TWIC definition

TWIC means TWI Cable Inc., a Delaware corporation.
TWIC means Time Warner Interactive (California) Inc., a California corporation, all of the shares of which are owned as of the date hereof by the Company.

Examples of TWIC in a sentence

  • All credentialed merchant mariners and individuals who will need unescorted access to secure areas of a maritime regulated facility or vessel must obtain a TWIC.

  • TWIC is a credentialing program managed by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), through the United States Coast Guard and the Transportation Security Administration.

  • The Consultant shall have a minimum of one TWIC compliant employee trained as an escort for every five workers not possessing TWIC cards working on a secured or restricted site.

  • PSGP funds are primarily intended to assist ports in enhancing maritime domain awareness, enhancing risk management capabilities to prevent, detect, respond to and recover from attacks involving improvised explosive devices (IEDs), weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) and other non-conventional weapons, as well as training and exercises and Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) implementation.

  • The Services may require the consultant to work within a secured/restricted TWIC regulated terminal.

  • For more information on TWIC visit

  • Persons requesting access to ASPA facilities who do not have a TWIC must make advance arrangements for escorting by a person holding a valid TWIC who has been approved for access to ASPA facilities and who has been granted escorting privileges.

  • Fees include TWIC, HAZMAT, Registered Traveler, and Alien Flight School Checks.

  • TWIC is required for all personnel needing unescorted access to secure and restricted areas of Port facilities subject to 33 CFR 105, including truckers, surveyors, construction personnel, and delivery personnel.

  • ESCORTING In accordance with U.S. Coast Guard regulation 33 CFR 101.514, all persons requiring unescorted access to secure areas of facilities regulated by the USCG must possess a Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) before such access is granted.

More Definitions of TWIC

TWIC means Trans-World Insurance Co., d/b/a Educaid, a wholly owned subsidiary of TMSI.

Related to TWIC

  • Client Group means Client, any corporate body of which Client is a subsidiary (as defined by s. 1159 of the Companies Act 2006), any other subsidiary of such corporate body and any subsidiary of Client;

  • Indirect services means special education services provided by a special education teacher which include ongoing progress reviews; cooperative planning; consultation; demonstration teaching; modification and adaptation of the environment, curriculum, materials, or equipment; and direct contact with children with disabilities to monitor and observe.

  • Comcast means Comcast Corporation, a Pennsylvania corporation.

  • Wireless means a wireless handheld validation unit used with a supporting Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) as part of an approved gaming system. Amended 1/14/15

  • Indirect holdings means all securities of a company that are held in an account or fund, including a mutual fund, that is managed by one or more persons who are not employed by the state treasurer or a retirement system, if the state treasurer or retirement system owns shares or interests either:

  • Digital Cross Connect System or "DCS" is a function which provides automated Cross Connection of Digital Signal Level 0 (DS0) or higher transmission bit rate digital channels within physical interface facilities. Types of DCS include but are not limited to DCS 1/0s, DCS 3/1s, and DCS 3/3s, where the nomenclature 1/0 denotes interfaces typically at the DS1 rate or greater with Cross Connection typically at the DS0 rate. This same nomenclature, at the appropriate rate substitution, extends to the other types of DCS specifically cited as 3/1 and 3/3. Types of DCS that cross connect Synchronous Transport Signal level 1 (STS-1 s) or other Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) signals (e.g., STS-3) are also DCS, although not denoted by this same type of nomenclature. DCS may provide the functionality of more than one of the aforementioned DCS types (e.g., DCS 3/3/1 which combines functionality of DCS 3/3 and DCS 3/1). For such DCS, the requirements will be, at least, the aggregation of requirements on the "component" DCS. In locations where automated Cross Connection capability does not exist, DCS will be defined as the combination of the functionality provided by a Digital Signal Cross Connect (DSX) or Light Guide Cross Connect (LGX) patch panels and D4 channel banks or other DS0 and above multiplexing equipment used to provide the function of a manual Cross Connection. Interconnection is between a DSX or LGX to a Switch, another Cross Connection, or other service platform device.

  • Supportive housing means housing with no limit on length of stay, that is occupied by the target population, and that is linked to an onsite or offsite service that assists the supportive housing resident in retaining the housing, improving his or her health status, and maximizing his or her ability to live and, when possible, work in the community.

  • broadcasting station means a station in the broadcasting service.

  • Telehealth means the mode of delivering health care services and public health via information and communication technologies to facilitate the diagnosis, consultation, treatment, education, care management, and self-managements of a patient’s health care while the patient is at the originating site and the health care provider is at a distant site. Telehealth facilitates patient self-management and caregiver support for patients and includes synchronous interactions and asynchronous store and forward transfers.

  • Asia means Afghanistan, Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, Mainland China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Zealand, North Korea, Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam.

  • direct line means either an electricity line linking an isolated generation site with an isolated customer or an electricity line linking an electricity producer and an electricity supply undertaking to supply directly their own premises, subsidiaries and eligible customers;

  • Direct Load Control means load reduction that is controlled directly by the Curtailment Service Provider’s market operations center or its agent, in response to PJM instructions.

  • ECC means the amount calculated by Contractor for the total cost of all elements of the Work based on this Agreement available at the time(s) that the ECC is prepared. The ECC shall be based on current market rates with reasonable allowance for overhead, profit and price escalation and shall include and consider, without limitation, all alternates and contingencies, designed and specified by A/E and the cost of labor and materials necessary for installation of Owner furnished equipment. The ECC shall include all the cost elements included in the AACC, as defined above, and shall represent Contractor’s best current estimate of the Guaranteed Maximum Price it will propose for the Project based on the information then available. The ECC shall not include Contractor’s Pre-Construction Phase Fee, A/E’s Fees, the cost of the land and rights-of-way, or any other costs that are the direct responsibility of Owner.

  • Peer Companies means the following companies which remain publicly traded throughout the entire TSR Measurement Period: AbbVie GlaxoSmithKline Amgen Johnson & Xxxxxxx AstraZeneca Merck Biogen Novartis Celgene Pfizer Xxx Xxxxx Xxxxx Gilead Sciences Sanofi Companies that were publicly traded as of the Award Date but are no longer publicly traded as of the end of the TSR Measurement Period shall be excluded, except that companies that are no longer publicly traded as of the end of the TSR Measurement Period due to filing for bankruptcy prior to the end of the TSR Measurement Period shall be assigned a Total Shareholder Return of -100% for the TSR Measurement Period. In the case of a merger or acquisition involving two Peer Companies during the TSR Measurement Period, the acquiree or merged company, as the case may be, shall be removed from the list of Peer Companies, and the acquirer or successor company, as the case may be, shall remain on the list of Peer Companies. In the case of a spinoff involving a Peer Company during the TSR Measurement Period, such company shall remain on the list of Peer Companies, provided that it remains an appropriate peer. Any new company formed as a result of the spinoff shall not be added to the list of Peer Companies for the current TSR Measurement Period (however, such company may be added to the list of Peer Companies for subsequent awards, if the Committee deems such inclusion appropriate). For the avoidance of doubt, following the closing of the Company’s acquisition of Celgene Corporation (“Celgene”), Celgene shall be has been removed from the list of Peer Companies.

  • broadcasting service means a radiocommunication service in which the transmissions are intended for direct reception by the general public. This service may include sound transmissions, television transmissions or other types of transmission.

  • Veteran-owned business means a business that is at least 51% owned by a veteran or veterans who are U.S. citizens and who control and operate the business

  • Network means the participating providers described in the Provider Directory.

  • Permanent Supportive Housing means voluntary, flexible supports to help individuals with psychiatric disabilities choose, get, and keep housing that is decent, safe, affordable, and integrated into the community. Tenants have access to an array of services that help them keep their housing, such as case management, assistance with daily activities, conflict resolution, and crisis response consistent with evidence-based practice standards published by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

  • business vertical means a distinguishable component of an enterprise that is engaged in the supply of individual goods or services or a group of related goods or services which is subject to risks and returns that are different from those of the other business verticals.

  • Management Group means the group consisting of the directors, executive officers and other management personnel of the Issuer or any direct or indirect parent of the Issuer, as the case may be, on the Issue Date together with (1) any new directors whose election by such boards of directors or whose nomination for election by the shareholders of the Issuer or any direct or indirect parent of the Issuer, as applicable, was approved by a vote of a majority of the directors of the Issuer or any direct or indirect parent of the Issuer, as applicable, then still in office who were either directors on the Issue Date or whose election or nomination was previously so approved and (2) executive officers and other management personnel of the Issuer or any direct or indirect parent of the Issuer, as applicable, hired at a time when the directors on the Issue Date together with the directors so approved constituted a majority of the directors of the Issuer or any direct or indirect parent of the Issuer, as applicable.

  • Broadband or “Broadband Service” means any service defined as Broadband, or having advanced telecommunications capability, in the most recent Federal Communications Commission inquiry pursuant to Section 706 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (P.L. 104-104).2

  • SAP Group means SAP Parent and any of its Associated Companies.

  • Cable television service means the one-way transmission to subscribers of video programming and other programming service and subscriber interaction, if any, that is required for the selection or use of the video programming or other programming service.

  • DHCS PI means Personal Information, as defined below, accessed in a database 20 maintained by the COUNTY or DHCS, received by CONTRACTOR from the COUNTY or DHCS or 21 acquired or created by CONTRACTOR in connection with performing the functions, activities and 22 services specified in the Agreement on behalf of the COUNTY.

  • Networking means NSCC’s system that allows mutual funds and life insurance companies to exchange account level information electronically; and “Settling Bank” shall mean the entity appointed by the Trust or you, as applicable, to perform such settlement services on behalf of the Trust and you, as applicable, which entity agrees to abide by NSCC’s then current rules and procedures insofar as they relate to same day funds settlement. In all cases, processing and settlement of share transactions shall be done in a manner consistent with applicable law.

  • Native Hawaiian means any individual who is a descendant of the aboriginal people who, prior to 1778, occupied and exercised sovereignty in the area that now constitutes the State of Hawaii.