SYSTEM AUTHORIZATIONS means any and all licenses, permits, contracts and agreements with or from all boards, public utilities, agencies, departments, governmental or otherwise, required by law or applicable contract to construct the Project or operate the System, whether heretofore or hereafter issued or executed, together with all amendments, modifications or addenda thereto.


  • Product Authorizations means any and all approvals, licenses, notifications, registrations or authorizations of any Governmental Authority for the testing, manufacture, development, distribution, use, storage, import, export, transport, promotion, marketing, sale or commercialization of a Product in any country or jurisdiction, including, without limitation, registration and listing, INDs, NDAs and similar applications.

  • Prior authorization means that we must approve the Services in advance in order for the Services to be covered.

  • Service Authorization means that Open Ecosystem Partner needs to meet specific qualification requirements for the products included in a “Service” Product Family that Open Ecosystem Partner wants to promote and offer Services for as set out in detail in the Open Ecosystem Program Guide.

  • Authorizations means all licenses, permits and approvals required by any governmental or quasi-governmental agency, body or officer for the ownership, operation and use of the Property or any part thereof.

  • Governmental Authorizations means any approval, consent, license, permit, waiver, or other authorization issued, granted, given, or otherwise made available by or under the authority of any Governmental Entity or pursuant to any Legal Requirement.

  • Private Authorizations means all franchises, permits, licenses, approvals, consents and other authorizations of all Persons (other than Governmental Authorities).

  • Governmental Authorization means any permit, license, authorization, plan, directive, consent order or consent decree of or from any Governmental Authority.

  • Governmental Approvals means all authorizations, consents, approvals, permits, licenses and exemptions of, registrations and filings with, and reports to, all Governmental Authorities.

  • Project Approvals means all approvals, consents, waivers, orders, agreements, authorizations, permits and licenses required under Applicable Laws or under the terms of any restriction, covenant, easement or agreement affecting all or any applicable Phase of the Project, or otherwise necessary or desirable for the ownership, acquisition, construction, development, equipping, use or operation of the Project.