Third Party Property Damage Cover definition

Third Party Property Damage Cover means if this is shown on Your Policy Schedule, We will provide cover to You under Section 2, Part A of Motorpack only.

Examples of Third Party Property Damage Cover in a sentence

  • Within sixty (60) days of its receipt of such invoice, HRSD shall reimburse the COUNTY for HRSD’s share of the material costs as detailed in the invoice.

  • This Policy is available exclusively to You through a Steadfast Broker.Steadfast does not issue, guarantee or underwrite this Policy.ABOUT THIS POLICYYou can choose one of the following two types of cover:• Comprehensive Cover; or• Third Party Property Damage Cover only.If We issue You a Policy, You will be given a Policy Schedule.

  • Substitute vehicle This applies to Comprehensive Cover, Third Party Property Damage, Fire and Theft Cover and Third Party Property Damage Cover.

  • Uninsured motorist extension This applies to Third Party Property Damage, Fire and Theft Cover and Third Party Property Damage Cover.

  • Legal liability – cover for damage to other people’s property This applies to Comprehensive Cover, Third Party Property Damage, Fire and Theft Cover and Third Party Property Damage Cover.

  • There are two types of products you can buy: Third Party Property Damage Cover and Comprehensive Cover.

  • There may be instances where the patient is too ill to receive any dental treatment.

  • Part C – Third Party Property Damage Cover for damage to other people’s property (legal liability) Where Your Vehicle is registered or licensed as required by law for use on public roads, We will cover You for any amount for which You become legally liable to pay as compensation in respect of loss or Damage to someone else’s property caused by a motor vehicle Accident during the Period of Insurance, which is partly or fully Your fault up to the limit of indemnity shown below.

  • Optional covers are not available with Fire, Theft and Third Party Property Damage Cover or Third Party Property Damage Cover.

  • Parents are encouraged to be involved in education and are assisted in supporting their children’s learning in mathematics.

Related to Third Party Property Damage Cover

  • Property damage means physical injury to, destruction of, or loss of use of tangible property.

  • Severe property damage means substantial physical damage to property, damage to the treatment facilities which would cause them to become inoperable, or substantial and permanent loss of natural resources which can reasonably be expected to occur in the absence of a bypass. Severe property damage does not mean economic loss caused by delays in production.

  • Loss or Damage means any loss or damage to the Vehicle, including that caused by theft of the Vehicle or by adverse weather events, that requires repair or replacement including the loss of use of the Vehicle (demurrage), legal expenses, assessment fees, towing and recovery costs, storage, service charges and any appraisal fees of the Vehicle;

  • Damage to Property means physical injury to or destruction of tangible property, including the loss of its use. Tangible property includes the cost of recreating or replacing stocks, bonds, deeds, mortgages, bank deposits and similar instruments, but does not include the value represented by such instruments.

  • Major Damage means damage that in the estimation of the surveyor exceeds USD

  • Environmental Damage means any injury or damage to persons, living organisms or property (including offence to man’s senses) or any pollution or impairment of the environment resulting from the discharge, emission, escape or migration of any substance, energy, noise or vibration;

  • Accidental Bodily Injury means an Injury sustained as the result of an Accident and independently of all other causes by an outside traumatic event or due to exposure to the elements.

  • Catastrophic Damage as used hereunder is major change or damage to In- cluded Timber on Sale Area, to Sale Area, to access to Sale Area, or a combination thereof:

  • Serious bodily injury means bodily injury which involves a substantial risk of death, extreme physical pain, protracted obvious disfigurement or protracted loss or impairment of the function of a bodily member, organ or mental faculty.

  • Accidental Damage means physical damage, breakage or failure of Your Covered Equipment due to an unforeseen and unintentional event occurring either due to handling (e.g., dropping the Covered Equipment or through liquid contact) or due to an external event (e.g., extreme environmental or atmospheric conditions). The damage must affect the functionality of Your Covered Equipment, which includes cracks to the display screen that affect the visibility of the display.

  • Direct Damage has the meaning given to it in clause 26.2;

  • Substantial bodily injury means "bodily injury which involves (A) a temporary but substantial disfigurement; or (B) a temporary but substantial loss or impairment of the function of any bodily member, organ, or mental faculty." See 18 U.S.C. § 113(b)(1).

  • Bodily injury means bodily injury, sickness or disease sustained by a person, including death resulting from any of these at any time.

  • Environmental Damages means all claims, judgments, damages, losses, penalties, fines, liabilities, encumbrances, liens, costs and expenses of investigation and defense of any claim, including, without limitation, attorney’s fees, that are incurred at any time as a result of the existence of Environmental Conditions upon, about or beneath the Project Site or migrating or threatening to migrate to or from the Site, and including, without limitation:

  • Catastrophic illness or injury means one of the following:

  • Advertising injury means injury arising out of one or more of the following offenses:

  • Structural damage means a covered building, regardless of the date of its construction, has experienced the following.

  • Materially Damaged means damage which, in Seller's reasonable estimation, exceeds $500,000.00 to repair or which, in Seller's reasonable estimation, will take longer than ninety (90) days to repair.

  • Premises Partial Damage means damage or destruction to the improvements on the Premises, other than Lessee Owned Alterations and Utility Installations, the repair cost of which damage or destruction is less than 50% of the then Replacement Cost of the Premises immediately prior to such damage or destruction, excluding from such calculation the value of the land and Lessee Owned Alterations and Utility Installations.

  • Personal Injury means injury, other than "bodily injury", arising out of one or more of the following offenses:

  • Material Damage and “Materially damaged” means damage (w) resulting in the Property not complying with all legal requirements applicable to the Property, (x) reasonably exceeding $300,000 or (y) that entitles any tenant of the Property to terminate its Lease, or (z) which, in Buyer’s or Seller’s reasonable estimation, will take longer than 120 days to repair.

  • Work loss means loss of income from work the injured victim would have performed if the injured victim had not been injured and expenses reasonably incurred by the injured victim in obtaining services in lieu of those the injured victim would have performed for income,

  • D&O Liability Insurance Policies means all insurance policies (including any “tail policy”) of any of the Debtors for liability of any current or former directors, managers, officers, and members.

  • Liability Insurance means compulsory professional liability errors and omissions insurance required by a governing body;

  • Injury/Injured means a bodily injury caused by an accident occurring while the Insured’s coverage under this Policy is in force and resulting directly and independently of all other causes of Loss covered by this Policy. The injury must be verified by a Physician.

  • Site Coverage means ratio expressed in percentage between the area covered by the ground floor of building and the area of the site;