transportation by rail transport of non-public use definition

transportation by rail transport of non-public use means rolling stock and/or goods moved by owners of rail transport of non-public use under an agreement (or to meet their own needs (without entering into a contract of carriage) by rail tracks of non-public use without coming to the tracks of public use;

Related to transportation by rail transport of non-public use

  • air transport means the carriage by aircraft of passengers, baggage, cargo, and mail, separately or in combination, held out to the public for remuneration or hire, including scheduled and non-scheduled air services;

  • Air transportation means the public carriage by aircraft of passengers, baggage, cargo, and mail, separately or in combination, for remuneration or hire;

  • Air Transportation Business means the carriage by aircraft of persons or property as a common carrier for compensation or hire, or carriage of cargo or mail by aircraft, in air commerce, as defined in 49 U.S.C. § 40102, as amended.

  • commercial air transport means an aircraft operation involving the transport of passengers, cargo, or mail for remuneration or hire.

  • air transport service means a service for the transport by air of persons, mails or any other thing, animate or inanimate, for any kind of remuneration whatsoever, whether such service consists of a single flight or series of flights;

  • Waste Disposal Site means a Waste Disposal Site which is not a Hauled Sewage Disposal Site, a Sewage Works or a Waste Stabilization Pond; and

  • International air transportation means transportation by air between a place in the United States and a place outside the United States or between two places both of which are outside the United States.

  • Emergency Medical Transportation means the transportation, by ambulance, of sick, injured or otherwise incapacitated persons who require emergency medical care.

  • Ambient air quality standard means an established concentration, exposure time, and frequency of occurrence of air contaminant(s) in the ambient air which shall not be exceeded.

  • Solid Waste Disposal Facility means any facility involved in the disposal of solid waste, as defined in NCGS 130A-290(a)(35).

  • Underground source of drinking water means an aquifer or its portion:

  • Transportation district and "district" shall mean the

  • Sewage disposal system means all interceptor sewers, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, combined sanitary and storm sewers, sewage treatment plants, and all other plants, works, instrumentalities, and properties used or useful in connection with the collection, treatment, and disposal of sewage and industrial wastes, and includes a storm water drain system under the jurisdiction and control of a governmental agency.

  • Solid Waste Disposal Site means, as defined in NCGS 130A-290(a)(36), any place at which solid wastes are disposed of by incineration, sanitary landfill, or any other method.

  • waste disposal facility means an individual or entity that has been issued a medical marijuana waste disposal facility license by the Department to dispose of medical marijuana waste as authorized in Oklahoma law and these Rules.

  • Private Sewage Disposal System means a system which provides for the treatment or disposal of domestic sewage from four or fewer dwelling units or the equivalent of less than sixteen individuals on a continuing basis.

  • Transportation Facilities means any physical facility that moves or assist in the movement of people or goods including facilities identified in OAR 660-012-0020 but excluding electricity, sewage, and water systems.

  • National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit or “NPDES” means a permit issued by the MPCA as required by federal law for the purpose of regulating the discharge of pollutants from point sources into waters of the United States from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) as defined by federal law

  • international air transport means air transport that passes through the airspace over the territory of more than one State;

  • National Ambient Air Quality Standards or “NAAQS” means national ambient air quality standards that are promulgated pursuant to Section 109 of the Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7409.

  • Transportation Service Agreement means the contract between KUB and the Customer whereby KUB agrees to provide transportation gas service to the Customer.

  • Household waste means any solid waste (including garbage, trash, and sanitary waste in septic tanks) derived from households (including single and multiple residences, hotels and motels, bunkhouses, ranger stations, crew quarters, campgrounds, picnic grounds, and day-use recreation areas).

  • Gas Transporter means the licensed operator of the transportation network through which gas is transported to you;

  • National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) means the national program for issuing, modifying, revoking and reissuing, terminating, monitoring, and enforcing permits and imposing and enforcing pretreatment requirements, under Sections 307, 318, 402, and 405 of CWA. The term includes an approved program.

  • Universal waste transporter means a person engaged in the off-site transportation of universal waste by air, rail, highway, or water.

  • Transportation Agreement means an agreement pursuant to the Tariff under which Transporter provides Transportation or other contract services to a Shipper.