Trial Run or Trial Operation definition

Trial Run or Trial Operation means the successful running of the Generating Station or Unit thereof at MCR or Installed Capacity for continuous period of 72 hours in case of Unit of a Thermal Generating Station or Unit thereof and 12 hours in case of a Unit of a hydro Generating Station or Unit thereof:Provided that:

Related to Trial Run or Trial Operation

  • Commercial Operation means the condition of operation in which the complete equipment covered under the Contract is officially declared by the Owner to be available for continuous operation at different loads up to and including rated capacity. Such declaration by the Owner, however, shall not relieve or prejudice the Contractor of any of his obligations under the Contract.

  • Initial Operation means the first integral operation of the complete equipment covered under the Contract with the sub-system and supporting equipment in service or available for service.

  • Commercial Operations Upon satisfaction of the following conditions, the Facility shall be considered to have achieved Commercial Operations on the Day specified in Seller's written notice described below: (i) the Acceptance Test has been passed, (ii) all generating units have passed Control System Acceptance Tests, (iii) the Transfer Date has occurred, (iv) Seller has (1) provided to Company the Required Models (as defined in Section 6(a) (Seller's Obligation to Provide Models) of Attachment B (Facility Owned by Seller)) in the form of Source Code, (2) placed the current version of the Source Code for the Required Models with the Source Code Escrow Agent as required in Section 6(b)(i)(A) (Establishment of Source Code Escrow) of Attachment B (Facility Owned by Seller), or (3) if Seller is unable to arrange for the placement of the appropriate Source Code into the Source Code Escrow account, placed the required funds with the Monetary Escrow Agent as required in Section 6(b)(ii)(A) (Establishment of Monetary Escrow) of Attachment B (Facility Owned by Seller), and (v) Seller provides Company with written notice that (aa) Seller is ready to declare the Commercial Operations Date and (bb) the Commercial Operations Date will occur within 24 hours (i.e., the next Day).

  • Commercial cannabis activity means the production, cultivation,

  • Phase 2 Trial means a human clinical trial conducted on study subjects with the disease or condition being studied for the principal purpose of achieving a preliminary determination of efficacy or appropriate dosage ranges, as further described in 21 C.F.R. §312.21(b) (including any such clinical study in any country other than the United States).

  • Commercial Operation Date means the date on which the Facility achieves Commercial Operation.

  • In operation means engaged in activity related to the primary design function of the source.

  • Phase 1 Trial means, with respect to a Licensed Product, a clinical trial (or — in case of a multi-phase clinical trial — those parts of a clinical trial) in line with the provisions of 21CFR312, Section 21 (a).

  • Testson Completion means the tests which are specified in the Contractor agreed by both Parties or instructed as a Variation, and which are carried out under Clause 9 [Tests on Completion] before the Works or a Section (as the case may be) are taken over by the Procuring Entity.

  • Commercial sexual activity means sexual activity for which anything of value is given

  • Date of Commercial Operation or “COD” means

  • Production Operations means all operations conducted for the purpose of producing Petroleum from the Development Area after the commencement of production from the Development Area including the operation and maintenance of all necessary facilities therefor.

  • Phase 2 Clinical Trial means a human clinical trial, for which the primary endpoints include a determination of dose ranges or an indication of efficacy in patients being studied as described in 21 C.F.R. §312.21(b), or an equivalent clinical trial in a country in the Territory other than the United States.

  • Phase 3 Trial means a human clinical trial of a Product on a sufficient number of subjects that is designed to establish that a pharmaceutical product is safe and efficacious for its intended use, and to determine warnings, precautions and adverse reactions that are associated with such pharmaceutical product in the dosage range to be prescribed, which trial is intended to support Approval of a Product, as described in 21 C.F.R. 312.21(c) for the United States, or a similar clinical study prescribed by the Regulatory Authorities in a foreign country.

  • Phase 1 Clinical Trial means a Clinical Trial of a Product on sufficient numbers of normal volunteers and/or patients that is designed to establish that such Product is safe for its intended use and to support its continued testing in Phase 2 Clinical Trials. For purposes of this Agreement, ‘initiation’ of a Phase 1 Clinical Trial for a Product means the first dosing of such Product in a human subject in a Phase 1 Clinical Trial.