegations are deemed denied.

  • Geddert served as an agent of Defendant USAG and served as the 2011 USA World Championship Team Head Coach and the 2012 USA Olympic Team Head Coach through his affiliations with Defendant USAG and Twistars.

  • For over 20 years, Defendant Nassar had unfettered access to young female athletes through the Sports Medicine Clinic at MSU, and through his involvement with USAG and Twistars, who referred athletes to his care.

  • Twistars required its gymnasts, especially those with aspirations of competing, to become USAG members and pay membership fees to Defendant USAG.

  • Innovation intermediaries such as technology centres can help SME solution providers get closer to large industrial users to co- create23 new products/services through a better anticipation of their needs.

  • The exported category (economy vehicles) is not imported and is unaffected by the tariff.Some industry observers have suggested that Thailand’s automotive industry is oligopolistic with regard to the domestic market.

  • While most of the assaults were carried out at MSU, others were carried out at USAG sponsored events and at Twistars.

Related to Twistars

  • HRS means the Hawaii Revised Statutes.

  • Connectivity means the provision of a Permanent Separated Bicycle Lane system that reflects desired routes between all major origins and destinations in the city.

  • BPSS means the recognised standard for HMG for staff vetting which comprises verification of (1) identity, (2) employment history, (3) nationality and immigration status (including the right to work), and Criminal Records Bureau check (including a five (5) year address history check).

  • Shippers means the party or parties who agrees with Carrier for transportation of Petroleum.

  • Automotive windshield washer fluid means any liquid designed for use in a motor vehicle windshield washer system either as an antifreeze or for the purpose of cleaning, washing, or wetting the windshield. Automotive windshield washer fluid does not include fluids placed by the manufacturer in a new vehicle.

  • Distributors means the authorized distributors, agents, sub-distributors of Quick Heal, selling Quick Heal range of products, including sales through Internet.

  • Suction outlet means the opening or fitting through which the water under negative pressure is drawn from the pool or spa.

  • MANUFACTURERS means M/s and shall include their legal representatives, successors, and assigns.

  • Licensors means each entity listed on the list entitled “Licensors” which can be accessed on the Website and which may be amended from time to time by Licensing Company; provided, however, that “Licensors” for the purposes of this License Agreement shall only include those entities that are listed on the list entitled “Licensors” during the Term.

  • TPS means a third party supplier which is authorized by law to sell electric service to a customer using the transmission or distribution system of Duke Energy Progress.

  • Zero tolerance means that the school will not tolerate the possession of any weapon by any person. The term “weapon” is defined as any object or substance which by its design, threatened use, or use could cause bodily injury or property damage, including any object which could reasonably be mistaken for a weapon. The division director and dean of student life shall use their discretion when interpreting the use and intent of such articles at school.

  • Micro wireless facility means a small cell facility that is not larger in dimension than 24 inches in length, 15 inches in width, and 12 inches in height and that has an exterior antenna, if any, not longer than 11 inches.

  • Heat input means the product (expressed in mmBtu/time) of the gross calorific value of the fuel (expressed in Btu/lb) and the fuel feed rate into the combustion device (expressed in mass of fuel/time) and does not include the heat derived from preheated combustion air, recirculated flue gases, or ex- haust from other sources.

  • Producers means all LBMs, MGAs, brokers, agents, general agents, COLI specialty brokers, broker-dealers, producers or other Persons who market or produce the Policies and who (a) have been appointed by the Company, and (b) are entitled to receive Commissions from the Company.

  • Digital Cross Connect System or "DCS" is a function which provides automated Cross Connection of Digital Signal Level 0 (DS0) or higher transmission bit rate digital channels within physical interface facilities. Types of DCS include but are not limited to DCS 1/0s, DCS 3/1s, and DCS 3/3s, where the nomenclature 1/0 denotes interfaces typically at the DS1 rate or greater with Cross Connection typically at the DS0 rate. This same nomenclature, at the appropriate rate substitution, extends to the other types of DCS specifically cited as 3/1 and 3/3. Types of DCS that cross connect Synchronous Transport Signal level 1 (STS-1 s) or other Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) signals (e.g., STS-3) are also DCS, although not denoted by this same type of nomenclature. DCS may provide the functionality of more than one of the aforementioned DCS types (e.g., DCS 3/3/1 which combines functionality of DCS 3/3 and DCS 3/1). For such DCS, the requirements will be, at least, the aggregation of requirements on the "component" DCS. In locations where automated Cross Connection capability does not exist, DCS will be defined as the combination of the functionality provided by a Digital Signal Cross Connect (DSX) or Light Guide Cross Connect (LGX) patch panels and D4 channel banks or other DS0 and above multiplexing equipment used to provide the function of a manual Cross Connection. Interconnection is between a DSX or LGX to a Switch, another Cross Connection, or other service platform device.

  • apron means a defined area intended to accommodate aircraft for purposes of loading or unloading passengers, mail or cargo, fuelling, parking or maintenance;

  • business vertical means a distinguishable component of an enterprise that is engaged in the supply of individual goods or services or a group of related goods or services which is subject to risks and returns that are different from those of the other business verticals.

  • Operators means the Access Provider and the Access Seeker collectively.

  • High-temperature coating means a high performance coating labeled and formulated for application to substrates exposed continuously or intermittently to temperatures above 204oC (400oF).

  • End Users means a Third Party residence or business that subscribes to Telecommunications Services provided by any of the Parties at retail. As used herein, the term “End User(s)” does not include any of the Parties to this Agreement with respect to any item or service obtained under this Agreement.

  • Hydrozone means a portion of the landscaped area having plants with similar water needs. A hydrozone may be irrigated or non-irrigated.

  • GATS means the General Agreement on Trade in Services in Annex 1B to the WTO Agreement;

  • Internet Service Provider (ISP) is an Enhanced Service Provider that provides Internet Services, and is defined in paragraph 341 of the FCC’s First Report and Order in CC Docket No. 97-158.

  • AMP means ABRY Mezzanine Partners, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership.

  • Output means the exposure rate, dose rate, or a quantity related in a known manner to these rates from a brachytherapy source or a teletherapy, remote afterloader, or gamma stereotactic radiosurgery unit for a specified set of exposure conditions.

  • Suppliers means any person or entity, including affiliates of the Company, who locates, purchases, sells, stores and/or transports natural gas or its equivalent for or on behalf of the Company. Suppliers may include, but not be limited to, interstate pipeline transmission companies, producers, brokers, marketers, associations, intrastate pipeline transmission companies, joint ventures, providers of LNG, LPG, SNG, and other hydrocarbons used as feed-stock, other distribution companies and end-users.